Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Financial Ratio for Krispy Kreme and BCG Matrix for McDonald's Assignment
Financial Ratio for Krispy Kreme and BCG Matrix for McDonald's - Assignment Example The measurement considers all assets including inventory, accounts receivable, and fixed assets. The lower the ratio, the more slowly the firm’s sales are. Comparing the number to past years company data is important in order to see trends that have developed. In addition, comparing it to the industry standard is useful in order to see how the company compares to its prime competitors. If a problem exists with a low ratio, it could be possible that one or more of the firm’s asset categories have problems that need addressing. (Peavler, pp 1-2). Krispy Kreme’s total assets turnover ratio of 1.9 times is better than its prime competitors of McDonalds and Starbucks. McDonald's has a current total assets turnover of .80 times, while Starbucks Corporation has a current total assets turnover of 1.7 times. (ADVFN, PLC) Hence, this is listed as an overall strength or competitive advantage for Krispy Kreme. The second ratio examined is Krispy Kreme’s debt to equity ratio. The ratio is calculated as Total liabilities / Stockholder’s Equity. A high debt to equity ratio would indicate that the company has financed its growth through debt. The main issues would be if the company overextended itself and took on too much debt, or if it has to shoulder a large amount of interest due to the existing debt. High or increasing debt ratios in relation to equity can be dangerous since it would indicate that the company is being financed by creditors instead of internal cash flows. ( website). Krispy Kreme’s debt to equity ratio of 1.05 is higher than its prime competitors. McDonalds Corporation has a .81 ratio, while Starbucks has a low .18 ratio. (ADVFN, PLC). Overall, 1.05 of Krispy Kreme is not an evident weakness, since using some leverage is not considered a clear weakness. The third ratio examined is the return on equity ratio. It is calculated as follows: Net income / Common Equity. This ratio is especially useful for shareholders who are interested in knowing what profits earned by the company can be made available to pay dividends. Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discrimination of Micronesians in Hawaii Essay Example for Free
Discrimination of Micronesians in Hawaii Essay Since the COFA (Compact of Free Association) Act was formalized between the Pacific Island nations of Micronesia and the United States in 1986, there have been rising influxes of Micronesian citizens that have the privilege of entering the U. S. without the need for a visa or time limit. These FAS (Freely Associated States) include the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. While there is no obligation to immigrate to a specific state within the U. S. , many choose to settle on Hawai’i. Due to its proximity to their home islands and tropical environment, the Micronesian population in Hawai’i has been steadily increasing during recent years. It is estimated that around 15,000 COFA migrants are currently residing in Hawai’i, where they subsequently face many barriers as new immigrants, including language, social and cultural barriers. Specifically, there is an ever-growing presence of Micronesian stereotyping and marginalization that is frequently exhibited by other ethnic populations in Hawai’i. Because they are seen as the â€Å"newest†population to arrive on the islands and the fastest growing, Micronesians are subject to many forms of discrimination. In recent years, our local community has been ill-equipped and misinformed about the Micronesian population. Consequently, our unfamiliarity has contributed to their isolation and discrimination within the Hawai’ian Islands. It is important for us as residents of Hawai’i to bridge the gap that exists between Micronesians and what we perceive as our own â€Å"local society†. Due to our society being misinformed and social control factors at work, we perceive Micronesians as being inept, destitute and imprudent. There are several barriers that hinder Micronesian assimilation within the islands. One such barrier is within the health care system. In Dr. Yamada’s article titled, â€Å"Discrimination in Hawaii and the Health of Micronesians†, he says Micronesians are often victims of â€Å"inferior care or denial of services†. There are instances of Micronesian patients that are denied services and being referred to another clinic, or being discriminated against due to their perceived lack of adherence to treatment plans. Personally, I believe that there is a kind of â€Å"ignorance†that health care providers bestow upon Micronesian patients. In 2006, I began working as a volunteer for the Kaka’ako homeless shelter and clinic started by Dr. Jill Omori that included inhabitants comprised mostly of Micronesian ethnicity. Many of them were unable to find a job and help themselves financially. Those individuals who lacked the means to support their family also sought refuge at the shelter. I observed that a lot of the older Micronesian shelter inhabitants could not speak English, and those who did only had limited basic knowledge and phrases that they used. What was surprising, however, was that most of the doctors and medical students who treated these patients did not having a working knowledge of the Chuukese language, which is spoken by the majority of the Micronesians. Many of these patients used the help of their children who were fortunate to attend public schools. Thus, a language barrier had existed, and still to this day, is continually a major factor in the fair treatment of health care delivery among Micronesians. In the health care system, it can be challenging to relay medical information from English into Chuukese. Pobutsky et. al. uggests having health education materials translated and readily available for Micronesian patients. Pobutsky also notes that having interpreters fluent in Chuukese is essential. Regarding denial of health services, Yamada talks about how COFA migrants were denied MED-QUEST (a Medicaid program) benefits in July 2010 by the Hawai’i State Administration. It was reinstated 4 months later because the denial was in direct violation of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. Such discrimination is not only seen in our health care system, but also within the confines of social and economic settings. Yamada suggests that examining and countering â€Å"prevailing social forces†will help eliminate discrimination. By my personal interpretation, he is saying we must realize that social forces – such as the criminal justice system and the government – are shared by all of us as one single community in Hawai’i. By being responsible and looking out for one another regardless of race or ethnicity, we can close the social bridge that divide us. In other words, we must be proactive and bring to light the issues that face Micronesian immigrants who are treated unfairly. Another brief policy report from the Hawai’i Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice (HACLEJ) provides accounts of stigmatization by governmental leaders towards COFA migrants. The report further goes on to explain how there is an absence of interpreters available to help COFA migrants within labor, housing and court disputes. Within the context of the court system, it can be a challenge for someone convicted who does not have a working knowledge of the English language. HACLEJ emphasizes the need to â€Å"stimulate awareness, advocacy and action†in order to better address Micronesians living in Hawai’i. Several paths can be taken to address discrimination issues against Micronesians. Already, there are many advocates and groups that support Micronesians and other at-risk migrants. Some of these groups do not receive funding from the state of Hawai’i, and must rely on private funds to continue their work. There are also few research projects that involve Micronesians living in Hawai’i and thus there is little information in regards to ethnographic and qualitative studies. Additionally, surveys measuring Micronesians’ health needs and risk factors should be included within the context of how to better deliver health care. Within the political system, our lawmakers should be better informed and take more consideration into immigration affairs. Pobutsky et. al. gives several examples of health service programs that are currently in the process of addressing the language barriers and health concerns of Micronesians, but there is much more work to be done in order to achieve long-term success. Allocation of state and government funds should be directed towards creating more educational and social programs that can help better address disparities quite often seen with newly arrived immigrants. Based in part by my own personal experiences and also through research, many Micronesians are illiterate and lack a good work ethic to succeed in future endeavors. Because Micronesians are discriminated both in the job market and in school, they may perceive themselves as being unable to achieve success that is often seen with other ethnicities. Consequently many of them, especially Micronesian youths, engage in criminal behavior and illicit activities. My worry is that this cycle will manifest itself unchecked among these youths well into adulthood and create more harm than good within the criminal justice system of Hawai’i. As citizens of a diverse society in Hawai’i, we need to be more proactive and open-minded on issues that deal with the Micronesian population as a whole. Local perspectives that Micronesians are a kind of â€Å"deviance†on the islands and a â€Å"burden†to our society are obstructive to our continuous theme of the â€Å"Aloha spirit†. We must come together as a society and be more considerate and helpful to those who we might think less highly of. As long as institutions of power continue to ignore the problem of discrimination and disparity, then recent immigrants who include Micronesians will continue to face hardship. In our study of social control theory, there is the idea of â€Å"strain†that is frequently seen in societies that stress hard work and having a good education. More research efforts and studies must be done in order to better assess disparities present within the Micronesian population in Hawai’i, as well as having adequate funding by the state to support programs that meet the needs of the Micronesian community.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Chlamydia Essay -- essays research papers
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most widespread and infamous bacterial infection affecting the genital tract. Not only is it quite common in developed countries but an increase in cases has sprung up in developing countries as well. In the United States, there is a 4 million per year case rate of chlamydia which costs the US approximately $2 billion dollars in consequences and treatments. Persons who suffer from chlamydia in underdeveloped countries and have no means of seeking treatment may become blind because chlamydia has the potential of causing trachoma. It is becoming a global interest to control and restrain this budding disease. In order to do so it is essential to recognize the symptoms of chlamydia, diagnose the victim, and provide treatment immediately.      Observing symptoms of chlamydia is often a difficult process considering that 75% of females and 50% of males are asymptomatic; for those who are infected and do show symptoms, there are obvious signs directly connected to the chlamydia bacterium. In infected females, purulent discharge and a burning sensation while urinating are common indicators. The irregular discharge can be mistaken for normal vaginal discharge making this indicator slightly less conspicuous. These signs are caused by the bacterium’s concentration on the cervix and urethra and is classified as an acute endocervical infection. Other signs in the female are spotting between menstrual periods, fever, and severe back and abdominal pain. In males, burning sensation and discharge from the penis also occur. In addition, pain around the opening of the penis as well as soreness of the testicles can be observed. These symptoms occur from epididymitis. The contraction of chlamydia through anal pe netration can lead to rectal discharge, bleeding, and pain. If symptoms appear the next stage is to verify that the symptoms are directly related to the chlamydia bacterium. There are a number of methods in the process of diagnosing a potential case of the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. Classic methods of diagnosis have been centered on cell culture; the â€Å"culture era†began in the 1970s and proceeded into the late 1980s. Cell culture â€Å"was the inoculation of clinical material into animals, embryonated hens eggs or tissue culture cells and the demonstration of characteristic chlamydial inclusions.†Minor complication... ...s were tested for chlamydia through IgG antibodies and the PCR process. The study concluded that IgG antibodies in males were associated with lower pregnancy rates and a higher IgG antibodies count in the woman. There is a higher occurrence of IgG antibodies in the infertile couples than in fertile couples. After some treatment, the odds ratio of not successfully completing pregnancy with the male being chlamydia trachomatis positive is 2.6. In those couples that were not treated, the odds ratio is much higher at about 3.9. The study deems it â€Å"cost-beneficial†to screen infertile couples by means of the PCR tests because it is been deemed â€Å"cost-effective†in places where the chlamydia bacteria was very common. The chlamydia trachomatis disease is on the rise so further studies and research is quite necessary to maintain a tight grip on this epidemic. Innovative diagnosis will assist persons infected with chlamydia to identify the disease in early stages to help reduce further complications and cost concerns. Advancement in treatments will evidently be beneficial for those with acute and chronic stages of chlamydia which will also reduce costs as well as grief to those infected.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Lost Wallet Essay
