Friday, December 27, 2019
How Can You Keep Your Garden - 1367 Words
Gardens are beautiful on their own, but some of us cannot avoid the inclination to accessorize. To bring your garden to its full potential, you must develop its full aesthetic value. There s numerous little projects you can do by yourself or with the family, to add colorful and quirky visual interest throughout the garden. Mobiles can be made from an array of materials. Since it will be hanging it outside, make sure the material is waterproof. Foam is a smart choice because it is weather resistant, malleable, and kid friendly. Foam sheets are very inexpensive and come in most colors. Some foam comes in precut shapes. They even have foam letters. If the shape you want is available precut, it will be easier than cutting yourself. Foam is difficult to cut to a smooth edge. Foam sheets often come pre-glued. If your materials are not, you can use PVA glue or hot glue. You will need to glue your shapes or light weight trinkets on your string or thread. You may want to consider incorpora ting a picture. Foam picture frames are available in most art centers and you could laminate the picture. This project has an abundance of creative potential. This can create single strand color burst hanging around your garden. You can do themed pieces for different areas of the garden. For instance, use bright colors and butterfly shapes to hang in the butterfly garden. Hanging pieces are important because it keeps visual interest continuing from ground level to eye level. Keeping groundShow MoreRelatedSummer Seasons Brings Problems To Every One. Everyone Has1577 Words  | 7 Pageshot weather. Our garden acquires a special place in our hearts. Everyone has a garden in their backyard which contains some beautiful plants, flowers and tress. We are the master of our garden and it is our own responsibility to take good care of it. Our garden contains numerous flowers, plants and tress which need special attention during the summer season. 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Preliminary Preparations a. Do a little research! Extension’s A Taste of Gardening is a great choice; find it at AdditionallyRead MoreHerb Gardening Essay523 Words  | 3 Pagesengaged thoroughly. Gardens are great motivators with nice smell and cool feeling. However these herbs were the first cure for the early peoples as medicine and used as food preservatives and cosmetics. In winter, you can encourage your kids to cultivate herbs in a windowsill who shows garden enthusiasts. To start a herb garden all you need is a sunny place, soil containers and selected herbs. Culinary herb is the excellent selection as it is easy to grow and maintain. If you have limited space orRead MoreMy Childhood Memories Of A Summer Day1422 Words  | 6 Pagessomeone were to ask you what your favorite childhood memory was, would you be able to answer it without second guessing yourself? I could. In a heartbeat. Some of my fondest memories as a child were roaming around my luscious garden with my father. The vibrant colors, the fresh smells, the wild life trying to snatch every gleam of sunlight possible. My favorite part of a summer day was going out and helping my father pick through our garden. It might not have been a huge garden but my father and IRead MoreMy Own Home At The Southern Desert Regions Of The United States1720 Words  | 7 PagesShe plots out her garden months in advance, orders the fertilizer, and preps the tiller, all before the snow has even had a chance to melt. We ve grown everything, from simple squash plants to more complex green bean poles. I have many fond, and not so fond, learning experiences in the gardens of my past. (What are you doing! Don t pull that up! That s the cucumber plant, not a weed!) For those who wish to plant a garden for the first time, here are a few tips that will help you get started. AuthorRead MoreThere Is An Additional Bonus Besides The Saving Of Money1639 Words  | 7 Pagesmoney in the home vegeta ble garden cultivation. That is the tenderness and superb flavor of vegetables we harvest and prepare for table use when they are at their very best. Even if the cost were the same, we would happily work our own gardens because we know that those vegetables harvested in commercial fields, shipped to market and then used in the kitchen after a week (or more) has passed, simply cannot be compared in flavor and quality to those we harvest in our own gardens and eat the same day! Read MoreThe Good Food Revolution?967 Words  | 4 Pagesconcern is how to make healthy food system in this Nation. He wants all people should learn to grow some food in their backyard or on their garden. He wants people should not forget how to produce food, not even that he teaches the young kids and adult how to produce healthy fresh food in small area. As he said in the book, people are dying at early age because of not having healthy food. At early age people are going through Diabetics and unhealthy il lness. The most important question is how to solveRead MoreSoil Amendments Essay1732 Words  | 7 Pagesto be made depending on what you want to grow and what your soil test reveals. Lime or sulfur can be added to raise or lower pH respectively. Gypsum, perlite, vermiculite, and sand can be added to improve aeration, drainage, or moisture retention. Peat moss or compost can be added to improve fertility and soil structure over time. All of these amendments can be purchased at your local garden store; just remember to follow label directions to avoid over-amending your soil and causing conditions unfavorableRead MoreThe Change Of The Climate Change1184 Words  | 5 Pagesthe climate. We hear about the changing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere and the Earth’s population contribution to the rise of it. No one usually stops to think about how the food production systems for the food we eat is also a contributing factor to the rise of CO2. â€Å"I turn my life upside-down, start biking to work, plant a big garden, turn down the thermostat so low I need the Jimmy Carter signature cardigan, forsake the clothes dryer for a laundry line across the yard, trade in the station wagon
