Monday, September 30, 2019
Ielts Practice Essay
You should spend only 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words. In many parts of the world there is continuous coverage of sport on television. Some people believe this discourages the young from taking part in any sport themselves. Discuss this view and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Recently, a greater attention has been paid to sports programs on television. Some people state that watching TV to gain interests in sports is important for the young. However, there are some opponents who disagree with the above perspective. As such, there is a growing controversy whether young people should deal with this issue. In these following paragraphs, the arguments surrounding the issue of sports programs on TV will be carefully examined. The first point to consider is the fact that many youngsters can know about interesting sports by watching TV. There are many types of sports programs, where both children and adults learn numerous things from the top athletes’ performance. In addition, it is a great opportunity to listen to interviews after their performance. Some children may be inspired to be like their sports icons and consequently, try the sport themselves. Moreover, young people easily watch sports on TV anytime during their free time. In Japan, many daily news programs include sports. Hence, most of the young watch sports with the news. Even though, some young children do not have interests in current social news, they are able to see the lineup of all of the contents and will see news topics. On the other hand, there is no doubt that some young people spend too much time watching sports on television. Young children usually cannot manage their time well. What is more, nowadays many young people rather want to stay at home than go out as compared to in the past. Various kinds of sports programs on TV may discourage youngsters from going outside and playing sports themselves. In the final analysis, there are pros and cons for watching sports on television, however, that allows us to feel the fun in sports and gain knowledge about them easily. I firmly believe that sports contents on TV have an excellent power for the young.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Facebook Brings More Good Than Harm
Stress is the body natural response to the changes which occurs in live. Stress is the combination of psychological,physiological and behavioral reaction. Stresss can be good or bad. Stress can affect both your body and your mind. Stress occurs when an individual is confronted by a situation that they perceive as overwhelming and cannot cope up with. The effect of stress is health problem,impact on students academic performance and changes in personal behavior. Firstly,effect of stress can lead to health problem. It can cause headaches, nausea, rise in blood pressure, pains in the chest, and insomnia.When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength . People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns. But beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health,Moreover,stress can give impact on students academic performance. The pressure to perform well in the examination or test and time allocated makes academic environment very stressful. However, academic work is never without stressful activities. Stress is defined as the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another; strainIn conclusion, stress could cause depression, hopelessness, psychiatric disorders, behavioral changes and the weakening of the immune system. These effects are not all inclusive but these are the ones that most commonly effect people. Finally,stress can lead to changes in personal behavior.Students will become irriatable. His relationship between college mates and lecturers could be damag ed. Futhermore,this changes could make him depressed and leads him to violent behavior. Students are the future leaders of tomorrow and anything that interferes with their well being should be termed as denying the society their future leaders. University should conduct stress reduction sessions to the students, and lecturers too should be encouraged to advise their students where necessary. Students in Universities and colleges should control their stress and hence minimize the possibilities of psychiatric disorders and suicides. (379 words)
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analysis on Luxury Car Market in India
I also would like to thank her for letting me start my internship late so that I could get into an internship that I would like. . I want to thank Audi for taking me in as an intern, training me, and giving me a chance to hone my skills in marketing. My experience in this company taught me valuable lessons which will be with me even when I start my career and step into the corporate world. I also want to thank Ms. Ayesha Khan , the Assistant Marketing Manager(Direct Marketing) of the company for not only being my external guide but also a mentor. She was there to support me in all the work I took up in his company and encouraged me to implement my ideas. Table of Contents Executive summary Company profile History 1 Organizational structure 21 Audi in India 24 Reviews of Audi’s car lineup 35 Comparing Audi, BMW and Mercedes 69 Industry analysis Automobile industry in India 77 Luxury Car Market in India 80 Recent trends and developments in luxury car segment 86 Analysis and interpretation Questionnaire And Data Collection 88 Which is preferred more Audi, Mercedes or BMW 93 Why an Indian customer would like to spend on a luxury car? 4 Findings and discussions Bottlenecks in the industry 103 Suggestions and Recommendations The 8 speed Tiptronic transmission is very good, and is much smoother in casual driving than the S-tronic, and it shifts just as fast (we’ve driven both). Audi tells us that the TDI will be following in year 2 for the A7, though we’ve driven it in Europe with the 3. 0TDI, and it’s quite simply amazing. Torque junkies, you want the 3. 