If you have never lost or misplaced something valuable to you, let me tell you it is not very fun. It is very stressful and can ruin your entire day. I would also suggest not doing such a thing because your family will never forget how funny you looked freaking out over the whole thing. In my case, it was my most precious possession at the time, my wallet, or purse for some, is a precious item in which most people carry things more essential than money towards everyday life. Some are made of Velcro, they can be snap buttons, or they can simply fold up (hence the term â€Å"billfold†). Mine was a Fossil leather brown tri-fold that I got as a Christmas gift from my grandparents more that five years ago. I’ve had that square leathery keep safe all my life, and I wasn’t planning on losing or throwing it away, ever. If some people were to lose that portable safe, they may be offset for the rest of that day. The person without that wallet could be cranky or depressed for a while. Maybe something of great sentimental value was in that wallet. This person could stay hold these feelings for a long time, until they find their belongings by which case they are filled with joy. I myself, personally, keep anything I may have interest in knowing where it is, in my trusty, four-sided, tough wallet. I am also very good about always having my wallet and never losing it†¦ until recently. In my wallet, I store dire personal items such as my license and some pictures. When you open the pocketbook up, you immediately see a picture of myself, which is one my driver’s license. In the picture I am wearing a Notre Dame sweatshirt, and my hair is way too long. No, I was not going for the â€Å"JB†haircut look I had it way before all the â€Å"Bieber Fever†fan base came to be thank you very much. The pictures are of my dearly beloved family – mom, dad, brother and sister, grandma and grandpa; the people who mean the most to me on this earth. Among other things, I have my money, like everybody else, and certificates for stores like Pac Sun, Express (Yes I like to have a nice formal wardrobe), and various restaurants like Chipotle or Panera Bread. This summer, I went to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida with my Mom and sister. We flew down there and I took my wallet with me, like I would any other time. We had a two-hour flight at six in the morning. That was hell. I personally like waking up early, it’s the two women in my family that do not. The day is too precious to sleep it away. They were in crabby moods from when we left the house, till we got all the way to our first stop, Atlanta Georgia. The airport in ATL is huge! I thought of it as its own personal little city. You could literally live in this place. There are boutiques and restaurants lined down the halls where businessman, sports teams, and eager families ready to go on vacation busily run down to catch their next flight. We had an hour layover so we decided to eat some breakfast since it was only about eight-thirtyish o’clock. I got some delicious chicken biscuits from Chic-Fil-A and they hit the spot. Hot and juicy chicken tasted so good with the honey glazed biscuit that was baked perfectly with a nice crust and soft, chewy insides. After we had our food fixes, we relaxed in some seats we found near a window while we waited for our next flight to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The flight lasted for about two hours. The plane landed smoothly on the runway and we were ready to get our vacation started. Me being the only male on the trip only had one bag, which was checked in as a carryon. Well, for the other two females, had at least one other bag each and for that, we had to wait in baggage claim for just about an hour. After that was all settled and done, we went and got our rental car, which was a bluish purplish metallic Saab convertible. The drop top came in handy on that hot and muggy Florida with cool breezes. As we drove away and pulled out into the street, the whole skyline opened up over the horizon. Ginormous hotels were lined up right after the next that overlooked the calm Atlantic Ocean. You could see pelicans flying around them amongst the light blue sky, that which completed the ideal look of southern Florida in my book. We got to our hotel, it wasn’t as tall or fancy looking outside as did the others, but inside was very nice. It had shinny marble floors with antique couches and of course, a piano in the lobby. Me being the instrument lover that I am, I naturally walked over and played a tune or three while my mom and sister got us checked in to our room. The piano was a neatly kept Yamaha that was black with gold pedals. It had a sound to it that would melt an angel’s heart, or any girls’ that seemed my age and happened to be walking by for that matter. We rode the elevator up to the tenth floor. Inside there were golden handrails with mirrors on every side, there was no music playing. We reached the floor that our room was on and we walked to the door, sliding the plastic card to unlock the door, and away we went inside to see where we would be residing for the next week. The room was square with two beds that was neatly made and had plain beige colored bedspread. I immediately called sleeping by myself since I was the only guy, and I also knew that my sister kicks and grinds her teeth when she sleeps and I did not want any part of that on my vacation. We got settled in, I took a shower since I hadn’t that morning since we got up so early. When I got out the two girls were already gone so I called my sister. â€Å"Where did you guys go? †I asked. â€Å"Oh, we’re down outside sitting at a table. Come join us and we’ll get something to eat†was the response my sister gave. That’s all I needed to hear, the word FOOD. I am always hungry, so I got dressed quickly and ran out the room. I put on a grey Rip Curl â€Å"bro-tank†and some black shorts that I had gotten from one of my baseball teams that didn’t have pockets in them. As I left the room I made myself do a mental check of my valuables; phone, wallet, check. The girl met me in the lobby and we walked out to the rental car, I offered to drive. My mom stops dead in her tracks and says, â€Å"Oh shoot, I forgot my sunglasses up in the room. Hold on I’ll be right back. †Me and my sister wait outside the car and talk about what all we are trying to do while we’re are down here in the beautiful city of Ft. Lauderdale. Well, when someone doesn’t have pockets, then it is hard to keep their wallet right next to them at all times. I was carrying my wallet and my phone out from the hotel, along with the rental keys that my mom tossed to me when I offered to drive the fancy convertible, and set the wallet and keys on top of the car. There was no way I was putting my phone down, I had to be taking pictures of course. My mom shortly returned, passing back through the sliding glass doors to the entrance of the hotel with her big, black sunglasses on her head, so I opened up the door and got in the drivers’ seat of the car. When I figured out that I needed the keys in order to get in the car and turn it on, I reached up and took them off the top of the roof, unknowingly leaving my wallet leaving my wallet behind. I sat in the car, car door open, waiting for my mom to make it to the car so we could all go to a diving area. Once he made it to the car, without thinking, I closed the door and started the car. I had been driving about a mile or two before I realized that my wallet was no longer on my body. Immediately, I pulled the car over, and the next hour or so was spent looking for my wallet. All I could think about was what I would lose if I didn’t find my favorite and only wallet. The week before was my birthday, and I was given sixty dollars to Best Buy and fifty dollars to Auto Zone. Pictures of loved family members, and aside from that I had about forty dollars in cash. While walking up and down the road that my wallet had to have flown off on, my sister found my Best Buy card. That eased my mind a little. However, that was all we found of my dear wallet. My family and I gave up after wasting an hour of finding nothing. I didn’t want to drive anymore. Losing my wallet made me depressed for the rest of the day. I could not believe I did something so stupid. Now, if you haven’t flown on an airplane recently you know that you cannot get onto a plane without your I. D. I had no problem staying in Ft. Lauderdale until I got a new I. D. , but my mom was not very happy and this made her and I quite nervous. We got to this little restaurant a few blocks down which had good reviews that we read about. The food was delicious. I had king crab legs and sweet tea. The crab was so fresh and the tea was as sweet as a box of chocolates. This meal kind of made me feel a little better, but my spirits were still crushed after had just losing my wallet and a lot of personal objects in it. We had spent the whole day sitting by the pool and walking along side the white sandy shore talking and having a good time. The next day I received a call from my grandmother – the sheriff’s department from Broward County, where I was during this fiasco, contacted her and when she answered the phone the sheriff said, â€Å"This is Deputy ‘so-and-so’ from the Broward County sheriffs department. Do you know Morgan Anderson? †This startled my grandmother. The sheriff then continued to explain to her that he had found my wallet with a picture of my grandma and her phone number on the back, some two miles from the hotel in which I was staying. She gave me that picture with the number in case I forget her number. Now how sweet is that? He left her information on how to contact him if she wished to retrieve my wallet. My grandmother called me and relayed that information. That very afternoon I got with the sheriff and recovered my wallet. That made my day, knowing that everything I had lost in my wallet was now returned to me, except for my forty dollars in cash, which seemed odd, but didn’t really matter to me at that time. I was just happy to have my square leather tri fold Fossil wallet back in my possession again. Obviously this made the trip that much more enjoyable and relaxing, especially for the sake of my mind. We spent our time soaking up the sun at the pool and beach, snorkeling in the deep blue ocean looking at the reef and vibrant fish, ate at delicious cafe’s and restaurants, and of course with the two girls, shopping. All in all, it was a very solid trip. Before we knew it, it was that time to leave and go home. Luckily, we didn’t have an early flight out of there so we could spend a little time on the last day doing whatever we wanted. I just chose to sit outside and listen to music. I got to know a few people in the hotel that were also on vacation so I spent a little time talking with them. You wouldn’t believe how many people are there from international countries. It then came time to check out and leave the hotel. We hopped into the rental car one last time and made way for the airport. The whole flight I slept comfortably with my headphones in listening to some Red Hot Chili Peppers’ funky bass lines and catchy choruses, which kept me, sound asleep. I woke up when the plane touched down in Kansas City, there we claimed our baggage and walked to my mom’s car that had been waiting for us since we left that exact day a week ago. After I had been sleeping for a straight six hours, I had some restored energy and wanted to drive us home. â€Å"Got your wallet? †My mom sarcastically asked as she looked at me and smiled while she handed me her keys. I didn’t say anything back I just laughed, pulled it out and showed it to her as a entered the car. Since that single event, I have lost my wallet two other times, none as serious as before though. These were just for about ten or thirty minutes when it was in my room or in my car somewhere. I have also lost something sincere to me by putting it on top of the car, my morning coffee. The carelessness of my misplacing’s have taught me a lesson, simply think before I act. This is something everyone is told to do numerous times; it is a good attribute to have. Only now, it is easier for me to apply that to my actions. If I follow that idea I could avoid future problems like this, preemptive caution. It took a scare like this for it to finally kick in to me, and now every time before I drive off I get out of the car and look at the roof just incase I’m forgetting something.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan Essay