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on free speech - 2862 Words
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION--SPEECH AND PRESS Adoption and the Common Law Background Madisons version of the speech and press clauses, introduced in the House of Representatives on June 8, 1789, provided: The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable.1 The special committee rewrote the language to some extent, adding other provisions from Madisons draft, to make it read: The freedom of speech and of the press, and the right of the people peaceably to assemble and consult for their common good, and to apply to the Government for redress of grievances, shall not be infringed.2†¦show more content†¦But to punish as the law does at present any dangerous or offensive writings, which, when published, shall on a fair and impartial trial be adjudged of a pernicious tendency, is necessary for the preservation of peace and good order, of government and religion, the only solid foundations of civil liberty. Thus, t he will of individuals is still left free: the abuse only of that free will is the object of legal punishment. Neither is any restraint hereby laid upon freedom of thought or inquiry; liberty of private sentiment is still left; the disseminating, or making public, of bad sentiments, destructive to the ends of society, is the crime which society corrects.7 Whatever the general unanimity on this proposition at the time of the proposal of and ratification of the First Amendment,8 it appears that there emerged in the course of the Jeffersonian counterattack on the Sedition Act9 and the use by the Adams Administration of the Act to prosecute its political opponents,10 something of a libertarian theory of freedom of speech and press,11 which, however much the Jeffersonians may have departed from it upon assuming power,12 was to blossom into the theory undergirding Supreme Court FirstShow MoreRelatedFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1689 Words  | 7 Pagesonce said, â€Å"Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech.†With this quote in mind, freedom of speech should surely be guaranteed right in a every institution. There are various forms of free speech to powerful speeches at a peaceful protest to a girl posting a selfie. Freedom of speech is the key concept that is basis of every human right. This inherent right should be protected and supported in a place where youngRead MoreFree Speech Or Freedom Of Speech Essay911 Words  | 4 Pagesof Freedom, basically we are entitled for legal freedom to do whatever we wanted to. However, the freedom of speech has been challenged by many university students and educators recently. In their argument, they believe that free speech has triggered students’ unhappiness and jeopardize campus’ safety. What is the free speech or freedom of speech? According to dictionary, freedom of speech is the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to theRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1180 Words  | 5 PagesFree speech shall not incite evil and hatred in this country. The First Amendment prevents the government from infringing upon our freedom of assembly and speech. â€Å"The disability is so complete that Congress is expres sly forbidden to enact laws respecting an establishment of religion, or laws abridging the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and press, and the right to petition the government†(Bybee). As a whole, our founding fathers only had good intentions with regards to First AmendmentRead MoreFree Speech : Freedom Of Speech1403 Words  | 6 PagesFREE SPEECH Freedom of speech is perhaps the most precious tenets of liberal democracies accorded to the citizens of the free world. The United States, and the rest of the Western society is known to be the cradle of democratic principles, and this can be evidenced by the level of freedom accorded to the citizens of the United States and the West in terms of speech. The freedom of speech gives an individual an opportunity to speak his or her mind and also give his or her opinion, sometimes on veryRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1786 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Freedom of speech is a right of every American that is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This democratic freedom allows citizens to speak and express themselves freely. Public school teachers and students are also free to express themselves, however they can both be limited by school administration. The goal of this paper is to analyze free speech as defined by the First Amendment and discussed