Thursday, August 27, 2020
Evolution of Business Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Development of Business Theories - Essay Example Association of Business Environments The term business condition can be basically characterized as a lot of prudent, social, political, legitimate, and institutional conditions which are unmanageable in nature, and impact the everyday presentation of an association. The structure of business condition has two significant parts including interior condition and outside condition. As indicated by Daft and Marcic (2010), inside condition contains man, material, cash, apparatus, and the executives and it is as a rule inside the control of business; though, outside condition speaks to factors which are outside the ability to control of the association (pp.47-48). The outer condition is again subcategorized into two, for example, large scale condition and small scale condition. Providers, clients, showcase middle people, contenders, and open comprise smaller scale condition while large scale condition incorporates monetary, socio-social, innovative, segment, and universal situations. For th e most part, outer situations of associations, especially that of global enterprises, identify with one another paying little mind to their modern contrasts. As indicated by Bird and Stevens, â€Å"increasingly, a recognizable and homogeneous gathering is rising in any event inside the world business community†(refered to in Samovar, Porter, and McDaniel, 2009, p.11). Scientists contend that multifaceted contrasts might possibly impact the association of business situations, on the grounds that social components to a great extent digress from locale to area. These days, an elevated level cooperation is seen among business conditions. Industrialization and urbanization along with the rise of data innovation give unending chances to business houses; and accordingly, present day firms will in general extend universally. Thus, various global plans of action created including import/send out organizations, franchisee models, joint endeavors, outside direct speculations, and merge rs and acquisitions. Every one of these models requires communication of business situations. As Maznevski, Steger, and Amann (2007) remark, present day business the board is a much intricate assignment; and decent variety, visit showcase pattern changes, and vagueness are the significant drivers of this multifaceted nature. This unpredictability thus prompts vulnerability in regards to future. Numerous administration specialists are of the view that worldwide association can have an incredible job in decreasing current business unpredictability. Subsequently, various associations have as of late embraced an intuitive business style where its outer surroundings speak with one another. This expanded cooperation of business conditions helps associations to successfully foresee future patterns and quickly react to unanticipated possibilities. Likewise, business environments’ associations have incredibly supported firms to evade undesirable market rivalry and in this manner to tr im down superfluous operational costs. Besides, this arrangement would help organizations to effortlessly arrive at worldwide clients and increment the land inclusion of the business. In this manner obviously, cooperation of all business conditions has prompted the advancement of a globalized business condition, which offers unending open doors for present day associations. Business Theories While investigating the advanced business period, the old worldview of strategic policies appears to be ineffective on the grounds that market and market patterns have been outstandingly changed in the course of recent decades. These days
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friedrich Nietzsche a Philosopher in Society Essay
Friedrich Nietzsche a Philosopher in Society - Essay Example This paper investigates that patriotism is the conviction that gatherings of individuals are bound together by regional, social and (some of the time) ethnic connections (Glossary, on the web). Free enterprise is a monetary framework wherein the creation and dissemination of merchandise rely upon contributed private capital and benefit making. Strategically, this implies the strength of private proprietors of capital and creation for benefit. By expansion, 'private enterprise' has likewise taken in the conviction that administration ought to have nothing to do with the economy (Glossary, on the web). Private enterprise is a type of government for a country state, or for an association wherein all the residents have a vote or voice in molding strategy (Democracy, on the web). Communism is a political and monetary hypothesis of social association that advocates that the network in general should claim and control the methods for creation (Glossary, on the web). Conservatism is a politi cal way of thinking or demeanor that accentuates regard for customary foundations, doubt of government activism and restriction to abrupt change in the built up request (Glossary, on the web). Radicalism is a term that picked up criticalness in the nineteenth century when it implied the constraining of government power and the expansion of social change (Glossary, on the web). ... Very Human, Daybreak, The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, The Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and The Will to Power (Friedrich Nietzsche an, on the web). Friedrich Nietzsche is well known for his dismissal of Christianity (Friedrich Nietzsche b, on the web). He portrayed Christianity as a skeptical religion since it sidestepped the test of discovering importance in natural life, making rather a profound projection where mortality and enduring were expelled rather than rose above. He accepted agnosticism came about because of the demise of God, and demanded that it was something to be survived, by returning importance to a monistic reality. He looked for rather an even minded vision, as opposed to the unmistakable impact of Schopenhauer's infinite vision (Nihilism, on the web). He is additionally renowned for his concept of will to control. Trusts in a higher condition of being after death are clarified as pay for disappointments in this life. The well known view about the demise of God came about because of his perceptions of the development from conventional convictions to a trust of science and business. Nietzsche analyzed Christianity and Socialism as beliefs of the little men, where pardons for shortcoming marched as good standards. John Stuart Mill's liberal equitable humanism was an objective for hatred, and he called Mill that idiot (Friedrich Nietzsche b, on the web).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Communicating in Forums – Anthony’s Dilemma