In my first report I indicated my age 42 years old, my weight was 165 pounds and height 5’6†. My daily exercise was riding bike between 6 to 8 miles a day for 3 days during the week for a total of 350 minutes of Physical Activity. Week one 3 day analysis for breakfast I had a cup of coffee with flavored cream with sandwich or cereals, for lunch I had sandwich or reheated food from previous day, snack I had wheat cake, fruits or chips and for dinner; Latin food, hamburger or pasta, don’t drink soft drinks, but drink Lipton Iced Tea and water. (Matta) (2012). Based on the first report I was over in grains on vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein foods, oils I was under; empty calories I was under with 280 calories, total calories average was 1785 status and sodium was high on all 3 days. (SuperTracker) (n. d. ). After the first report I tried to modified some eating habits measuring the amount of food; cereal, pasta, rice and beans in cups, steaks and fish cut in 4 ounces, drink more water and less alcoholic drinks and increase my daily exercise adding two days of walking 3 miles per day increasing my weekly Physical Activity to 630 minutes. Matta) (2013). The latest report from January 2nd through January 4th, all the food groups where under my empty calories was lower then the first one at 208 and my average total calories was lower at 1292 average per day but my sodium limit is still high. The result of this modification is my current weight at 155 pounds and drop from a 36†³ waist size to a 34†³. Based on Food Tracker my daily calorie limit allowance is 2400 and at least 150 minutes per week of physical activity. I am under the allowance of calories and over my physical activity per week. (SuperTracker) (n. d. ). Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan After reviewing both analysis I have realized that my challenge is sodium, I don’t use salt but some of the food I consume are high on sodium. Colorado State University indicates that sodium is found in most process foods to preserve or flavor them; sodium has an important role maintaining water balance within the cells and in the function of both impulses and muscle but consuming excess sodium may lead to edema or water retention, high blood pressure and in Women may be at higher risk for developing osteoporosis even if calcium intake is adequate. Colorado State University) (n. d. ). In my family our medical history is high blood pressure my Mother, Brother and I have this condition. The American Heart Association indicates that high blood pressure can be inherited by one of both parents if they have a history of the condition, advance age can develop a higher risk, gender related risk pattern, lack of physical activity, overweight, obesity, drinking to much alcohol and Poor diet, especially one that includes too much salt other possible factors could be stress, smoking, second hand smoke and sleep apnea. (American Heart Association) (2012). The effects of having high blood pressure are, a stroke it can cause a break or weakened blood vessel which the brain can bleed, it is a major factor in heart attacks the arteries brings oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle if the heart doesn’t receive the proper oxygen, blood flow is blocked a heart attach can occur, Kidney damage in over time the high blood pressure can narrow or thicken the blood vessels of the Kidney this we result in filtering less fluids and waste build up in the blood the result can be dialysis or kidney transplant and Arteries, the arteries in the brain, heart and kidney hardens making all three to work harder. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute) (n. d. ). Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan I believe I have a good diet consuming my total calories for day, the amount of food and exercise but as mentioned before sodium is my challenge. My action plan will be related with sodium and how to keep high blood pressure under control, the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute give me some tips on how to reduce sodium in my diet, buy fresh, plain frozen, or canned vegetable with no salt added, use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat rather then canned or process types, use herbs, spices and salt-free seasoning blends in cooking, cut back in salad dressing, rinse can food such as tuna to remove sodium and choose ready to eat breakfast cereals lower in sodium. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute) (n. d. ). With these tips my action planned is to buy less process foods, use more white meat instead of red and consume it in small amounts, utilize less dressing or replace it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar in small amounts and consumed more salt free products for exercise my plan will be the same as I have in present time, I will ride my bike 3 days a week between 6 to 8 miles and walk 2 days a week 3 miles per day this plan will keep my body active and healthy. Matta) (2013), All action plans have their share of setbacks some of the anticipated setbacks for both food and exercise; for food is the amount of time that I have to go to the grocery store and buy the products mentioned above, I have a very active lifestyle family, work, study, and exercise; time is very limited, this is why we go to a restaurant, buy process food or can food without reading the labels a plan that I will implement with my wife is to go the first day of the month and go to the grocery store and supply our sel f with the necessary healthy food for the entire month and go once a week to replenish anything that we need; for exercise my setback is more the ability to keep motivated and time to overcome this my plan is to keep my picture of my Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan Daughter and I in the door fridge when I was overweight, this picture is why I decided to do exercise, loose weight and keep it off. (Matta) (2013). One tool I learned from our class is Super Tracker since I learned about this site I have use it since and I will keep using it until I have to register again, Super Tracker gives me suggestion and measure the outcome of my action plan plus doing my yearly checkup with the Doctor for my high blood pressure and health. If I keep my action plan in tact the result will be a positive one healthy body and mind but If don’t follow my action plan the health risk factor will be a negative one I can gain weight and high blood pressure which can create a stroke or heart attack or even worst death. (Matta) (2013). Colorado State University indicates as we age it is important to eat more calcium, iron protein Vitamins A, C and flacon; reduce calories selected nutrient-dense foods and enjoy smaller portions of foods high in fat, sugar and sodium. (Colorado State University) (n. d. ). As I age I will follow my doctors instruction and educate myself and adjust based on the information provided eat smaller portion, use Vitamins and reduce any sugar and sodium from my diet, in regard of my exercise as I age my body will have less motion I will walk more a bike ride less, in Florida the 4 seasons are basically the same good weather but in summer the heat is overwhelming and it rains constantly this could alter my physical activity the option is to go to a gym or my YMCA to exercise indoors. (Matta) (2013). Conclusion our body is a perfect machine created to live, serve and reproduce in our world, we are responsible in taking care of it. We should always try our best to eat healthy and keep it fit so we can live a long, healthy and happy life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Biography of Brian Cox, Physicist
Biography of Brian Cox, Physicist Physics has had a number of figures who have not only advanced scientists understanding of the universe but also pushed forward a greater understanding of complex scientific questions among the general population. Think of Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and Stephen Hawking, all of whom stood out from among the crowd of stereotypical physicists to present physics to the world in their distinctive styles and found an audience of non-scientists for whom their presentations strongly resonated. Though not yet as accomplished as these iconic physicists, British particle physicist Brian Cox certainly fits the profile of the celebrity scientist. He rose to prominence first as a member of British rock bands in the early 1990s before ultimately transitioning to work as an experimental physicist, exploring the cutting edge of particle physics. Though well-respected among physicists, it is his work as an advocate for science communication and education in which he really stands out from the crowd. He is a popular figure in British (and worldwide) media discussing matters of scientific importance, not only in the realm of physics but also more broadly on subjects of public policy and embracing secular principles of rationality. General Information Birthdate: March 3, 1968 Nationality: English Spouse: Gia Milinovich Music Career Brian Cox was a member of the rock band Dare in 1989 until the band split up in 1992. In 1993, he joined the UK rock band D:Ream, which had a number of hits, including the number one Things Can Only Get Better, which went on to be used as a political election anthem in England. D:Ream disbanded in 1997, at which point Cox (who had been studying physics all along and earned his Ph.D.) went on to practicing physics full time. Physics Work Brian Cox received his doctorate in physics from the University of Manchester, completing his thesis in 1998. In 2005, he was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. He splits his time between work at the University of Manchester and at the CERN facility in Geneva, Switzerland, home of the Large Hadron Collider. Coxs work is on both the ATLAS experiment and the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. Popularizing Science Brian Cox has not only performed extensive research, but has also worked hard to help popularize science to lay audiences, especially through repeated appearances on the BBC programs such as The Big Bang Machine. In 2014, Brian Cox hosted a BBC Two 5-part television miniseries, The Human Universe, which explored humanitys place in the universe by exploring the history of our growth as a species and also tackling existential questions such as Why are we here? and What is our future? He also released a book, called The Human Universe (co-authored with Andrew Cohen), in 2014. Two of his speeches are available as TED lectures, where he explains the physics being performed (or not being performed) at the Large Hadron Collider. He has co-authored the following books with fellow British physicist Jeff Forshaw: Why Does Emc2 (And Why Do We Care?) (2009)The Quantum Universe (And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does) (2011) He is also a co-host of the popular BBC radio program Infinite Monkey Cage, which is released worldwide as a podcast. In this program, Brian Cox joins with British actor Robin Ince and other guests of renown (and sometimes scientific expertise) to discuss subjects of scientific interest with a comedic twist. Awards and Recognition International Fellow of The Explorers Club, 2002Lord Kelvin prize from the British Association (for his work popularizing science), 2006Institute of Physics Kelvin Prize, 2010Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 2010Institute of Physics Presidents medal, 2012Royal Societys Michael Faraday Prize, 2012 In addition to the above awards, Brian Cox has been recognized with a variety of honorary degrees.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Military Tribunals essays
Military Tribunals essays In Guantanamo Bay there are several detainees who have been there for over year nearly two years now. These are members of al-Qaeda, Taliban, or those suspected of being or supporting other terrorists. Recently a few have been released on that there innocent, and many others delivered to their own country to be tried by them because of political pressures. All of these events are happening because of Bushs Military Order to create military tribunals to convict war criminals. This paper will look at the advantages and failings of these military commissions. It will also take a look at a case tried in the civil court that many supporters of the military tribunals thought should be held within them. Then conclude by giving the opinions of this writer on arguments given. Proponents of Bushs Military Order for military tribunals argue that the tribunals are better to try the terrorists than our criminal justice system. They argue that military tribunals can dispense justice swiftly, close to where our forces may be fighting, without years of pretrial proceedings or post-trial appeals (Gonzales). They also give example of how the terrorists trials for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center took five months of testimony, 207 witnesses, and 1,003 exhibits not to mention many days of legal arguments and four days of jury deliberations (Dean1, 2). That was for the first trial the second one, involving the remaining defendants, took over eight months to complete. These examples show how that a large amount of time would take to prosecute terrorists in our criminal justice system. That it could take a long while for justice to be dispensed and that it would be costly to us. Also proponents argue that American citizens placed as jurors risk their lives and their families from other terrorists. They also speak of the problem of a unanimous finding of guilt beyond a reasonable doub...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Does It Matter How You Publish