limitations placed on teachers and students by schoolsRead MoreFreedom Of Speech And Free Speech1737 Words  | 7 Pages Freedom of Speech can only go so far before it starts to impede the right of the others, and free speech does not come before other people’s given rights.. According to Steven J. Heyman in the article â€Å"Free Speech Has Limits,†freedom of speech comes tied together with respecting the freedom of other and the rights of other people (par. 4). The author goes on to say that cutting off other peoples rights in the name of free speech can be seen as wrongful and can be faced with consequences (parRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : Free Speech1296 Words  | 6 PagesFreedom Of Speech In 399 B.C, the Greek Philosopher Socrates was persecuted for an early argument promoting free speech. Later on, The Protection of Speech was first introduced when the Magna Carta was signed in 1215, and in 1948, the United Nations stated that free speech is a human right and drafted into the international Declaration of Human rights.The government doesn t have the right to make a law abridging the freedom of speech because Free Speech is a form of democracy and it s a fundamentalRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech886 Words  | 4 Pagesunlike any other. The issue? Free speech. Protesters from both sides of the the political spectrum are outraged. leftists claiming that free speech is â€Å"being used as a cover for spreading hate in America†, that people like the infamous Yiannopoulos (a conservative political commentator known for making offensive statements and supporting â€Å"white supremacy, transphobia, and misogyny†) are doing harm with their first amendme nt right, while conservatives are claiming free speech is being threatened by theRead MoreThe Rights Of Free Speech1182 Words  | 5 Pagespresence of hate speech against minorities and how to appropriately resolve issues of hate speech without infringing on the rights of free speech that is important for the existence of democracy. The purpose of using this document by Emily Foster is to use the contents of the article to help support their current position on the act of democratic censorship, but wither it be in a way to promote censorship in order to maintain order, or to remove censorship as a way to promote free speech is unclear toRead MoreFree Speech And Hate Speech1000 Words  | 4 Pagesbetween hate and free speech is, and what the first amendment does to control them both. The first amendment states that congress shall make no law that abridges the freedom of speech. But to what extent should language be protected? The rights of one man should reach until they shadow over another’s. Meaning free speech is protected until it violates the rights of another. Hate speech is the line where free speech becomes unconstitutional. The contrast between free speech and hate speech is a heavily
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Case of Unocal Burma free essay sample
Work in progress at the Yadana pipeline project modern equivalent of slavery? Unocal Corporation, the California-based giant gas-and-petroleum corporation, will face trial in a United States court on charges of forced labour of Burmese people to build the $1. 2 billion Yadana Gas Pipeline Project in southern Burma. On September 18 last year(2012), a panel of the U. S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena reversed a previous Federal District Court decision and allowed the groundbreaking human rights lawsuit against Unocal to go forward. In the Doe v. Unocal case, 11 Burmese villagers are suing Unocal for human rights abuses including rape, forced labour and murder during the building of the Yadana gas pipeline project in Burma. This is a landmark decision, said Richard L. Herz, an attorney with the non-profit group EarthRights International (ERI), co-counsel in the lawsuit. In recognising that corporations that aid and abet egregious human rights abuses can be held accountable, the Ninth Circuit has affirmed that U. S. corporations cannot violate international human rights with impunity. The decision said that plaintiffs need only demonstrate that Unocal knowingly assisted the military in the perpetration of the abuses, and that they had done so. The court also found that forced labour such as that employed by the Burmese military on behalf of the Unocal pipeline is the modern equivalent of slavery. The ruling stated, The evidence supports the conclusion that Unocal gave `practical assistance to the Myanmar Military in subjecting Plaintiffs to these acts of murder and rape. Thus, because Unocal knew that acts of violence would probably be committed, it became liable as an aider and abettor when such acts of violence,  specifically, murder and rape  were in fact committed. The legal battle began six years ago when Burmese villagers filed a suit in U. S. federal court demanding that Unocal pay millions of dollars in damages for abuses committed by soldiers along the Yadana pipeline. However, in 2000, despite the court finding evidence that Unocal knew that forced labour was being utilised and that the joint venturers benefited from the practice, the federal judge dismissed the case because the companys conduct did not rise to the level of active participation  a liability standard borrowed from the Nuremberg war crimes trials involving the role of German industrialists