Imparting In Forums †Anthony's Dilemma Carla Landes Gen/105 September 25, 2011 Arianne P. Bellizaire Communicating In Forums †Anthony's Dilemma To me, it is significant when talking in class gatherings that I pick my comprehensive expressing great. One ought to never make suppositions when imparting in gatherings and expression remarks as though in a â€Å"professional†setting. When posting the greater part of my reactions to conversation questions, I attempt to address a particular individual and as a rule not the whole class and base my reaction accordingly.The first mistake that I feel Anthony made in his reaction to the class was â€Å"Hi folks. †It shows up in the expressing of his welcome that Anthony accepted the class was all male. Despite the fact that, this appears to some degree chauvinist, I anyway would not dislike this sort of welcome per state as it is normally a sexual orientation amicable welcome. I do feel that the remainder of Anthony's re action with respect to his involvement with the organization meeting was very misogynist, in particular, how Anthony was shocked that the female or â€Å"lady†as he called her had â€Å"many great things†to say.I by and by would not have referenced the sexual orientation of the speaker, however just alluded to the â€Å"speaker†at the gathering. A large portion of Anthony's conversation reaction concentrates more in setting with guys going to this gathering just by utilizing a portion of his illustrative expressions, for example, â€Å"the old fashioned boys†and just referenced the male administrators, which would lead one to accept there were no female supervisors present. Anthony ought to have utilized language, for example, â€Å"Hi Class†or Hi All. †Also, Anthony could have been increasingly comprehensive with his portrayals of the supervisors, for example, â€Å"The directors and their families.I would imagine that Anthony's anxie ty over not insulting anybody to me shows that had he had an eye to eye discussion in a similar language, the reaction might not have been deciphered as misogynist. Anthony could have explained himself contrastingly in his reaction. Taking everything into account, Anthony's reaction was non-comprehensive language and stating. His first error and my guidance to Anthony would be never surge when imparting in a gathering discussion. Rather than hurrying through the task, Anthony ought to have stood by to post his reaction. Pick expressing cautiously and keep conclusions and feelings separate from the post.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Bcg Matrix Model ( 1970 ) - 923 Words
The BCG Matrix Model (1970) is used to recognize the market position for each organization and balance the cash cow for business (Harrison and St John, 2007). As the figure shown, there are four factors in the model: question marks, stars, dogs and cash cow. The Y-axis of Figure is marker growth which can evaluate the business prospects by the speed of development. The X-axis is market share which evaluate the competitive position of business (Harrison and St John, 2007). Ibis is a question marks in the hotel market which have low market share but high market growth. According to the BCG Matrix Model (1970), the cash cow is the top of market which have high market share and low market growth (Forsyth et al., 2004). If Ibis want to be a cash cow of hotel industry, it must do a series of activities to increase the profit and market share. First, the employees of Ibis need to learn more international knowledge as the strengthen globalized traveling trend. The World Tourism Commission (WTC) published a statistics which the number of international tourists will increase about 30% in 2018 because tourism become the largest and fastest growing industries (World Travel Tourism Council, 2015). By this trend, Ibis will meet more foreigners in traveling. If Ibis want to catch this trend and make better development, staffs need to have more international expertise. Ibis should make the training program about foreign culture for staffs like verbal communication and acted behavior.Show MoreRelatedBcg Growth Share Matrix772 Words  | 4 PagesDublin Institute of Technology MSc COMPUTING SCIENCE (Information Technology for Strategic Management) BCG Growth Share Matrix Research Assignment No. 2 The BCG Growth-Share Matrix The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a portfolio planning model that was developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970s. It is based on the observation that organisations business units can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market growth and market shareRead MoreBcg Matrix Critique1958 Words  | 8 PagesMarketing Critique: BCG Matrix Your Name Here Table of Contents Introduction 3 Concept Overview 3 Functional Critique 5 Intellectual Critique 6 Ethical Critique 7 Political Critique 8 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 9 Introduction This paper will attempt to provide a broad critique of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix in light of the ideas of Hackley (2009). In his book Marketing:A Critical Introduction, Hackley presents a framework for analysing marketing models. He suggests thatRead MoreGe Matrix1190 Words  | 5 PagesThe GE matrix is an alternative technique used in brand marketing and product management to help a company decide what product(s) to add to its product portfolio, and which market opportunities are worthy of continued investment. Also known as the Directional Policy Matrix, the GE multi-factor model was first developed by General Electric in the 1970s. Conceptually, the GE Matrix is similar to the Boston Box as it is plotted on a two-dimensional grid. In most versions of the matrix: * theRead MoreThe Bcg Matrix1694 Words  | 7 PagesBCG Matrix Opportunity - Threat Analysis Submitted to: Professor Clyde By : Parth Mithani Roll No. 60 F.Y.M.M.S. Alkesh Dinesh Modi Institute for Financial amp; Management Studies. 1) The BCG Matrix The BCG / Growth-Share matrix is a model developed by the Boston Consultancy Group in the early 1970’s. It is a well known tool for a marketing manager. It is based on the observation that a company’s business units can be classified into four main categories based on combinations of market growthRead MoreBcg Matrix Analysis2570 Words  | 11 PagesBCG Matrix Model BCG Matrix Model The BCG matrix or also called BCG model relates to marketing. The BCG model is a well-known portfolio management tool used in product life cycle theory. BCG matrix is often used to prioritize which products within company product mix get more funding and attention. The BCG matrix model is a portfolio planning model developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970s. The BCG model is based on classification of products (and implicitlyRead MoreBcg Paper1921 Words  | 8 PagesManagement BCG Matrix Written by : Afringga Qurani A.S. (008201100114) Dery Apriani S. (008201100033) Firdausi Fananiar (008201100086) Mutmainnah Hauliyah (008201100120) Putri Azizah S. (008201100023) Rizqi Mulia Raya (008201100106) Lecturer : Mr. Irfan Habsjah Class : Accounting 2 President University Jababeka Education Park, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Cikarang – Bekasi 17550 BCG Matrix Definition of BCG Matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix is a four celled matrix (aRead MoreMarketing strategy1487 Words  | 6 Pages(Smith, Ansoff) or brand expansion (Borden, Ansoff, Kerin and Peterson, 1978) (48). Market