Does It Matter How You Publish Im still deluged with questions, comments, and concerns regarding self-publishing. Theres still a huge misunderstanding that self-publishing is the second-best option to traditional. That self-publishing is for those who cannot traditionally publish. The amazing part of these misconceptions is that most of these folks have no idea how traditional publishing works. They are going with the route that most people go with, that carries less risk (or so they think), where nobody can reject. After some back and forth, heres an email message from a reader: Hope At first, I had the notion about self-publishing being second option because this was what I’d been told and made to believe First, whether traditional or self-published, publishing is simply a tool. What you do with it deems its importance. Forget reputations affiliated with self-publishing. I don’t tell ANYONE that I’ve self-pubbed one book or traditionally published another. A reader doesn’t care. Only when I’m asked do I state which is which. We become so entrenched in the publishing industry, that we forget about the readers who only want a good book. Amazon has helped balance the playing field for self-published authors, and I commend them for that. However, I blame writers for how they use and misuse that opportunity. Mistakes self-published writers make: -They publish prematurely. -They design bad covers. -They design bad cover copy. -They format unprofessionally. -They do not edit enough. -They do not proofread enough (different from editing). -They do not market themselves well. The reputation of self-publishing isnt what hurts you. Nobody knows how you published if you dont tell them. Its all about how you present and sell yourself, and especially how well you write and present the book. Its on you, the author, to create a phenomenal book. But as long as self-publishing is just that available for everyone to do it themselves you will have bad work out there. I wave off the sarcasms that traditional markets have bad works, too, because the percentages don’t even compare. There are far more bad books out there in the self-publishing world because there are no gatekeepers. It is what it is. Until self-published authors as a whole pour as much attention into their books as traditional presses pour into theirs, the scales wont balance. The main point is simply to choose which way to publish, use it, own it, and don’t lead with how you published, but with how good the book is.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Feature pitch Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Feature pitch - Assignment Example Only one third of Australians take part in physical fitness activities and sports. Keeping fit and recreation are the main motivations for the Australians that exercise. This has serious implications not only health-wise but also on the level of professional sports in the country. This story; therefore, seeks to critically analyze this tendency with a view to proposing the way forward. There are other factors that motivate Australians to take part in sports and physical fitness programs. They include peer pressure and checking weight. Some people exercise because their contemporaries are doing it. This is especially the case for young adults. As for older citizens, their major concern is weight. They; therefore, exercise in order to reduce weight. However, the frequency at which citizens are exercising is a major point of concern. 34% of the research sample did not participate in any sports or physical fitness activity while another 6% took part only occasionally. Only 29% of the people interviewed exercised more than twice a week. Is Australian a physically unfit nation? Do these findings have any implications? What is the government’s role in ensuring that Australia is physically fit? What measures can be put into place to remedy this situation? Of course, every individual is responsible for their own health. However, they need an enabling environment to help them uphold healthy practices. In essence, the story will recommend the way forward, basing on available resources. 1. I have planned to hold an interview with Peter McKay, the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Recreation and Sports Research Group, at Sydney Gardens on 20 May 2014 at 4.00pm. He heads the research group that investigated the factors that motivated or de-motivated Australians in relation to physical fitness and sports. 2. Will hold another interview with Marisol Freanken, the Administration Coordinator, at Kiwi Square on 20 May 2014. Mr. Freanken will shed
Friday, October 18, 2019
Pesonal invenstmnt in UK - Is it a science or a matter of good fortune Essay
Pesonal invenstmnt in UK - Is it a science or a matter of good fortune - Essay Example Participation by the people in the investment activity of United Kingdom is a long history. Personal investment is done by the individual. Personal investing constitutes an important part in personal financial investment. Personal investment is done for future expenditure plans such as to buy real estate, pay for family expenses and also to pay off outstanding loans. Now, the question is how an individual invest. He may begin to build up his financial assets in order to pay for long term financial goals. He may want assets accessible to make down payments on housing and may also want to guarantee that human capital is low risk by buying disability insurance and term insurance (Schewart, 1999, pp.1-2). Personal Investment is done in order to create a safe financial cushion which will be used in after years. The cushion includes various types of investment such as participating in pension plans, individual saving accounts, investment trusts, unit trusts, open ended investment companies , endowment policies, annuities and other transaction of gilts and bonds, shares, property, liquidity funds and other options (Nestpensions, pp.1-2). Personal investor should create an investment portfolio in order to better manage their investment which in turn helps them to improve their standard of living. In personal investment, portfolio plays very important role. Markowitz’s theory indicates that successful combination of a portfolio present a given level of risk with maximum expected return, or a given expected return with low level of risk (Ou, 2005, pp.31-39). If personal investor will be able to manage their portfolio in a well manner, then market will be defeated by them and they will get good return. However, it is impossible for everyone to get good return in investment in the United Kingdom. For this particular reason, there can be a debate that â€Å"the personal investment in UK – is it a science or a matter of good fortune†? Evaluation: It is a Science If personal investors in UK want to get higher return and to decrease investment risk, then they should learn and use some principles, theories and approaches in order to manage their portfolio in a significant manner and to make predictions on the trend of investment to achieve their goals. With the growth of investment theory, more principles, theories and approaches are coming up with the experts, scholars and investors. Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) Modern portfolio theory (MPT) is published by Harry Markowitz in 1952. It offers a framework for the systematic selection of portfolios which are based on expected return and risk principles. MPT principles are used by the financial advisors in advising their individual investor client and MPT terms are used by the financial commentators in discussing the current investing environment. The theory focuses on how risk averse investors can build a portfolio to formulate the best on expected return in view of a given level of ris k. Markowitz was the first to develop the portfolio diversification concept. He showed quantitatively, how portfolio
Managing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 4
Managing - Essay Example He argues that power cannot be easily repressed because it has productive aspect. Power cannot be seen only in terms of economic determination though it can be exercised for economic utility on human subjects. He examined the creation of modern disciplines, their principles of order and control, and how they tends to disindividualize power, making it appear as if power exists in the institution rather than the people. He used the Panopticon model by Bentham to explain the way institutions function in that the modelmakes power automatic and disindividualized. He held that the principles of power were concentrated on a distribution of bodies rather than one person. In The Subject and Power, he explained that modern-day disciplinary organizations allow a large number of people believed to be specialist to exercise control over a smaller number. He says power exists only when it is put into action and it does not mean a renunciation of freedom or transferring of rights of majority to few. In a power relationship, power involves actions executed based on another person’s actions and reactions. In this understanding,Freedom is a condition for the exercise of power and is exercised over free subjects, but only in as far as they are free. Foucault believes that power is productive, it is not a property of the state and it operates all social relations among persons. He views the mechanisms of power to produce different types of knowledge which collects information on people’s activities and existence in order to further reinforce the exercise of power. Other than the disciplinary power, Foucault describes pastoral power as ultimate power where people discipline applies to the everyday life of an individual and imposes a law of truth on him making him a subject. Power produces subjects but not conformity; it ensures the individuality of all persons with their differences and deviances being
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The significance of the Copenhagen Conference Essay
The significance of the Copenhagen Conference - Essay Example However the new Obama administration seems open to the issue. In the past, the US has treated climate change as a non-issue, focusing on it only during political campaigns. Presently there are signs that the US government might reconsider its hard-line stance on global warming. It had already agreed to cut its emissions by 17% in 2005. By the year 2030, US plans to cut emissions by 42% and 83% by 2050 (Broder). China is also one of the world’s biggest air polluter and a lot of pressure has been put on that country’s government to come up with platform to regulate the emissions that come from industries in China. China has already agreed to cut CO2 emissions per GDP unit by 40 to 45% by the year 2020 (Zhi Lin). The whole world certainly agrees that global warming needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. For instance the UK has already formally agreed to cut emissions by 20%. Countries in the European region also agreed to cut their emissions by the same margin (Bulow). As a result of global warming, the world is becoming hotter. The Polar Regions are melting and this in turn is causing the sea level to rise. It has been said that some islands might disappear if the situation is not addressed. Deserts are increasing and many people are going without water and food. This is not what the world wants, and the sooner this climate issue is resolved, the better it will be for everyone (Anup). The conference comes at a time when the world is hard pressed to address factors that have led to global warming and severe climate change in various parts of the world. If the world leaders come to a practical agreement, this could be a huge step towards saving the world from utter destruction. However the conference might end up like so many climate-based conferences before it, which did not produce any conclusive solution to the problem of
Swaying of Congress Leading to Legislative Initiatives Essay
Swaying of Congress Leading to Legislative Initiatives - Essay Example The wastes from tanneries contain lime sludge, salt, and acids that pollute the environment (Babu, 2005). The USDC found out that leukemia was rampant in people that lived around the tannery in Kentucky. Workers in these factories are exposed to arsenic, a chemical used in processing leather and causes lung cancer. Studies have shown that some leather products contain hexavalent chromium, a strong allergen that can lead to adverse skin reactions like eczema. Wool production also harms the environment, though indirectly. The ship was responsible for an anticipated change in the weather that causes badlands. Chemicals used in the production of wool also pollute the existing water sources. Hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and chromates are used in the production and preservation of fur. This also affects the environments because the fur is a vehicle of pollution. Should any product contain any of these substances, ill advice the company to halt their usage and instead use alternatives like plant based fabric like cotton, linen and bamboo. Rubber, ramie, canvas can be used in place of leather. Providing toxic free products provides a competitive edge over rivals because consumers are willing to pay more for products that will not harm them at all. No allergies, no static charges, and there is a happy group of consumers. This will boost the sales and profit margins for the company (Easton, 2009). Babu, N. C., Asma, K., Raghupathi, A., Venba, R., Ramesh, R., & Sadulla, S. (2005). Screening of leather auxiliaries for their role in toxic hexavalent chromium formation in leatherâ€â€posing potential health hazards to the users. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(12),