in the Nazi forced-labour programme. Lawyers for the Burmese villagers responded by filing a new lawsuit under state law and making many of the same charges in the Superior Court in Los Angeles. In June 2002, the California Superior Court Judge Victoria Chaneys decision held that plaintiffs claims might proceed to trial. The trial of the California State case is scheduled to start in early 2003. The lawyers for the Burmese villagers also appealed the federal judges dismissal last year, which led to the ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court on September 18 last year. Although the Ninth Circuit Court has sent the case back to the lower federal court for trial, the villagers lawyers said they would ask Superior Court Judge Victoria Gerrard Chaney to apply the new liability standard in the California State trial. Unocal maintains that its actions are not on trial in the California case and that the company expects to be vindicated of `vicarious liability charges. Responding to the federal decision, Unocals lawyer Daniel M. Petrocelli said: What the case is about is whether a private American company can be held responsible for the actions of a foreign military regime when the company itself didnt do any of the offending conduct. No Unocal person participated in any acts of wrongdoing, Petrocelli said. Unocal does not have, nor ever had, any control over the actions of the Myanmar military. The company does not direct, countenance or condone the violation of any persons human rights, and it certainly did not aid or abet the violation of anyones human rights. And if that is the standard that is applied in this case, we are confident we will meet that standard. During the early 1990s, ignoring widespread calls from the Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and pro-democracy groups worldwide for a moratorium on international investment, transnational oil companies Unocal (U. S. ) and Total (France) chose to invest in a regime with one of the worst human rights and environmental records in the world. In 1992, the Burmese military government entered into a joint venture with Unocal and Total to construct a gas pipeline from the Yadana gas fields in Burmas Gulf of Martaban to the Thai border. This represents the single largest foreign investment project in Burma. The Yadana gas revenue is one of the largest sources of foreign capital for the Burmese military government. The Burmese military regime was contracted by the oil companies to provide security for the project. Ever since, the Burmese army has engaged in systematic human rights abuses and environmental degradation in order to fulfil its contractual responsibilities. The U. S. court accepted the case against Unocal based on extensive documentation including eyewitness accounts of human rights abuses in the pipeline region provided by ERI. Along the Burmese pipeline route, killings, torture, rape and extortion by pipeline security forces have increased sharply since the Yadana Project was initiated. Many villagers along the pipeline area provided eye-witness descriptions of forced labour: Battalion No. 273 came in to our village and asked for two porters to go to two places, including one located directly along the pipeline. These people had to go because it was their turn. The soldiers ordered a total of 18 porters from our village tract. The work lasted about 20 days, and they did not get any payment. I know they did not get payment because that was always the case, and it was the same again. The influx of soldiers in the previously isolated Tenasserim region also caused an increase in illegal hunting, logging, and wildlife trade. The region is one of the largest rainforest tracts left in mainland Southeast Asia, home to wild elephants, tigers, rhinos and great hornbills, to name just a few rare and important species. It is also home to numerous indigenous peoples, including the Mon, Karen, and Tavoyans. An incriminating piece of evidence is a declassified cable sent from the U. S. Embassy in Rangoon to the U. S. State Department in 1995 that confirms Unocals relationship with the Burmese military and their collusion in forced labour. Known as the Robinson Cable, the cable chronicles a meeting between the U.S. embassy staff and Joel Robinson, Unocals manager for special projects. According to the cable, Robinson accepts Unocals relationship with the Burmese military: On the general issue of the close working relationship between Total/Unocal and the Burmese military, Robinson had no apologies to make. He stated forthrightly that the companies have hired the Burmese military to provide security for the project and pay for this through the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE). He said three truckloads of soldiers accompany project officials as they conduct survey work and visit villages. He said Totals security officials meet with military counterparts to inform them of the next days activities so that soldiers can ensure the area is secure and guard the work perimeter while the survey team goes about its business. Tyler Giannini of ERI said that the evidence belies Unocals claims that it is not responsible for the acts of the Burmese military. When Unocal and Total hire the military, tell them where to go, what to do, and depend on them for the security of their project, they are morally and legally responsible for the abuses that their security forces commit. Unocal was dealing with the devil. Now they will have to answer to a jury, he said. Doe v. Unocal is the first case in U. S. history in which a corporation will stand trial for human rights abuses committed abroad. Human rights lawyers have viewed the court decision on Unocal as a breakthrough for foreigners seeking to hold multinational corporations accountable for their alleged complicity with repressive regimes in human rights abuses. With at least 10 similar lawsuits pending around the U. S. against multinational corporations, including ChevronTexaco Corp. and Coca-Cola Co. , the Unocal court ruling will encourage human rights lawyers to proceed on these cases.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Irish labour market and the great recession