0TDI. Connecting the front and rear axles is an all new Crown Gear center differential. This unit is more compact (lighter) and more efficient than the previous Torsen center differentials, and allows for more rearward bias than before. Its still 100% mechanical, but uses a different arrangement of crown and pinion gears, with the addition of mechanically activated clutchpacks to do its thing. Weve driven the A7 on ice and snow, and can verify that the crown gear center diff works exceedingly well. Off the line, the A7 launches firmly, certainly fast enough to excite your passengers and others around you. In Tiptronic mode, drivers will want to make quick work with the shifter lever to keep up with the relatively short ratios and quick revving engine. Audi says the A7 3. TFSI will run to 60 in 5. 4 seconds. We didn’t put a watch to it, but that seems about right, if maybe a little pessimistic. This car is really quick off the line, and the throttle to smile relationship is very close. Merging onto the highway, passing on 2 lane roads, and just general hooning are easy, and hugely fun. On the highway, the A7 has more than ample power for cruising at legal and beyond speeds. Because of the smooth and quiet natu re of the car, it’s all too easy to find yourself clicking along at speeds that the nice man in the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the Essay - 11
Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the liability of employers for references. How, if at all, does - Essay Example For explicit jurisdictions of laws of duty care three tests and their accompanying principles are conducted, that is, the evaluation of whether the harm was reasonably foreseeable; whether there is a requisite degree of proximity between the claimant and the defendant, and whether is it fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care in line with public policy concerns (Bruggemeier, 2004, 4). With a variety of recognizable situations such as one road user to another, manufacturer to consumer, doctor to patient and solicitor to client; where courts recognize existence of duty of care, this paper will evaluate employer to employee common law of duty care in relation to references given to potential employers. In our case, the references would fall in the doctrine of â€Å"Respondeat Superior†or â€Å"let the master answer†, in which the university is the master and the potential employer and/or the graduate is the agent, such that the university is charged with respon sibilities of negligence (Giliker, 2010, pp.4-5). For instance, the university owes duty care to the graduate in relation to giving background/ academic information to the potential employer and in cases where the university provides false information to the employer on the competence of the potential employee, then university is charged with legal responsibility of lack of care on the part of the employer in relation to the employee. Defamation is a liability with which communication or any social exchange of given parties tend to harm the reputation of another, lowering or under-estimating his/ her association with other people or the environment (Shuy, 2010, 2). In our case for instance, the university exchanges information on the graduate’s competencies which in one way or another, intentionally or negligently, is false and/or ruins the graduate’s chances of getting hired and his/her future career path and profession. For this matter, the tests of whether the harm was reasonably foreseeable will depend on the information leaked to the potential employer in relation to the morally accepted or the limit of personal information that the institution is supposed to share. The degree of proximity between the claimant and defendant, graduate and the university respectively, will apply in that the case law for academic institutions is to guide the graduates along their career paths and defamation at this point would make the university legally liable. The clause of whether it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care in relation to public policy would differ in such a case depending with the sensitivity of the information and its relevance to the potential employer (Glanon, 2010, 12). For example, on the issues of integrity and competence/qualifications on some sectors of the economy such as public finance, internal security or public health, the institution ought to give the information regardless of the defamation injuries to the gradua te; basing the argument on the public policy concerns, and thus differing from the provisions of the duty care. Truth and privilege are the major defenses to the defamation claims that waive the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Trokosi as a Form of Modern-day Slavery Term Paper
Trokosi as a Form of Modern-day Slavery - Term Paper Example The term â€Å"trokosi†was derived from the local Ewe dialect in Ghana and Togo, meaning â€Å"wives of the gods" (Kankpeyeng, 2009). The virgin girls are regarded as wives of the symbolic god who is feared, respected and honored at various traditional places of worship. Trokosi and voodoo are similar in the sense that both bank on some magic to woo and retain the followers. From the 16th century, the Ewe is believed to have been expelled from the Niger River delta towards the west. During this tumultuous era their gods of war assumed great title and significance, projecting fetish priests above the chiefs in terms of influence. They continue to be the most feared, respected and influential individuals in the better part of the rural West Africa. Practically, the priests use fetish slaves as concubines in the perceived holy places. The slaves must respect his command and be ready to make sacrifices, sometimes in pain (Alford, 2005). If they object, they are punished in the fields to produce valuable goods for sale by the priests. Sometimes they are ordered to serve the priests sexually for free. In addition, the victims do not stand a chance to receive any mercy and are cut off from the rest of the population. Trokosi is a general term used in reference to both the religious practices or the organization and the victims of the traditional form of occultism. According to Bales, Trodd and Williamson (2011) the fact that the occult movement is premised upon mystery is itself a shared attribute with Trokosi. Joining Trokosi is non-negotiable to the potential victims and their respective families. In addition, settling the dues of a Trokosi is a unilateral decision of a priest or the entirety of the shrine of the African traditional religious movement through a process referred to as "atoning." As Alford (2005) said, the fact that the religion is keen on appeasing the spirits of a male ancestor, a kin or a relative is similar to occultism since both are
Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
5 - Assignment Example f dependent variables are fatalities rate, night time fatalities and frequency of accidents based on drunken driving (Benson, et al., 1999; McCarthy & Pedersen, 2009). Frequency of accidents based on drunken driving has a number of attributes such as acquiring a driver’s license by youngsters that can eventually affect the frequency of substance abuse and different male and female drinking ratio affecting the overall frequency (McCarthy & Pedersen, 2009). The examples of independent variables are legal drinking age of people, anticonsumption laws and preliminary breath test laws (Benson, et al., 1999). Enforcement of laws related to drinking is advantageous for the people of any age whether they are youngsters or adults. Legal drinking age of people is an independent variable that has many possible attributes such as deterring drunk driving of youngsters, the legal age is usually twenty one years old in most of the states and the defined legal age for drinking decreases the drinking experience of youngsters while driving (Benson, et al., 1999). Anticonsumption laws are independent variables that have possible attributes like banning usage of alcoholic drinks in automobiles, deterrence of drunk driving and role of police in abstaining people from increasing the probability of alcoholic usage (Benson, et al., 1999). Anticomsumption laws are effective in controlling the issue of drunk driving because of implementation of laws that keep a check on drunk driving and deter dangerous limit of alcoholic usage. The preliminary breadth test laws have possible attributes such as suspension of driving license after identification of alcohol usage by the drivers, deterring future driving after drinking and imposing minimum fines for the law breakage and ensuring future limited usage (Benson, et al., 1999). The law enforcement officials conduct a preliminary breadth test that shows whether the driver is drunk or not. This test makes sure that the driver is not drunk and
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
An Interstate Agency and the Greatest Harbor in the World Article
An Interstate Agency and the Greatest Harbor in the World - Article Example The last one the provision regulates the power of the agencies in exercising its administrative practices. The ten articles also outline how the constitution provision ended up in the constitution, when and how it has been used since its passage, especially in the 20th century (Jordan, 1999). The constitution provision, in this case, was written in 1787 and ratified the following year. Since then, the provision regulates the port’s administrative practices. The U.S. Constitution is a combination of ideas and views from a significant number of American people and related document such as the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation (Peacock, 2008). Therefore, ratifying of the provision was done in a constitutional convention manner. Moreover, the main contributors to the existence of the U.S. Constitution are referred to as the Founding Fathers. These Founding Fathers include George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and John Adams. Most of them were involved in the constitutional ratifying process. For instance, American president George Washington was the one that presided over the process. Everyone one of them had the vision of a better governance and proper division of federal power. Therefore, the main reason that led to drafting the constitution was to regulate the power of the governing bodies on their administrative practices. Since the ratification of provisions in the constitution, in 1787, there had been twenty-seven amendments by 1992. Constitutional amendments are either influenced by anti-federalists who oppose some provisions or upon a review of a provision by the judicial committee (Evartt, 2003). Both groups engage in a debate until a common or general understanding is reached.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Supporting Students with Mental Health Issues Essay
Supporting Students with Mental Health Issues - Essay Example Dennis should be referred to counseling due to his strange behavior. Also, since he is acting in a manner that is prejudicial to other people in the student body, the university should consider removing Dennis from student housing. Since Dennis is making threatening statements, not only to students but school officials, Dennis should be identified as a student with a mental health problem that needs to be addressed. Additionally, since he is disturbing students, he should probably be removed from campus housing, unless his behavior changes significantly. Perhaps a trial period could be instated from the time that Dennis starts attending counseling, which would remain for as long as Dennis stays in the dorms. If any more unusual behavior is exhibited or otherwise noted from resident life assistants, Dennis should be summarily removed from the dorms. Mainly due to the fact that Dennis is exhibiting threatening behavior, until he shows that he is continuing with therapy and working on issues-then and only then should he be allowed to stay on campus. Additionally, Dennis should be checked upon periodically by counselors and other mental health professionals to monitor his behavior. "A student may be out of touch with reality and not functioning normally but not necessarily threatening any physical harm to themselves or others. One of the difficulties of managing such a situation is the fear that it could develop into an emergency at any moment" ("Supporting Students With Mental Health Problems," 2009). However, in Dennis's case, he was threatening people, and this could have escalated into a more widespread problem if something was not done in order to counteract his strange behaviors. Case II: Gerry. Gerry's problems are more pervasive than Dennis's. First of all, Gerry physically harmed a student. In anyone's mind, even if that was subsequentially excused by way of the fact that Gerry had ingested LSD which caused the behavior, obviously it should be much harder to trust Gerry's behavior again on campus. The fact that one student was harmed was bad enough. Although Gerry's lawyer makes a point that Gerry would be in double jeopardy for having already been tried and acquitted for a crime, the university should seriously consider whether or not allowing Gerry on campus again would be a wise move. The university's policy states, "A student will be subject to involuntary administrative withdrawal from the University, or from University housing, if the Provost determines that the student suffers from a mental disorder that is adversely affecting his or her academic performance or behavior on campus in