maturity strategies In maturity, sales growth slows, stabilizes and starts to decline. In early maturity, it is common to employ a maintenance strategy (BCG), where the firm maintains or holds a stable marketing mix (48). Market decline strategies At some point the decline in sales approaches and then begins to exceed costs. And not just accounting costs, there are hidden costs as well; as Kotler (1965Read MoreMarketing strategies1092 Words  | 5 Pages(Smith, Ansoff) or brand expansion (Borden, Ansoff, Kerin and Peterson, 1978) (48). Market maturity strategies In maturity, sales growth slows, stabilizes and starts to decline. In early maturity, it is common to employ a maintenance strategy (BCG), where the firm maintains or holds a stable marketing mix (48). Market decline strategies At some point the decline in sales approaches and then begins to exceed costs. And not just accounting costs, there are hidden costs as well; as Kotler (1965Read MoreBcg Paper1933 Words  | 8 PagesManagement BCG Matrix Written by : Afringga Qurani A.S. (008201100114) Dery Apriani S. (008201100033) Firdausi Fananiar (008201100086) Mutmainnah Hauliyah (008201100120) Putri Azizah S. (008201100023) Rizqi Mulia Raya (008201100106) Lecturer : Mr. Irfan Habsjah Class : Accounting 2 President University Jababeka Education Park, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Cikarang – Bekasi 17550 BCG Matrix Definition of BCG Matrix Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix is a four celled matrix (a 2 * 2 matrix) developedRead MoreCase Study : Management People Organization1294 Words  | 6 Pagesbut due to its product qualities and features it has become popular in international markets. Apple use all management strategies to make their company stable and strong. Its management team also focus on business theories like - SWOT analysis, BCG matrix and Porter’s competitive advantage strategy. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is an analytical tool that is used find out the external and internal factors of the organization, like – S-strength and w-weakness are internal factors of organization. Along
Friday, May 15, 2020
TEWWG Research Paper - 1206 Words
Amelia Heath Mrs. Russell AP Language 25 November 2014 The Broken Family Cycle â€Å"Like father, like son; like mother, like daughter,†right? Well in this case it’s surprisingly not. In the 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie Crawford, raised by her grandmother, does not follow the family cycle of getting violently raped by a white man and having a child at a young age. Family cycles are scientifically proven, stating that patterns in previous generations will most likely continue in the following generation, unless somehow prevented. Nanny, who dearly cares for Janie, is beyond protective, only because she fears for her granddaughter’s safety. In Hurston’s novel, Nanny did not have good experiences with†¦show more content†¦First being loving and passionate, the relationship turns abusive as Tea Cake takes his anger out on Janie. She does not completely break the cycle of abuse. This time, Janie does nothing. She does not fight back at all. It is not that Janie coul d not fight back. She really trusted Tea Cake to love and protect her. When she gets hit she receives an overwhelming sense of betrayal and shock (Kesler). It was truly heartbreaking. Fighting back could even make thing worse and make Tea Cake even more aggressive. Janie was so deeply in love that she couldn’t leave. Even if she wanted to, she would have nowhere to go. In many cases when the woman tries to leave, the man becomes even angrier and would threaten them (Kesler). Resisting the control of the abuser only seems to make matters worse. Just like Janie, many women are physically abused. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by their partner each year. Nearly eighty five percent of domestic violence victims are women and females between the ages of twenty and twenty-four are at the greatest risk of partner violence. Janie was only one of the few women to be assaulted. In the 1900’s, Janie ’s time, it was even more likely that women were abused since men had more rights. One of the universal themes of literature is the idea that children suffer because of the mistakes of an earlier generation. In Janie’s case,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Biology 10 Testbank and Answers - 4176 Words
Cahpter 10 Biology, 7e (Campbell) Chapter 10: Photosynthesis Chapter Questions 1) Organisms that can exist with light as an energy source and an inorganic form of carbon and other raw materials A) are called photoautotrophs. B) do not exist in nature. C) are called heterotrophs. D) are best classified as decomposers. E) both C and D Answer: A Topic: Overview Skill: Knowledge 2) Which type of organism obtains energy by metabolizing molecules produced by other organisms? A) autotrophs B) heterotrophs C) decomposers D) B and C E) A, B, and C Answer: D Topic: Concept 10.1 Skill: Knowledge 3) The early suggestion that the oxygen (O2) liberated from plants during photosynthesis comes from water was A) first proposed by C.B.†¦show more content†¦Answer: C Topic: Concept 10.2 Skill: Knowledge 12) An outcome of this experiment was to help determine A) the relationship between heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms. B) the relationship between wavelengths of light and the rate of aerobic respiration. C) the relationship between wavelengths of light and the amount of heat released. D) the relationship between wavelengths of light and the oxygen released during photosynthesis. E) the relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide and the rate of photosynthesis. Answer: D Topic: Concept 10.2 Skill: Knowledge 13) If you ran the same experiment without passing light through a prism, what would you predict? A) There would be no difference in results. B) The bacteria would be relatively evenly distributed along the algal filaments. C) The number of bacteria present would decrease due to an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration. D) The number of bacteria present would increase due to an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration. E) The number of bacteria would decrease due to a decrease in the temperature of the water. Answer: B Topic: Concept 10.2 Skill: Application Figure 10.1 14) Figure 10.1 shows the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a and the action spectrum for photosynthesis. Why are they different? A) Green and yellow wavelengths inhibit the absorption of red and blue wavelengths. B) Bright sunlight destroys photosynthetic pigments. C) Oxygen given offShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 PagesDear All, If you need any solution manual, testbank for testbooks from the list, do contact us anytime, we provide competitive prices and fast delivery after payment done. Contact us: smtbportal(at)gmail(dot)com 2010 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with HR Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Solution Manual 2010 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with HR Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Test Bank 2010 Federal Taxation with HR Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