During the recent years, the labour market in Ireland changed significantly. The causes for the fact are the global economic changes and definite transformations in the local social and legal policies. These changes resulted in creating the new situation regarding the position of women in the Irish labour market and migrant workers’ role in this market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Irish labour market and the great recession specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, two main recent changes in the Irish labour market are the increase in recruiting women and migrant workers for different positions. It is possible to associate the changes in the Irish women’s employment with the social policies and recent tendencies in alternations of the gender roles, and the changes in hiring migrant workers are based on the new rules and laws in the working policies and on opening the borders for the migrant wor kers from the European Union’s countries which were joined to the union recently. As a result, the tendencies in hiring more women and migrant workers affected the human resource managers’ approach to the hiring process and influenced the aspects of people resourcing within organisations. The changes in the Irish labour market are the results of the global economic processes and alternations in definite Irish legal and social policies in relation to the work permits for the migrant workers and in relation to the terms and conditions of the parental leave for women. The increase of the employment numbers is observed in the retail trade, construction, financial services, and health industry. The change in the perspectives for the female workers is one of the main alternations which influence today the development of the Irish labour market. It is the fact that during the recent years the percentage of those women who are employed and take the positions similar to menâ₠¬â„¢s ones increased greatly. The researchers and economists determine several causes to explain these tendencies. The first factor is the general changes in the economic sphere of Ireland which can be discussed today as the definite economic stability along with the active economic growth. The economic growth resulted in the expansion of the labour market and creation more work positions.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The work of women is required in more spheres nowadays (Barrett McGuinness 2012). That is why, women are discussed as equal to men to take the positions which were traditionally considered as men’s ones. The second factor is the changes in the Irish policies in relation to the maternity leave and the introduction of the parental leave. Several years ago, the main factor which could limit the possibilities of women to take the advantageous positions w as the inability of the organisation to hire women because of considering them as dependent on the marital status. In spite of the fact that the number and age of the women’s children are still significant for the development of the women’s career, the chances to be hired successfully grow. Those women who have children older than 12 years also have more opportunities to take good positions in the Irish companies, and the human resource professionals focus on changing the approach to hiring women (Cassidy 2004). Today, the problem of the women’s marital status in relation to the Irish labour market is being resolved as in many other European countries. Women became the active participants of the labour market, and their qualifications, education, and professional skills are more important for the contemporary labour market than their status. The next reason for changing the situation with the women’s employment in Ireland is the new tendencies in the publ ic’s attitude to gender roles. Those jobs which were traditionally discussed as male ones can be successfully done by women who have the appropriate education and qualification (Russell et al. 2009). The question of the women’s education and competence is more significant today because the rate of low-skilled women remains to be rather high. It is possible to concentrate on the active participation of women in the continuous employment because the attitude of employers to hiring women for the constant positions changed according to the changes in the visions of gender roles and women’s social position in general. The modern women in Ireland received more economic and social rights to participate in the labour market equally to men. Moreover, if several years ago women have few possibilities to take the positions characterised by high wages and good conditions, today the situation changes, and many women have the access to good working conditions and high-paid po sitions where the high qualification is required (Vacancy overview 2011 2012).