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The significance of the Copenhagen Conference Essay
The significance of the Copenhagen Conference - Essay Example However the new Obama administration seems open to the issue. In the past, the US has treated climate change as a non-issue, focusing on it only during political campaigns. Presently there are signs that the US government might reconsider its hard-line stance on global warming. It had already agreed to cut its emissions by 17% in 2005. By the year 2030, US plans to cut emissions by 42% and 83% by 2050 (Broder). China is also one of the world’s biggest air polluter and a lot of pressure has been put on that country’s government to come up with platform to regulate the emissions that come from industries in China. China has already agreed to cut CO2 emissions per GDP unit by 40 to 45% by the year 2020 (Zhi Lin). The whole world certainly agrees that global warming needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. For instance the UK has already formally agreed to cut emissions by 20%. Countries in the European region also agreed to cut their emissions by the same margin (Bulow). As a result of global warming, the world is becoming hotter. The Polar Regions are melting and this in turn is causing the sea level to rise. It has been said that some islands might disappear if the situation is not addressed. Deserts are increasing and many people are going without water and food. This is not what the world wants, and the sooner this climate issue is resolved, the better it will be for everyone (Anup). The conference comes at a time when the world is hard pressed to address factors that have led to global warming and severe climate change in various parts of the world. If the world leaders come to a practical agreement, this could be a huge step towards saving the world from utter destruction. However the conference might end up like so many climate-based conferences before it, which did not produce any conclusive solution to the problem of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Analysis of the Economic Impact of the Major Social Problem of Poverty Assignment
Analysis of the Economic Impact of the Major Social Problem of Poverty - Assignment Example Indeed, the article vividly shows that the government of New York City must aid the residents in their desire to climb out of their current poverty debacle. Subject: Business Topic: Article Analysis Introduction In terms of discussing the model or economic theory that relates to the issue presented in the news article, the economic theory in focus is a supply and demand theory. As prices of goods and services increase, the demand for the products and services decrease. Likewise, as the prices of goods and services increase, the supply of the goods and services increase (Arnold, 2008). In terms of discussing what economic theory states and predicts about the issue presented in the news article, as the prices of goods and services increase, the poverty level people will reduce their demand for the higher priced products. On the other hand, as the prices of goods and services increase, the business entities are eager to supply more services and goods in order to generate more profits (B oyes, 2010). Analysis of the Economic Impact of the Major Social Problem of Poverty The April 12, 2012 issue of the New York Times article is reflection on poverty. The title of the article is New York City’s Poverty Rate Rises, Study Finds (Roberts, 2012). The paper shows strong evidence there has been an increasing number of New York residents joining the ranks of the poor over the last years. The number of New York City residents has literally increased by 100,000 individuals. With the increase, the poverty ratio soared by as much as 1.3 percent. The new poverty rate is 21 percent. The percent indicates that one out of every five New York residents qualifies as poor. The article further states that New York has one of the highest poverty levels in the U.S. Once New York has implemented a more detailed description which defines who can be classified as a poor individual, current New York City’s statistics of the poor has the largest annual rise in poverty ratio. As J an Windebank emphasized, â€Å"Throughout the advanced economies, the widespread consensus is that employment is the best route out of poverty. Not only are the approaches of both the Old Left and New Right grounded in such a belief, but so too is the employment-focused third way approach of New Labor. In this book, however, our intention is to begin to explain why an alternative third way discourse has started to emerge that rejects an employment-centered approach to poverty alleviation†(Windebank, 2003). The current recession, which started in 2008, is blamed as the major culprit for the ballooning of the poor individuals in New York City. The recession brought a lot of the United States companies into the unfavorable quagmire of bankruptcy. With bankruptcy enveloping some of the companies in the United States skies, those that cannot innovate are forced to close shops. With the closing of the shops, many employees are retrenched. With the loss of their jobs, the retrenche d employees could not afford to retain their previous lifestyle. The retrenched employees had to join the long line of New Yorkers waiting for their turn to grab a set of food coupons. With the slowing of the United States economic wheel into a snail’s pace, statistics showed that one out of every four New York residents, under the age of 18 years, joined the poor of New York, the city that never sleeps. New York City’s Center for Economic Opportunity reported the latest poverty report. Likewise, the 2008 U.S. Economic crisis is
Monday, October 14, 2019
Difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict Essay Example for Free
Difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict Essay Functional Conflict Susie Steel is a vice president in a real estate development firm called Hearts Development. She has spent enormous amounts of energy cultivating a relationship with a local town regarding an available plot of land. Susie would like to purchase the land to build townhomes for sale. She has developed an excellent relationship with the town politicians and community members. An issue has developed over the planned usage of the land, though. The town will sell the land to Susies company but feels that townhomes would be bad for the overall community. Theyre concerned with the additional cost and burden of kids that the townhomes would bring into the community. Susie understands the communitys concern and wants a win-win situation to occur. She feels that this issue will be a functional conflict due to the fact that the disagreement will bring a positive end result to both parties. Positive results of functional conflict include: Awareness of both sides of issues Improvement of working conditions due to accomplishing solutions together Solving issues together to improve overall morale Making innovations and improvements within an organization In Susies case, constructive criticism and discussion resulted in a compromise and a solution between the parties. Susie understood the towns concern but needed to find something to build that would bring revenue for the company. Through their joint meetings, the end solution was for Hearts Development to build a retirement community, which would only have citizens 55 and over living in the town. This would eliminate the issue of having more young people come into town and burden the school system.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The War Of Nerves History Essay
The War Of Nerves History Essay The Cold War was a war that began after WWII between the United States and USSR. It was called the Cold War because this was a war of nerves. fought without using any type of artillery. This whole war was fought completely with words. [No, it was also fought in little countries] It was way to dangerous for both The USSR which was Russia [Russia was one segment of the USSR] to fight with the United States so they fought they basically pulled strings and fought using other countries. The United States helped [What about Korea?] South Vietnam as well as Afghanistan while Russia helped supply North Vietnam. That in a sense is how it evolved from the countries talking to war. These things coming forth lead to the Truman Doctrine being born. This doctrine clearly stated that the US would lend aid to all countries and free people who were willing to take a stand against the Soviet Union. Truman recognized that the growing of communism would be very to not just the US but other countries such as Greece who were already involved in civil wars would easily fall into communism with the promise of financial and military backing. Following the decree the US sent 400 million and the Union of NATO would then be formed. It then became known as a form of containment because the US used it to stall the spread of communism. Not only did it stall the Communists it helped the US expand their security as well as their influence. This tatic would prove to be very helpful and slow down the expansion in Korea, China, and Vietnam. NATO is beginning to step in and take affect as well. NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It provided military defenses and began to allow some trade which the Soviet Union did not want. Many people believe it was the best defensive plan for slowing down and eventually somewhat controlling communism. Countries aligned and the Us sent troops to help over sea being clear to not try to envoke the the already angry soviet union. Therefore NATO had a really big affect in the Cold War. Upon slowing down the Soviet Union the US established the Marshall Plan. It helped rebuild the economic foundation for the countries in Europe. Even though the US was involved in war with the USSR they offered them the same kind of help but they chose to decline it seeing it as a slap in the face or rather a taunt. George Marshall put the plan together and it was his idea to offer it to the USSR. It helped in the Industrial and Agricultural production in the countries. To many people it was believed to be a very important part of the recovery of those countries that needed it. The Marshall Plan also allowed some form of trade between the countries. It still remains a key reason to ending the war. The US basically ran a close hand over the Cold War. They over seen just about everything and pretty much won the war without having to take up arms. They won the war using strategy and carefully placed plans and power of the dollar. We became the most influential and powerful nation as far as political and militarily. We did it militarily even though we did not have to fight at all. The US basically did not want the Soviet Union to become window to foreign trade like they wanted to become. They basically controlled the war while the Soviet Union tried to find ways around the US continuously running into road blocks such as the Marshall Plan and the Truman doctrine. There were many events that took place in the Cold War. The Berlin blockade was a major event. Stalin did this so that the people in West berlin could not receive food, supplies and anything else they might need. This then brought about another major even the airlift in which the US, Britain, France, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia air lifted good to west Berlin. Another event was the cancellation of the radio in Europe. But the last of the major events was the Berlin crisis. It kept the immigrants from coming in and getting out. Many people refereed to it as a Brain Drain to the younger people and generation. This just brought on more drama such as with the missles that almost brought in nuclear warfare. The Cold War lasted a very long time. From (1947- to 1991). It all started fall apart in 1989. The soviet Union was beginning to lose its power. Many believe the loss in power truly started when the Moscow Pact began to fall thorugh and major leaders and authority figures began to abandon the Union. The final blow to the Soviet Union began when the Berlin Wall came down that showed they had no more power and the people were taking back their freedom and their lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. In conclusion this whole war really could have been avoided if they would have just stopped trying to control the people of Eastern Europe. With Stalin in power in the USSR there was no way it could have been avoided. Unless you are William Faulkner, this essay should have been divided into paragraph. Where are your sources for this information?