An Analysis of Effectiveness of Social Media Campaign on Buying Intent
Question: An analysis of effectiveness of social media campaign on buying intention in retail business. Answer: Introduction Background of the Research Within a very short period, the social media advertising has come a long way. As opined by Tuten and Solomon (2013), at the time of its launching in May 2005, Facebook provided its first promotional option, about which it has never been predicted thatthe social media publicity returns would be more than $8.4 billionby 2015. Hence, it can easily be said that, over the years, the growth and popularity of internet has been widespread across the world. This has significantly changed or altered the overall approach of people towards shopping. Especially, the social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter provides the platform to change the traditional way of marketing. As mentioned by Liu and Lopez (2014), Facebook has more than 700 million regular active users along with 1.5 million business pages and 30 pieces of content shared on each month. With the growth and popularity of internet, social media has significantly emerged to be one of the most prominent and innovative platform in terms of marketing and promotional activities (Noreen and Han (2015). According to Kemp, Eagle and Verne (2010), Business organizations across the globe have significantly recognized the importance of social media as a major marketing tool for influencing the overall buying behaviour or patterns among the customers. Owing to the growth of modern technologies, in terms of communication, along with the enhanced aids of information, Park and Jun (2012) observed that the modern day consumers are highly inclined towards online or internet shopping which specifically refers to the distinctive process of buying or purchasing of products and services through internet by using the social media websites. As opined by Biddle and Emmett (2011) in 2014, mobile promotion comprisedalmost 68% of the profit share of Facebook and almost 84% of the profit share of Twitter. As mentioned by Liu and Lopez (2014) in the global context, two-thirds of media promotion spend is anticipated to go to the mobile ads in 2018, which will create almost $9.1 billion sell via mobile. The growth and advancements in the field of social media is said to have an influential impact on the different life aspects of people across the globe. Social media is seen to support its users in the fields of business, advertising, marketing and education (Hudson, 2013). As mentioned by Biddle and Emmett (2011), considering the perspective of business, social media offers an effective platform for the respective buyers and business for directly interacting to each other, which makes it easy for the businesses to market their products and services among a large number of social media users across the globe. Market observations have significantly highlighted the fact that modern day consumers are seen to make progressive use of technology especially social media as a major tool for the purpose of online shopping (Grnroos, 2014). This overall process is an electronic one, which enables the respective customers in dealing with the business people for meeting their purchasing needs and requirements. Thus in this context, it can be widely said that social media plays a proactive role in this specific process, thereby allowing the business organizations to develop or maintain proficient relations with their respective consumers or buyers in the respective marketplace. Through social media marketing, business organizations and enterprises can implement advanced strategies or approaches for influencing the buying behaviour or patterns among the respective customers or consumers (Par Jun 2012). It is by the virtue of social media marketing, that business enterprises across the globe can implement new and advanced marketing strategies, which provide them with an additional advantage over that of the traditional marketing strategies or approaches. Through proper utilization of the innovative marketing platform provided by social media, business organizations can substantially convey the overall benefits of their products and services to their customers thereby attracting more customers towards their products and services. In this respect, it can be said that the social media platforms enable the business organizations across the globe to develop a long-term relationship with their customers, which in turn facilitates the generation of customer trust a nd loyalty. This enables the organizations to influence the buying or purchasing behaviour among their respective customers or buyers in the market. Social media platforms also enable the business organizations and enterprises to enhance the levels and quality of their customer services and facilities. Through the proper incorporation of social media in their marketing and promotional activities, business organizations across the globe can essentially improve and enhance the levels and quality of their customer support and services (Noreen, 2015). The social media websites enable the organizations to offer quick responses and support to the respective customer or consumer queries, which result in the generation of high satisfaction levels of the customers. In addition, through social media marketing campaigns, organizations can also gather the necessary feedbacks from customers regarding the offered products and services. This enables the organizations to make the necessary changes to their prod ucts and services as per the needs and requirements of the customers for positively influencing their buying behaviour towards the products and services offered by the respective organization (Subramani Rajagopalan, 2013). This research will aim in exploring and analysing the impacts which social media marketing has on the consumer buying behaviour in the retail business of UK. Research Rationale: With the modern marketing campaigns, social media marketing campaigning is making the retail customers change their perception towards the buying process as well the purchasing decision, which may have an impact on the competitive nature of the retail firms operating in the UK. Therefore, with constant brand visualization in these social media websites, people gets attracted toward the brand and take a buying decision ultimately (Sashi, 2012). The degree of influences on the consumer is of utmost importance Promotion through social media is a new marketing strategy for an organization and is essentially a part of online marketing. Moreover, from the perspective of the company, it is important to mention that, it requires a huge amount of cost for buying the digital space of the social media websites. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the social media marketing for creating awareness about the brand among the prospective consumers. According to the view of Noreen and Han, (2015), promotional and marketing activities in traditional media has been effectively used by corporate and organizations around the world. A number of companies have successfully utilized the traditional media i.e. print media and advertisements through hoarding and banners. They have used those in making the brand popular among the targeted consumer for in-numerous numbers of organizations around the world. Therefore, it is important to throw some light and research in the quiet new marketing strategy through social media for its influence in creating consumer-buying decisions. Importance of the Research: The promotions through the social medium are at the nascent stage, that organizations around the world are using extensively. As per the reports published by Kadie Regan an internet analysts, it is estimated that more than billion will be actively using social media by 2020 around the world (Noreen and Han, 2015). Thus, this portrays the fact of the inherent potential of the social media to be one of the most sought after platforms for the corporate for promotional and marketing platform. However, at the same time, it is important to understand the effectiveness of the medium to create a positive influence on the overall decision-making the process of the consumers for the promotional activities that are done through the online social media platforms. Research Aims and Objective: Research Aims: The main aim of this research study is to evaluate the effectiveness of introducing social media marketing campaigns for the analysis of the consumer buying intention for the retail business in the UK. Research Objectives: The main objectives of the report, which this particular research paper will try to investigate, are mentioned below: i) To evaluate the effectiveness of social media campaigns in the retail business in the UK ii) To investigate the impacts of social media campaigning on the buying behaviour of the customers in retail business in the UK iii) To explore the relationship between social media marketing and sales performance of the retail business in the UK iv)To explore the advantages of social media marketing over the traditional marketing campaigns in the retail business Research Questions: The research questions that the entire research activity will try to answer are mentioned below: 1) What is the possibility of social media becoming one of the most sought after promotional platforms by the organizations and marketers? 2) What are the different techniques that are adopted by corporate and organizations for promoting their respective brand through a social medium? 3) What is the extent to which the marketing activities through social media can enable a positive buying intention among the prospective consumer base? Research Structure: A research must be done in a proper structure so that the all the relevant steps for conducting a research can be done and presented in an effective manner. So a proper approach to the research structure is followed in this case. The research structure which will be followed for conducting this research, titled, evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Media Campaign on Buying Intention is given below: References Books: Evans, D. (2008).Social media marketing. Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley. Samli, A. (2013).International consumer behaviour in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Springer. Tuten, T. and Solomon, M. (2013).Social media marketing. Boston: Pearson. Journals: Artusi, M. and Maurizzi, A. (2011). The involvement process through social media in 2010 UK elections: is it a real Facebook-based participation?.International Journal of Technology Marketing, 6(4), p.305. Grnroos, C., (2014). From marketing mix to relationship marketing: towards a paradigm shift in marketing.Management decision,32(2), pp.4-20. Subramani, M.R. and Rajagopalan, B., (2013). Knowledge-sharing and influence in online social networks via viral marketing.Communications of the ACM,46(12), pp.300-307. Sashi, C.M., (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media.Management decision,50(2), pp.253-272. Hudson, S. and Thal, K. (2013). The Impact of Social Media on the Consumer Decision Process: Implications for Tourism Marketing.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing, 30(1-2), pp.156-160. Research Questions:
Monday, April 13, 2020
Toronto Sun free essay sample
This preliminary project scope statement defines the scope of The Toronto Sun Caribana Parade Project. The project deals with managing a major sponsorship event for the Toronto sun and its presence in the city’s annual caribana parade, on Aug 2, 2008 at 10:00AM. The main challenge is to make the company’s float a success. The Toronto sun earned its place in the parade as the primary media sponsor for the event. Pulling the company’s float from the biggest event in the city would mean gaining valuable marketing exposure. PRODUCT amp; PROJECT OBJECTIVES Project objective is to manage Toronto Sun’s involvement at the Caribana Festival before August 2, 2008 (within 40 days) which includes:- * Designing and deployment of a parade float (i. e. Flat Bed Truck, Pieces of Float, and Design) * Hiring of entertainment and production materials. * Recruitment and management of volunteers, truck drivers and entertainers. * Giveaways (i. e. volunteer Kits, Bright Color Designed T-Shirts, Mardi-Gras Necklaces, Sunscreen, water bottles, snack foods containing Granola Bars amp; Fruit, Whistles and Assorted Candies. We will write a custom essay sample on Toronto Sun or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Decorating the float with advertising banners and other aesthetic elements of parade day tasks on the day of parade. * Cost not to exceed $400 cash in addition to contra advertisements. * Importance to show Toronto Sun’s presence during the festival as a Major Sponsor providing the return on investment and contribution to overall business of Toronto sun. PRODUCT OR SERVICE REQUIREMENT AND CHARACTERSTICS Product Acceptance Criteria:- Project MUST be completed by Aug 02, 2008 on Parade Day. Cost Constraint which includes a budget of $400 only. Requirement of TRUCK Flat Bed on Aug 01, 2008 before 10:00AM. Safety Waiver Forms for all the participants MUST be signed before 09:30AM on Aug 02, 2008. Driver of Truck should be at the venue at parade day sharp 09:00AM for 8hrs. Sign IN of float by FMC by on parade day. PROJECT BOUNDARIES * Time Constraint The project has to be completed on and before 10:00AM Aug 02, 2008. * Scope Constraint The project has many deliverables dependent on many stakeholders (internal amp; external). * Cost Constraint Cost not to be exceeded by $400 cash and contra advertisements only. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS amp; DELIVERABLES S. No. | DELIVERABLE| REQUIREMENT| | Float| Design amp; Assembly of Float| 2| Banners| Color amp; Placement of Banners on Float| 3| Truck Driver| Must be available for minimum 08:00hrs on the day of parade| 4| T-Shirt| Bright Colored T-Shirts with â€Å"Toronto Sun Caribana†written on it. | 5| Waivers| Appropriate Volunteer Waiver Forms for legal department/requirements. | 6| Giveaways| Assorted Candies, Whistles and Necklace (Mardi G ras)| 7| Entertainers| Requirement of Live Band/DJ Radio/Pre-recorded Music| 8| Truck/Tractor/Trailer| Must have a safe and easy access place for keeping giveaways. 