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Irish labour market and the great recession specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The women’s access to the employment and the Irish labour market can be discussed with references to the global tendencies to attract more women to be employed because of the definite economic benefits (Russell et al. 2009). Many human resource specialists agree that women are the best workers in offices or in the service industry. However, this statement should be associated with the idea that women as employees are more appropriate for the low-paid professions. Thus, the problem of the women’s employment discrimination is resolved with references to resolving the questions of the gender equality within the Irish society. It is possible to determine the direct correlation between the increase in rates of the women’s employment and decrease of the professions which were considered as gender oriented (Russell et al. 2009). It is not popular today to accentuate the differences in gender in relation to the labour because modern women are inclined to take the higher positions, and they are often the main breadwinner within the family. Employers increase the wage for women if they concentrate on the quality of work and the employees’ potential. Today, it is possible to determine two tendencies in relation to the migrant workers’ participation in the Irish labour market. The first trend is the increase of the number of the migrant workers who are considered as specialists in definite fields. The tendency when high-skilled professionals migrate from the EU countries to work in Ireland is rather new, and it is connected with the fact of increasing the wages and changes in the labour policies for migrants. The demands for work permits are satisfied more frequently today than it was several years ago. However, the negative aspect of the situation is the growth of the competition between the local and migrant workers who are high-skilled professionals in their spheres (Walsh 2004). This problem is accentuated by many human resource specialists, but it is possible today to respond to the workforce diversity and meet the needs of the organisation according to hiring the specialists. The most popular vacancies emphasize the demands for the high-skilled professionals in ICT. As a result, many persons from the neighbouring countries and territories are inclined to work in Ireland where the wages are high because of the industry’s quick development. The next tendency is the growth of the cheap workforce. The low-skilled workers from the EU countries receive more work permits today in comparison with the situation typical for the previous years. There are some changes in the labour policies which influenced the mentioned tendency.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although the work of migrants is traditionally discussed as the necessary and significant component of the Irish labour market, today the increase of the migrant workers’ flow is more influential, and it is possible to determine the spheres in which there are more low-skilled migrant workers than it was earlier (Quarterly National Household Survey 2012; Walsh 2003). The human resource specialists work to regulate the situation in the service and building industries because the significant increase of the migrant workers’ flow is observed in these spheres. The two main changes in the Irish labour market which can be observed recently are the accents on recruiting more women for different positions with references to their education and competence and the high percentage in the employment of migrant workers. According to the case of women’s employment, such factors as the parental status or age are not influential anymore, and it is possible to speak about overcom ing definite social and gender stereotypes under the impact of the global tendencies. In relation to migrant workers, the open working borders provided more opportunities for hiring more specialists from the EU countries. In spite of the fact the positive results of the situation are obvious for many organisation, the discussion of the competition between local and migrant workers is still urgent. Reference List Barrett, A McGuinness, S 2012, â€Å"The Irish labour market and the great recession†, DICE, vol. 10 no. 2, pp. 27-33. Cassidy, M 2004, â€Å"Productivity in Ireland: trends and issues†, Quarterly Bulletin, vol.10 no. 5, pp. 83-106. Quarterly National Household Survey 2012. Web. Russell, H, McGinnity, F, Callan, T Keane, C 2009, A woman’s place: female participation in the Irish labour market. Web. Vacancy overview 2011 2012. Web. Walsh, B 2003, â€Å"How ‘Live’ is the live register and other puzzles in the Measurement of Unemploymentâ₠¬ , Quarterly Economic Commentary, vol. 11 no. 5, pp. 78-86. Walsh, B 2004, â€Å"The transformation of the Irish labour market : 1980-2003†, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, vol. 33 no. 2, pp. 83-115. This essay on The Irish labour market and the great recession was written and submitted by user Arya D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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