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Isolation and Nature in the Works of Robert Frost Essay -- Biography B
Isolation and Nature in the Works of Robert Frost During the height of Robert Frost’s popularity, he was a well-loved poet who’s natural- and simple-seeming verse drew people - academics, artists, ordinary people both male and female - together into lecture halls and at poetry readings across the country.1 An eloquent, witty, and, above all else, honest public speaker, Frost’s readings imbued his poetry with a charismatic resonance beyond that of the words on paper, and it is of little surprise that people gathered to listen. Yet it remains somewhat ironic that his poetry would possess this power to bring individuals together - poetry that, for the most part, contains a prevailing theme of alienation, of a sense of separation from society, of isolation and aloneness in an uncaring world. Running parallel with this is a second theme concerned with the interaction between the human and the non-human: occasionally the ‘non’ may serve as a comfort for the dispossessed - but more often, the inte raction between the two is destructive and disastrous. An analysis of a sample of his works - in this case his second book, North of Boston, as well as a few of his later poems - reveals these recurring themes, and the different interpretations Frost brings to them. It is this variety of interpretations that is fascinating: though his firmly held â€Å". . . belief that everybody was a separate individuality and that collective enterprises could do nothing but weaken the self†2 clearly led to this feeling of loneliness or separation that permeates his works, he does so without falling into a sense of needless pessimism, taking great care to bring out the themes’ multiple aspects under varied contexts. These contexts are: poe... ...l fireplace - are a little harder to place, though. 7 Another poem, this one outside of North of Boston, that deals with this identical theme is The Tuft of Flowers - except that one emphasis the separationn between the workers, and leaves it ambiguous wether this separation is a good or bad thing. 8 Although there are a few indications of regret/displeasure: his walk is a repentance, his walking is a profanation. And are ‘the cottages in a row’ indeed a sufficient substitution for a companion (‘No one at all with whom to talk...’)? 9 Frost, and specifically North of Boston, lends itself especially well to feminist criticism. With poems such as The Death of the Hired Man, Home Burial, A Servant to Servants, The Generations of Men, The Housekeeper, and The Fear, each of them dialogue pieces, there is an abundance of male/female interaction to be analyzed. Isolation and Nature in the Works of Robert Frost Essay -- Biography B Isolation and Nature in the Works of Robert Frost During the height of Robert Frost’s popularity, he was a well-loved poet who’s natural- and simple-seeming verse drew people - academics, artists, ordinary people both male and female - together into lecture halls and at poetry readings across the country.1 An eloquent, witty, and, above all else, honest public speaker, Frost’s readings imbued his poetry with a charismatic resonance beyond that of the words on paper, and it is of little surprise that people gathered to listen. Yet it remains somewhat ironic that his poetry would possess this power to bring individuals together - poetry that, for the most part, contains a prevailing theme of alienation, of a sense of separation from society, of isolation and aloneness in an uncaring world. Running parallel with this is a second theme concerned with the interaction between the human and the non-human: occasionally the ‘non’ may serve as a comfort for the dispossessed - but more often, the inte raction between the two is destructive and disastrous. An analysis of a sample of his works - in this case his second book, North of Boston, as well as a few of his later poems - reveals these recurring themes, and the different interpretations Frost brings to them. It is this variety of interpretations that is fascinating: though his firmly held â€Å". . . belief that everybody was a separate individuality and that collective enterprises could do nothing but weaken the self†2 clearly led to this feeling of loneliness or separation that permeates his works, he does so without falling into a sense of needless pessimism, taking great care to bring out the themes’ multiple aspects under varied contexts. These contexts are: poe... ...l fireplace - are a little harder to place, though. 7 Another poem, this one outside of North of Boston, that deals with this identical theme is The Tuft of Flowers - except that one emphasis the separationn between the workers, and leaves it ambiguous wether this separation is a good or bad thing. 8 Although there are a few indications of regret/displeasure: his walk is a repentance, his walking is a profanation. And are ‘the cottages in a row’ indeed a sufficient substitution for a companion (‘No one at all with whom to talk...’)? 9 Frost, and specifically North of Boston, lends itself especially well to feminist criticism. With poems such as The Death of the Hired Man, Home Burial, A Servant to Servants, The Generations of Men, The Housekeeper, and The Fear, each of them dialogue pieces, there is an abundance of male/female interaction to be analyzed.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Tylenol Crisis
Abstract Part 1: Crisis Scenario Development Develop a scenario describing a crisis situation. Possible topics for your scenario include school violence, workplace violence, terrorist attack, sexual assault, or natural disasters. Your scenario must include sufficient breadth and depth in terms of the details surrounding the incident you have chosen, to include: †¢Ã‚ Description of the crisis. †¢Ã‚ Description of the amount of damage. †¢Ã‚ Description of the victims (physical and psychological damage). †¢Ã‚ Information about the perpetrator(s).Project 1 Part 1 In October of 1982, Tylenol, the leading pain-killer medicine in the United States at the time, faced a tremendous crisis when seven people in Chicago were reported dead after taking extra-strength Tylenol capsules. It was reported that an unknown suspect put 65 milligrams of deadly cyanide into Tylenol capsules, 10,000 more than what is necessary to kill a human. The tampering occurred once the product r eached the shelves. They were removed from the shelves, infected with cyanide and returned to the shelves (Mitchell, 1989).In 1982, Tylenol controlled 37 percent of its market with revenue of about $1. 2 million. Immediately after the cyanide poisonings, its market share was reduced to seven percent (Mitchell 1989). Once the connection was made between the Tylenol capsules and the reported deaths, public announcements were made warning people about the consumption of the product. Johnson & Johnson was faced with the dilemma of the best way to deal with the problem without destroying the reputation of the company and its most profitable product.Following one of their guidelines of protecting people first and property second, McNeil Consumer Products, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, conducted an immediate product recall from the entire country which amounted to about 31 million bottles and a loss of more than $100 million dollars. (Lazare, Chicago Sun-Times 2002) Additionally, they halted all advertisement for the product. Although Johnson & Johnson knew they were not responsible for the tampering of the product, they assumed responsibility by ensuring public safety first and recalled all of their capsules from the market.In fact, in February of 1986, when a woman was reported dead from cyanide poisoning in Tylenol capsules, Johnson & Johnson permanently removed all of the capsules from the market. The reason Tylenol reacted so quickly and in such a positive manner to the crisis stems from the company’s mission statement. (Lazare Chicago Sun-Times 2002). On the company’s credo written in the mid-1940’s by Robert Wood Johnson, he stated that the company‘s responsibilities were to the consumers and medical professionals using its products, employees, the communities where its people work and live, and its stockholders.Therefore, it was essential to maintain the safety of its publics to maintain the company alive. Johnson & Johnsonâ₠¬â„¢s responsibility to its publics first proved to be its most efficient public relations tool. It was the key to the brand’s survival. On September 29, 1982, 12-year-old Mary Kellerman of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, woke up at dawn and went into her parents’ bedroom. She did not feel well and complained of having a sore throat and a runny nose. To ease her discomfort, her parents gave her one Extra-Strength Tylenol capsule. At 7 a. m. they found Mary on the bathroom floor.She was immediately taken to the hospital where she was later pronounced dead. Doctors initially suspected that Mary died from a stroke, but evidence later pointed to a more sinister diagnosis. That same day, paramedics were called to the Arlington Heights home of 27-year-old postal worker Adam Janus. When they arrived, they found him lying on the floor. His breathing was labored, his blood pressure was dangerously low and his pupils were fixed and dilated. The paramedics rushed Adam Janus to the e mergency room at Northwest Community Hospital, where they attempted to resuscitate him, but it was too late.Adam died shortly after he was brought to the hospital. His death was believed to be the result of a massive heart attack. However, doctors would later learn that his death was anything but natural. On the eve of Adams death, his aggrieved family gathered at his house to mourn his sudden passing and discuss funeral arrangements. Adams 25-year old brother Stanley and his 19-year-old bride, Theresa, both suffered from headaches attributed to the stress of losing a family member. To his relief, Stanley found on Adams kitchen counter a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol. He took a capsule from the bottle and then gave one to his wife.Shortly after taking the capsules, both Stanley and his wife collapsed onto the floor. The shocked family members immediately called an ambulance. Once again paramedics rushed to the home of Adam Janus and attempted to resuscitate the young couple. Howe ver, Stanley died that day, and his wife died two days later. Twenty-seven-year-old Mary Reiner of Winfield, Illinois, was recovering after the birth of her son when she unsuspectingly ingested the Tylenol laced with cyanide. She died a short time later. That same day, 35-year-old Paula Prince, a United Airlines stewardess, was found dead in her suburban Chicago apartment.Cyanide-filled Tylenol capsules were also found in her home. The seventh known victim of the Tylenol poisonings was 35-year-old Mary McFarland of Elmhurst, Illinois. While the blood samples were being tested for cyanide, two firefighters in another location of the Chicago suburbs discussed the four bizarre deaths that had recently taken place in the neighboring area. Arlington Heights firefighter Philip Cappitelli talked with his friend Richard Keyworth from the Elk Grove firehouse about Mary Kellerman and the fact that she had taken Tylenol before she died.Keyworth suggested that all the deaths could have been rel ated to the medicine. Following his friends suggestion, Cappitelli called the paramedics who worked on the Janus family and asked if they too had taken Tylenol. To both the men’s surprise, they discovered all three Janus family members had ingested the popular pain reliever. The police were immediately sent to the Kellerman and Janus homes to retrieve the suspicious bottles. Investigators soon discovered the Tylenol link. Urgent warnings were broadcast, and police drove through Chicago neighborhoods issuing warnings over loudspeakers.During the initial investigations, a man named James William Lewis sent a letter to Johnson & Johnson demanding $1 million to stop