9| Volunteer Kits| Snack food including Granola Bars amp; Fruit, Sunscreen, Water Bottle. | PROJECT ORGANISATION CHART INITIAL DEFINED RISKS Bad Weather Delay in float preparation Driver doesn’t show up Fire on float Flat tire of float Less volunteers show up Delay in banners Less sponsors for contra advertisements Delay in FMC Permission Delay in t-shirts and wrong printing/wrong color used SCHEDULE MILESTONES Volunteer Management Entertainment amp; Materials Sign In of float by FMC Float design completion INITIAL WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE TRACEABILITY MATRIX PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH The project manager Samantha Morrison is a senior promotions coordinator at the Toronto Sun. She will be responsible for timely availability of the deliverables within a short span of time. Samantha Morrison has been recently hired as a senior promotions coordinator at the Toronto sun. Larissa Presso will be the authorizing the project and she is the ‘’ voice of the customer’’. Samantha Morrison will be dealing with design department and the human resources department as well as the legal department to make the deliverables available. She will be taking permissions from the fmc representatives to bring in the float. The cost and time constraints are not flexible as the project has to be completed within 56 days and with $400 approved for the budget. The scope is flexible as the size of the float can be varied, the colour and size of the T-shirt, size of the banners and the number of advertisement to be put on the float. The budget for the project is 400$ but Samantha can get materials and services by the means of contra advertisement. The major project deliverables will be: The float, the truck driver, the T-shirts, the volunteer kits. Approved by the Project sponsor: PROJECT SPONSOR DATE:
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Reflection 1 Essay
Reflection 1 Essay Reflection 1 Essay Reflection 1 London as Art Capital JD Lee Upon arriving at the National Gallery, the main entrance hall facing directly toward the Trafalgar Square was quite modern in its design and also had small staircases to the first room of the gallery, which gave me some sense that the journey of exhibition starts right after the staircases. After the staircases, there was a central hall filled paintings on the both sides and also there were three doors leading people to three different kinds of rooms. This layout of the room with three different directions was not helping create a natural flow of people enjoying the gallery. People were coming in and going out from the all of the three direction which was causing a confusion and discomfort. The lighting for the central hall was little brighter and more golden than the natural light. It definitely had natural light coming in from the open ceiling, but yellowish light was added on to it. The arrangement of the paintings was consistent. The largest paintings were places in the ce nter of the wall and other smaller paintings were hung right next to the largest, surrounding the largest. This arrangement of the paintings looked really balanced and symmetric. After the central hall, I went to the room with a lot of British portraits. The room was covered in reddish and patterned walls. Also, from the center of the room, since the room is in circular shape, I could see the big four portraits around me. I could just stand at the center and
Monday, February 24, 2020
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 9
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example ith products such as beverages and food and later the company diversified into various sector of electronics, clothing, financial services, retailing, etc. The company performs all its operations on the basis of one specific value that is to deliver its customers with good, better and best products. The success of the company is only because of its business and corporate level strategies. Tesco’s main business comes from its retailing segment that accounts for approximately 60% of the total profit that is generated by the business. The business level strategy is a plan that is adopted by a company so as to utilize its resources in order to achieve its business goals. The company has even invested  £1 billion so that it could provide a very pleasant shopping experience to all its customers who visit Tesco stores. The company has even subdivided its business level strategy into seven parts so that it can achieve its business goals and even provide their customers with high valued service. This business level strategy that was formulated was mainly to ensure that the company sets plans for its long term growth and profitability. The first part of the strategy is to grow in the UK market (Desjardins, 2005). The company wants to grow the core market of UK. The business tactics that were designed to support this strategy was to expand the staff base by 20,000 in t he next two years, implement new promotions for its products and services, and even to restructure all its store designs. This strategy was mainly adopted to give customers more importance and wanted. The second part of the strategy to be the creator of all famous and high value brands in the market. This strategy involved creation of its own label such as Tesco Finest and F&F clothing. This indicated delivery products that were of high quality and that also at the most reasonable price. The third part of the strategy is to develop itself as an outstanding retailer both in stores as well as in online. The
Friday, February 7, 2020
Factors that effect achievement on BTEC level 3 extended diploma in Literature review
Factors that effect achievement on BTEC level 3 extended diploma in sport courses - Literature review Example This is because college graduates will, on average, make a million or more – throughout their working lives – above their non-graduate counterparts that went to the high school level. The bad news in the way of student achievement, which affects the success of BTEC level 3 courses, include that enrolment and persistence levels among learners from low-earning communities remains lower. The groups affected include those from different backgrounds, including native and non-natives. The case is more severe for those suffering from disabilities. The other issue is that the preparation offered at high school is not sufficient, and in pace with the interests of those attending college, therefore, this affects their performance levels at the BTEC level 3 course. This report will explore the wide array of critical issues that affect student achievement at the BTEC level 3 sports course. Factors that lead to low college achievement The situation of being disadvantaged is believed to be the leading cause of low college achievement (Sylva et al., 2004). Such disadvantage is mostly associated with poverty, which makes it