Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ceceros on moral duty Essay

Man is endowed with reason where unlike animals, he is able to understand how things come about, and be able to interpret how causes relate to the effects. From there, the man bequeath be able to draw conclusion and relate the current and the future appropriately. In most cases man result try to look for a verity and the necessary changes in life to adapt with the situation. It is no doubt that man has a feeling for order, politeness and moderation in life. It is because of this that moral goodness is expense all told respect and by all means, we appropriately maintain it.The moral right emanate from the four sources. These sources include Its concern with the full development of the authoritative intelligent, its concern about the conservation of the organized society, its greatness ant power of a dignified and unbeatable spirit, or its concern with the orderliness and the moderation of all that is said and done. Clearly, one is able to observe the real truth in any given sour ces, and when he can detect and explain the reasons behind it accordingly he impart be able to wisely understand itThe other virtues, is set to provide and maintain such things where the practical business of life relied on such that there will be conservation of the relation between man to man in the society. In that case the dignity of man will be improved to help them increase their superiority to these things. However, the orderly behavior and the self control have their sphere in the section of things where a sealed amount of physical effort is required. For example, if we develop a certain amount of propriety and order to the daily activities the moral rectitude and the moral dignity will be conserved.The interest of the society should be best conserved, and kindness be shown to every person in relation to the proximity of his relationship. However, it is important to trace buns into their eventual sources that nature has established among men. The first principle is found in the connection between members of the human race, and the bond of connection is reason and speech which by dint of the process educating reasoning associate men and unite them together.

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