the cyanide-induced murders. Police were unable to link him with the crimes, as he and his wife were living in New York City at the time. He was convicted of extortion, served 13 years of a 20-year sentence, and was released in 1995 on parole. WCVB Channel 5 of Boston reported that court documents, released in early 2 009, â€Å"show Department of Justice investigators concluded Lewis was responsible for the poisonings, despite the fact that they did not have enough evidence to charge him. Lewis has denied responsibility for the poisonings for several years. A second man, Roger Arnold, was investigated and cleared of the killings. He had a nervous breakdown due to the media attention, which he blamed on Marty Sinclair, a bar owner. In the summer of 1983, Arnold shot and killed John Stanisha, whom he mistook for Sinclair. Stanisha was an innocent man who did not know Arnold. Arnold was convicted in January 1984 and served 15 years of a 30-year sentence for second-degree murder. He died in June 2008.Laurie Dann, who poisoned and shot people in a May 1988 rampage in and around Winnetka, Illinois, was briefly considered as a suspect, but no direct connection was found. On May 19, 2011, the FBI requested DNA samples from ‘Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski in connection to the Tylenol murders. Kaczynski denied having ever possessed potassium cyanide. The investigation is still under way. The first four Unabomber crimes happened in Chicago and its suburbs from 1978 to 1980, and Kaczynski's parents had a suburban Chicago home in Lombard, Illinois, in 1982, where he stayed occasionally.The media gave Johnson ; Johnson much positive coverage for its handling of the crisis; for example, an article in The Washington Post said, â€Å"Johnson & Johnson has effectively demonstrated how a major business ought to handle a disaster. †The article further stated that â€Å"this is no Three Mile Island accident in which the company's response did more damage than the original incident,†and applauded the company for being honest with the public. In addition to issuing the recall, the company established relations with the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, and the Food and Drug Administration.This way it could have a part in searching for the person who laced the capsules and they could help prevent further tampering. While at the time of the scare the company's market share collapsed from thirty-five percent to eight percent, it rebounded in less than a year, a move credited to the company's prompt and aggressive reaction. In November, it reintroduced capsules but in a new, triple-sealed package, coupled with heavy price promotions and within several years, Tylenol had become the most popular over-the-counter analgesic in the U. S. A number of copycat attacks involving Tylenol and other products ensued during the following years.One of these incidents occurred in the Chicago area; unlike Tylenol, it actually forced the end of the product affected by the hoax, Encaprin, from Procter ; Gamble. The incident inspired the pharmaceutical, food, and consumer product industries to develop tamper-resistant packaging, such as induction seals and improved quality control methods. Moreover, product tampering was made a federal crime. Additionally, the tragedy prompted the pharmaceutical industry to move away from capsules, which were easy to contaminate as a foreign substance could be placed inside without obvious signs of tampering.Within the year, the FDA introduced more stringent regulations to avoid product tampering. This led to the eventual replacement of the capsule with the solid â€Å"caplet†, a tablet made in the shape of a capsule, as a drug delivery form and with the addition of tamper-evident safety-seals to bottles of many sorts. References (n. d. ). Retrieved August 31, 2012, from http://www. trutv. com/library/crime/terrorists_spies/terrorists/tylenol_murders/index. html (n. d. ). Retrieved August 30, 2012, from http://iml. jou. ufl. edu/projects/fall02/susi/tylenol. htm (n. d. ). Retrieved August 29, 2012, from http://aboutpublicrelations. net/uczoulas1. htm
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Is Foreign Debt a Problem for Bangladesh?
Is Foreign Debt a Problem for Bangladesh? Part-A Foreign debt in Bangladesh Introduction: External debt is one of the sources of financing capital formation in any economy. Developing countries like Bangladesh are characterized by inadequate internal capital formation due to the vicious circle of low productivity, low income, and low savings. Therefore, this situation calls for technical, managerial, and financial support from Western countries to bridge the resource gap. On the other hand, external debt acts as a major constraint to capital formation in developing nations.The burden and dynamics of external debt show that they do not contribute significantly to financing economic development in developing countries. In most cases, debt accumulates because of the servicing requirements and the principal itself. In view of the above, external debt becomes a self-perpetuating mechanism of poverty aggravation, work over-exploitation, and a constraint on development in developing economi es. Public borrowing can be seen by private investors as a warning signal of the government becoming bankrupt within the foreseeable future.They may also fear that government will impose higher taxes in future in order to facilitate the repayment and servicing of the loan. In that case private investors will become less enthusiastic to invest. However, policy makers have to know whether public borrowing is followed by any crowding- out effect on investment, through whatever channel, and to what extent and whether the detrimental effect of such actions outweighs the benefit coming from the use of borrowed money, as is argued by the classical. What is public debt?Public debt is the entry records of cumulative total of all government borrowings less repayments that are denominated in a country's home currency. Public debt should not be confused with external debt, which reflects the foreign currency liabilities of both the private and public sector and must be financed out of foreign e xchange earnings. Government debt is one method of financing government operations, but it is not the only method. Governments can also create money to monetize their debts, thereby removing the need to pay interest.But this practice simply reduces government interest costs rather than truly canceling government debt and can result in hyperinflation if used unsparingly. Governments usually borrow by issuing securities, government bonds and bills. Less creditworthy countries sometimes borrow directly from a supranational organization (e. g. the World Bank) or international financial institutions. Sources of public debt: A. Internal Sources. I. Borrowing from individual by issuing govt bond, notes, etc II. Borrowing from commercial bank III. Borrowing from central bankIV. Borrowing from nan-bank Financial institution B. External Sources I. Foreign Government II. Foreign private institution III. International financial institution like IMF, WB etc. Why Bangladesh economy is dependent o n Public debt? To utilize natural resources Economic development Financing deficit budget Strong social and economic structure Crucial economic contingencies Implement annual development Program Import financing Implementation of fiscal policy To strong national defense Modernization of agriculture Facilitate quick industrialization.Factors Which Influence How Much a Government Can Borrow †¢ Domestic Savings. If consumers have a high savings ratio, there will be a greater ability for the private sector to buy bonds. †¢ Relative Interest rates. If government bonds pay a relatively high interest rate compared to other investments, then ceteris paribus, it should be easier for the government to borrow. Sometimes, the government can borrow large amounts, even with low interest rates because government bonds are seen as more attractive than other investments. †¢ Lender of Last Resort.If a country has a Central Bank willing to buy bonds in case of a liquidity shortages, inv estors are less likely to fear a liquidity shortage. If there is no lender of last resort (e. g. in the Euro) then markets have a greater fear of liquidity shortages and so are more reluctant to buy bonds. †¢ Prospects for Economic Growth. If one country faces prospect of recession, then tax revenues will fall, the debt to GDP ratio will rise. Markets will be much more reluctant to buy bonds. If there is forecast for higher growth. This will make it much easier to reduce debt to GDP ratios.The irony is that cutting government spending to reduce deficits, can lead to lower economic growth and increase debt to GDP ratios. †¢ Confidence and Security. Usually, governments are seen as a safe investment. Many governments have never defaulted on debt payments so people are willing to buy bonds because at least they are safe. However, if investors feel a government is too stretched and could default, then it will be more difficult to borrow. †¢ Foreign Purchase. A country lik e the US attracts substantial foreign buyers for its debt (Japan, China, UK).This foreign demand makes it easier for government to borrow. However, if investors feared a country could experience inflation and a rapid devaluation, foreigners would not want to hold securities in that country. †¢ Inflation. Financing the debt by increasing the money supply is risky because of the inflationary effect. Inflation reduces the real value of the government debt, but, that means people will be less willing to hold government bonds. Inflation will require higher interest rates to attract people to keep bonds.In theory, the government can print money to reduce the real value of debt; but existing savers will lose out. If the government creates inflation, it will be more difficult to attract savings in the future. Is foreign debt a problem to Bangladesh? Excessive reliance on debt, whether domestic or external, carries macroeconomic risks that can hinder economic and social development. Cou ntries macro-economic is thus disturbed by this factor alone. Scarcity of resources has already compelled the government to borrow afresh and/or impose new taxes on the citizenry to meet debt service obligations.High domestic public debt pushes up interest rates and crowds out private investment, which is much needed to promote economic growth. When most government revenues are devoted to debt servicing, fiscal policy cannot be used to provide basic services, such as education, health, safe drinking water and housing. Unfortunately, the national budget  annual statement of the government’s income and expenditure  does not recognize the gravity of the situation characterized by its serious problem to finance the external debt servicing at the cost of basic human services.Every year Bangladesh pays, on an average $ 1070 million, to its foreign creditors. A 2003 study (SUPRO: 2003) exclusively revealed the fact that for every dollar in foreign grant aid received, the government spends over $1. 5 in debt service to foreign creditors annually. While there is no denying that Bangladesh is heavily dependent on foreign aid and loans to finance its annual budget, it is also true that aid agencies and multilateral lenders in the West have to carry a lion’s share of the blame for Bangladesh’s burden of debt. Between 1980 and 2012, Bangladesh’s total outstanding international debt quadrupled.The bulk of this surge in lending to the autocratic regimes came from the International Development Association, the soft-loan window of the World Bank. Can the World Bank and the IMF morally impose the burden of this debt on the Bangladeshi people, when in fact that money provided valuable succor to an autocratic regime that the people were struggling to topple at the time? How sustainable Bangladesh Debt is? Bangladesh is classified as a low-income country and is home to the third highest absolute number of poor people in the world, after China and India.Despite the huge amounts it spends servicing debt ($1551. 