difficult for the students to access basic resources such as proper housing, diet and health. In connection with this is unfavourable home learning environment, including the inability of parents in supporting their children in achieving their educational goals (Sylva et al., 2004). The home learning environment is connected to other factors such as parental educational levels, social class as well as what parental involvement in children’s affairs. Educational performance is also associated with cognitive factors, where children of professional parents are found be affected by cognitive deficit than their counterparts from non-professional backgrounds (Feinstein, 2003; Melhuish et al., 2001). Also, children from poor socio-economic status have problems in developing good language skills, which affect their comprehension and learning as well as numeracy and acquisition when they join BETC level 3. Children from poor backgrounds also tend to interact less with their parents, hence they end up receiving little or no parental support, a situation that also hinder their educational achievements when attending their BETEC level 3 (Clegg and Ginsborg, 2006). Gender Low achievement in education has put many students at a disadvantaged position. However, it is important to note that different groups in the population react in a different way depending on their circumstances. OECD studies have shown that, in England, girls outperform boys (Sylva et al., 2004). Elsewhere, Machin and McNally (2005) argue that gender gap has really affected education in the UK, even though the general achievement for both gender has improved. The gender aspect reveals that low academic achievement as a result of low being disadvantaged is very inconsistent, for example because girls from the same family are known to perform differently (Sincl air, 2007). A study published by UNICEF concerning children welfare in rich countries reported the UK at the last ranking out of 21 countries, hence attracting a lot of attention. Some of the factors that led to the poor ranking including the adolescent behaviour which in turn is attributable to background factors such as poor parenting. Margo and Dixon (2006) notes that an inconsistent number of those
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Interesting Sociology Essay Topics Essay Example for Free
Interesting Sociology Essay Topics Essay Sociology essays deal with the study of human social behavior in a society, thus, it is quite interesting for the students who are interested in human psyche but boring for those who dont like studying their species. By and large, essays on sociology are mostly based on informative and argumentative style of writing, the argumentative sociology essay demands to work on thesis while essays on the sociology of knowledge are mostly assigned to the students in the informative arena. Whether it is argumentative or informative essays, one has to develop a topic that can grab the attention of the reader in no time and this is not such an easy task. While developing a topic for sociology essay, on should remember the nature of the subject, that is it deals with human behavior, psychology, humanities and social science. Thus, the topic should be as such which revolves around these subjects. Following are some of the recommended sociology essay topic for the students who are not able to select a good topic for their assignment. 1- Youth addiction to alcohol Causes and concerns 2- Comparison between the children brought up in Filipino and Europe 3- What is and should the role of politicians in socializing through campaigning? 4- Merits and demerits of media for a society? 5- How cross cultural media transformation destroys the culture of a particular society? 6- Internet and its implications on a society. 7- Diffusion of innovation in European culture. 8- Critical comparison between sociology and anthropology 9- Homosexuality crucial warning to our society 10- Views about organ transplantation in our society 11- What are the causes of increasing street crimes in our society? 12- What does mean to be a single parent in a conservative society? 13- Comparison between marriages and live-in? 14- Life in rural areas and life in a metropolitan city 15- Increasing materialism increases the depression in a society 16- In spite of such an advanced means of communication people are increasingly going for solitude. 17- Adoption and its consequences for an adopted child 18- How does divorce effects on the minds of the children 19- Comparison between materialistic and a spiritualistic person 20- Living a life as an eternal bachelor 21- Women empowerment in a conservative society 22- Challenges a working women faces in our society 23- Comparison between inferiority and superiority complex 24- Living whole life in a prison 25- Origin of sociology as a science
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- Papers Weed Drugs Legalization Essays
Legalizing Marijuana Why marijuana? Why legalize marijuana for recreational use? I think the question we should ask ourselves is ?why not Are there any benefits? Again, the focus is misplaced. The question should be how do the benefits of decriminalizing marijuana far outweigh the negative aspects. Why was marijuana made illegal in the first place? Marijuana is certainly not illegal due to health concerns, because if that were the case alcohol and tabacco would be illegal as well. The fact is Americans demand the freedom to choose. Freedom of choice is one of the basic principles this country was founded on. If that freedom of choice is the right to choose to indulge in vices that may be detrimental to one?s health, whether it be alcohol, tabacco or marijuana, than that must be a decision that we as Americans are able to make for ourselves. Why is the third most popular drug in the U.S., behind alcohol and tobacco, the only one of the three still illegal? It?s because most of the public is blind to th e benefits marijuana?s decriminalization would bring. This narrow minded way of thinking is similar to the kind of paranoia that caused it?s prohibition in 1937. Although legalizing the use of marijuana for recreational purposes would call for a greater sense of responsibility, it?s positive effects would have a profound impact on this nation. One of the largest and most costly problems concerned with this issue is overcrowded prisons. I think Nick Hexum illustrates it best when he sings, ?The war on drugs may be well intentioned-but it falls?flat when you stop and mention-the overcrowded prisons where a rapist gets paroled-to make room for a?[guy] who has sold-a pound of weed-to me that?s a crime? Although these are ... Esq. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives, July 13, 1999 Bibliography: Gazzaniga, Michael S. ?An Interview With Michael Gazzaniga? The National Review Accessed March 4, 2001 Hexum, Nicholas ?Grassroots? 311, 1994 Capricorn Records Jackson, Ted. ?Today, in Another Drug-Related, accessed March 7, 2001. Stroup, R. Keith Esq. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives, July 13, 1999
Monday, January 13, 2020
Burger King Holdings Inc.