3 million in 2011), the World Bank describes it neither as ‘severely’ nor even ‘moderately’ indebted, but instead classifies Bangladesh as ‘less indebted’. Instead of rewarding Bangladesh for its track record of prompt debt servicing, the World Bank has interpreted this to mean that Bangladesh’s debt must be sustainable. Arbitrary thresholds on indicators like debt/exports made Bangladesh ineligible for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative or the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative.Bangladesh will not receive through either of these initiatives the debt relief that it desperately needs to finance public expenditures on school and hospitals among other basic necessities. One of the Bangladeshi development experts remarked that- â€Å"Bangladesh has regularly paid its debts, expanded exports and are now being punished for its success†(Bhattac harya: 2006). The whole argument is that, since these countries are able to repay they must have â€Å"sustainable†levels of debt.The sustainability of debt is primarily measured on the economic matrix called Debt Sustainable Analysis (DSA) introduced by the World Bank and IMF, which lays too much emphasis on the country’s exports and does not fully reflect the true nature of the debt burden on government expenses. How can Bangladesh’s debt be sustainable especially when it pays back on an average $1070 million to its foreign creditors in general and $870 million to its so-called benevolent development partners (multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors) annually?For a poor country like Bangladesh, would it be realistic to calculate ‘debt sustainability’ without looking at how much money it spends on schools, hospitals and roads, on teachers, medicines, clean water and on everything else that is needed to combat the dire poverty blighting so many lives? If a country cannot afford to meet the basic needs of its own people, then how can one argue that giving money to the rich world is affordable or â€Å"sustainable†? How can its debt be sustainable when the cost of external debt servicing exceeds the public spending on health and education, for example?In what criteria, the Bangladesh external debt can be measured as sustainable when it clearly demonstrates that MDG progress is being seriously hampered due to the excesses of debt servicing? Presumably, the international community has left a single choice for Bangladesh: servicing external debt at the cost of basic services let alone the MDG progress! Why Bangladesh deserves full debt cancellation? Undeniably, Bangladesh cannot afford to pay on average $1060 million a year to foreign creditors.Even though the country is making some progress with regard to the implementation of the MDGs, it is still home to 70 million people living in poverty. It has the highest incidence of po verty in South-Asia. In fact, Bangladesh cannot afford to pay a single dollar in debt service. If debt sustainability is based on the financing needs for the MDGs, Bangladesh would receive full debt cancellation. Bangladesh needs US$ 7. 5 billion a year to finance the implementation of the MDGs. A growing number of NGOs, governments and analysts have come to the conclusion that debt cancellation should be expanded.As independent expert Bernards Mudho explained earlier this year (2007) in a report commissioned for the United Nations: â€Å"There†¦ is a need for further comprehensive solutions to the debt problems of poor countries, including further debt relief by other multilateral institutions and for permanent solutions to the problems of bilateral and commercial debts. Bangladesh Debt must be cancelled, because †¦ ? Debt costs too much to Bangladeshi people in general and poor and marginalized in particular. People need a healthy and prosperous life that requires incre ased government spending on basic services such as health, education, water-sanitation etc. ? Bangladesh needs to achieve the MDG targets in time. To finance the Millennium Development Goals, every year a staggering US7. 5 billion in external budget support is needed. This is about four times the amount of aid and concessional loans currently provided by foreign donors and creditors. ? At this juncture, Bangladesh can no longer afford to pay a single dollar for debt servicing. Because†¦.. Every dollar paid in debt service is a dollar lost for the MDGs†. Part-B Impact of Foreign debt on Bangladesh 1. Effects on Economic growth 2. Effects on NNP 3. Effects on Inflation 4. Effects on Investment 5. Effects on consumption 6. Effects on Production 7. Effects on Distribution 8. Effects on Risk, uncertainty, liquidity Part-C Statistical Analysis 1. Trend Analysis of Foreign Debt: Trend Analysis of External debt of last 10 years is given below Y=1714. 5+0. 8647x R? = 0. 9247 Appen dix Table 1 shows the summary of trend equation and r2 of External debt of Bangladesh.The trend equation of Foreign debt is, Y=1714. 5+0. 8647x and the square of correlation coefficient (r2) = . 9247. Interpretation: The trend equation indicates that during the period from 2003 to 2012 debt increase at the rate of . 8647 billion per year and 1714. 5 is the average external debt of Bangladesh. It is reflected from the table that trend equation of foreign debt are positive and goodness of fit of all the equations are very high. 2. Descriptive Analysis of Foreign Debt: Descriptive Statistical Analysis of External debt of last 10 years is given below: (All amounts are in billions) Descriptive Statistics | |N |Range |Minimum |Maximum |Mean |Std. Deviation |Variance |Skewness |Kurtosis | | |Statistic |Statistic |Statistic |Statistic |Statistic |Statistic |Statistic |Statistic |Std. Error |Statistic |Std. Error | |Foreign_Debt |11 |8. 7200 |16. 5000 |25. 2200 |2. 103273E1 |2. 9825127 |8. 8 95 |-. 169 |. 661 |-1. 108 |1. 279 | |Valid N (listwise) |11 | | | | | | | | | | | | Interpretation: This table provides statistical information about the data set, such as showing mean value of foreign debt individually and its deviation.For this information, for instance we found that minimum value of the variable is 16. 5bill, Maximum value is 25. 22billon, its mean 2. 103273e1 and Standard deviation is 2. 9825127. 3. Correlation Analysis: Table shows the correlation matrix for estimating interrelationships between chosen economic parameters of Bangladesh. Variables |GDP real Growth |Amount of Foreign Debt |Inflation rate |Investment Amount |Remittance Inflow |Import |Export Amount |Foreign Reserve | |GDP real Growth Rate |1 |. 635 |. 638 |. 748 |. 427 |. 457 |. 485 |. 352 | |Amount of Foreign Debt |. 35 |1 |. 819 |. 555 |. 919 |. 901 |. 920 |. 846 | |Inflation rate |. 638 |. 819 |1 |. 518 |. 686 |. 742 |. 763 |. 494 | |Investment Amount |. 748 |. 555 |. 518 |1 |. 406 |. 433 |. 4 68 |. 222 | |Remittance Inflow Amount |. 427 |. 919 |. 686 |. 406 |1 |. 915 |. 935 |. 920 | |Import Amount |. 457 |. 901 |. 742 |. 433 |. 915 |1 |. 994 |. 888 | |Export Amount |. 485 |. 920 |. 763 |. 468 |. 935 |. 994 |1 |. 885 | |Foreign Reserve Amount |. 352 |. 846 |. 494 |. 222 |. 920 |. 888 |. 885 |1 | | From the correlation matrix we have observed the followings; GDP real Growth has moderate correlation with foreign debt, inflation rate, investment and low degree of correlation with remittance, import, export and very low correlation with GDP per capita. †¢ Foreign debt has strong correlation with. †¢ Inflation rate have strong correlation with. †¢ Investment have strong correlation with. †¢ Remittance inflow has moderate correlation with †¢ Import has strong correlation with †¢ Export has low correlation with †¢ Foreign exchange Reserve has low correlation with Part-D Recommendation & Conclusion Recommendation: The international community inc luding the G-8 must take necessary steps immediately to ensure full Debt cancellation for Bangladesh; †¢ Debts must be cancelled as a matter of justice: creditors must accept their share of responsibility in creating the current debt crisis, and cancel debts on this basis; †¢ A â€Å"MDG-consistent†frame-work of Debt Sustainability should be applied and cancellation must be available to all that need it; †¢ The issue of Climate Change and its adverse effect must be taken into account and additional fund should be released to overcome the adversity linking it with MDG process; †¢ The governments of indebted countries must demonstrate to their citizens that they are spending money well and accountably.But this must not be used as an excuse to impose economic policy conditions or to limit those countries receiving debt cancellation by the donor community; †¢ Rich countries, institutions and commercial creditors must cancel all illegitimate and un-payabl e debts being claimed from all poor countries; †¢ Total Debt stocks must be cancelled, not just Service; debt service cancellation for a limited period is not enough. †¢ Debt cancellation of any kind must not be conditional and it must not be considered again as ODA Conclusion: The study has been conducted with a view to examining the presence of crowding- out effect of public borrowing on the private investment in the Bangladesh economy.To accomplish the task, a model for investment function has been specified and estimated considering public borrowing, GDP and interest rate as independent variables. A long -run relationship has been estimated and analyzed by performing unit root test, co – integration test and an error correction model. The main findings of the study confirm with statistical significance that there is no crowding- out effect in Bangladesh, rather, the crowding- in effect is evident. This result is indeed somewhat paradoxical in terms of convention al wisdom. The study has attempted to offer a rationale for this seemingly paradoxical finding from a macroeconomic point of view.In doing so, it has analyzed a couple of macroeconomic issues and ended up with the conclusion that the presence of crowding- in instead of crowding – out effect can be attributed to such factors as excess liquidity in the banking system, imperceptible government competition with the private sector, relatively sustainable public debt scenario, government expenditure for transfer payment program , significant development expenditure for producing those goods and services which has the potential to discharge positive externalities, government microcredit programs and ADP -black money linkages. The results of the study have important implications for the fiscal management.Existence of excess liquidity and possibility of crowding – in effect together put the fiscal authority in a position to foster private investment and hence economic growth th rough expanding borrowing backed public expenditure. However, the overall criteria that public expenditure authority ought to ensure is the transparency and efficiency in its programs. Moreover, government can avoid unnecessary inflation and external indebtedness by reducing reliance for funds on Bangladesh Bank and foreign sources as long as excess liquidity in the banking system prevails. In view of the perceived limitations inherent in this study, the following aspects may be taken up by future researchers: Decomposing private investment by category and taking each of them as separate dependent variable; †¢ Segregating borrowing by government itself and borrowing by other public sector corporations, and considering them as separate explanatory variables; †¢ Splitting public borrowing by sources (not only banks, NBDC or general public but also Bangladesh Bank and external sources) and taking all of them as explanatory variable s; †¢ Incorporating a dummy variable fo r capturing the issue of economic reform and structural variation between after and before 1990 periods; and †¢ Finally, if possible, carrying on the whole study on the basis of quarterly data to make the analytical framework parsimonious. [pic] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 10
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