Burger King Holdings Inc. was formed in 23 July 2002 and incorporated in Delaware. The holding company restaurant system includes restaurants owned by the company and franchises. The company is the second largest fast food hamburger restaurant chain (BurgerKingHoldingsInc, 2008). Controls set by the company The controls set by the company are to ensure that the financial statements provide reasonable assurance on the reliability of the financial statements and financial reporting.Internal controls ensure that the financial statements are prepared according to GAAPs. Internal controls ensure correct maintenance of records, transactions are recorded according to GAAPs and the prevention of unauthorized use or disposal of company’s assets. The effectiveness of the internal controls should be reviewed regularly to determine their adequacy although the controls put in place may not prevent and detect misstatements given its limitations due to changing conditions or degree of compli anceExamples of controls are the security and business controls put in place to prevent access and use of personal information possessed by the company that if leaked, may expose the company to litigations (BurgerKingHoldingsInc, 2008) Financial statements The total revenues for the company have been growing over the years. The total revenue in 2004 was $1. 7 billion rising to $2. 4 billion in 2008. The company’s revenues are generated by franchise and company owned restaurants.In year 2008, 88% of sales were from franchise restaurants. The operating income and net income over the same period grew from $73 million in 2004 to $ 354 million in 2008 for operating income while net income rose from $ 5 million in 2004 to $ 190 million in 2008 The diluted earnings per share i. e. earnings after adjusting for dilutive effects rose from $106. 1 in 2004 to $ 137. 6 in 2008 Total assets grew from $ 2. 5 billion to $ 2. 6 billion in 2008.Total stockholders equity also witnessed growth f rom $ 716 million in 2007 to $ 845 million in 2008 Net cash flows from operating activities grew from $67 million in 2006 to $ 243 million in 2008 Other aspects of the company’s performance is the opening of 202 new restaurants which brings the company’s total number of restaurants to 11,505 as of June, 30 2008 Techniques to analyze financial statements The financial statements are prepared and disclosed according to the GAAPs as well as presented according to the SEC regulations.The financial statements have been presented based on the reportable segments of the company i. e. USA and Canada EMEA/APAC and Latin America. As seen earlier, the company’s revenues are generated from company’s restaurants and franchise restaurants. The analysis has also been done according to the source of revenue Comparison of restaurant sales from the three reportable segments has been done in the financial statements (BurgerKingHoldingsInc, 2008) ImpactThe preparation of the financial statements according to reportable segments helps the company to formulate strategies for the various business segments in line with their performance. Comparison of sales growth in the segments over the years helps the company to evaluate the performance of each source of revenues thus formulate strategies that can improve growth References BurgerKingHoldingsInc. (2008, August 28th). Form 10-k. Retrieved April 10th, 2009, from Burger King Holdings Inc. : http://media. corporate-ir. net/media_files/irol/87/87140/BKC_AR08/10-k. html
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Role And Professional Position Of The School Principal
Before discussing the importance of understanding the need for ethical and/or moral leadership, it is important to present the development of the role of school principals and its eventual need for the inclusion of ethics and moral into school leadership. The role and professional position of the school principal began to be shaped during the early 19th century with the development of â€Å"head teacher†(Brown, 2011). Next, at the turn of the 20th century, the position of school principal began to gain both stature and authority (Sullivan and Glanz, 2013). Indeed, with the formation of the National Association of Secondary Principals (NASSP) in 1916 and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) in 1921, the proclamation by administrators to be seen as professionals became evident (Brown, 2011). In short, the establishment of the principalship as a separate entity from teachers was firmly established at the turn of the 20th century. The next development of the role of principalship was the identification as the formal authority figure of schools. According to Sullivan and Glanz (2013) the transition of the school principal as supervisors began with the distinction of social efficiency as bureaucratic method during the 1900s. A significant influence in the development of social efficiency in school leadership was the adoption of Frederick Taylor’s popular scientific management theory to the K-12 school practice. By the 1930s the adoption of scientificShow MoreRelatedSchool Administration And The School Board913 Words  | 4 PagesScenario Three a) What action, if any, should have been taken by the school administration when the local teachers’ association publicly criticized the administration and the school board? Even if they wanted to take action, there is nothing the Skyline School District Board of Education can do about the teachers’ exercising their First Amendment’s rights. 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