Monday, September 23, 2019
Marketin Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Marketin Planning - Essay Example The advisory committee helps the companies to reveal the strength and weakness in the strategic plans. It discusses the strategic responses with the companies and provides them with the outcome where the company has to improve. The companies are required to get registered with the committee, so that they receive continuous updates and monitoring from IHS CERA. The membership is taken on the annual basis and the committee delivers two research cycles to the companies, who are registered under it. The committee provides with the current scenario of marketing strategies of the industries. The companies will remain well aware regarding the changing perspective of the marketing plans that are undertaken by the industry (Petro Tech, 2012). The members are bound to receive the following from the committee: 1) Forecast or anticipation of the oil and gas industry of the United States 2) Get the access to the IHS CERA Database Centre. 3) Receive semi annual client meeting (invitation/ record o f the proceedings) Shell is the leading oil and petrochemical company based in Unites States. The company seeks to develop unique marketing strategy based on the current scenario of the marketing plans of the industry. ... Shells seek to maintain its position in the industry by meeting the global energy demand in a very responsible way. They aim at providing competitive returns for the shareholders. The company also seeks to develop a competitive edge, so that they can retain the best position in the industry. In new downstream markets, access to upstream resources has become very difficult as there exist high competition. But for Shell the main competitive advantage is their capability of project delivery and the operational excellence along with their concentration in the upstream businesses. The company has invested 80% of the capital in the upstream business in 2013. In the upstream business, the company focus on the exploration of new liquids and natural gas reserves. They aim at developing new projects where the technology and the know-how of the business can add value to the resource holders (Deloitte, 2013). The downstream and upstream engines are generating cash and developing the business, wh ich is strengthening the financial performance of the company. The company makes investment in few selective growth regions. It thus applies distinctive technology to the growth regions and provides with excellent operating performance for extending the productive lives of the assets of the company and hence increases profitability. Their major strategies are the deep water, integrated gas and the resources that play an important role, such as shale oil and gas. The themes provide them with medium term growth and they expect to make the themes to be their core engines of the business in the near future. The future opportunities of Shell include the potential oil reserves of Iraq, Arctic, Nigeria and Kazakhstan. The opportunities are to be exploited by the company in order to
Sunday, September 22, 2019
United States and Authoritarian Patriotism Essay Example for Free
United States and Authoritarian Patriotism Essay In the article Politics and Patriotism in Education, Joel Westheimer made a clear distinction of what it means to follow â€Å"authoritarian patriotism†and â€Å"democratic patriotism.†The author defines authoritarian patriotism as the belief that one’s country is inherently superior to others and nonquestioning loyalty to ones country, leaders and support them unconditionally. On the opposing side Westheimer defines democratic patriotism as the belief that a nation’s ideals are worthy of respect and admiration and the questioning deliberative overall care for the people of society based on particular principles. Westheimer felt the need to clarify the distinction of the two forms of patriotism because it seems as though patriotism is beginning to be forced upon the people and primarily the students, and if people even second guess the government’s decisions they will be condemned by his or her peers and colleagues. Throughout the article there were several examples of the wrongful punishment subjected upon teachers for giving their children a different perspective and each time they were treated like outcast and forced to reinstate everything if they wanted to keep their job. It is clear to say that Westheimer placed these examples in the article to show how this is no longer the land of the free if people are being forced to present themselves as patriotic and believe that America can do no wrong. It seems as if once 9/11 happened, it was like a gateway event for governmental officials to introduce the practice of patriotism to students. There were multiple bills passed in multiple states designating patriotic practices and allocating funding for courses specifically designed to inform students of why it is good to be an American. It seems as if the author believes the authoritarian patriotism is becoming more popularly practiced in schools is because the government made it mandatory to learn about how â€Å"good†America is, and if you choose to believe otherwise you will be punished in one form or another. The perfect example for Authoritarian patriotism in the article was when the 17 year old David form Colorado was suspended for posting flyers about having a peaceful rally against the war in Iraq. This situation makes one think, how can one love thy country if the country is opposed to constructive criticism? Or how can one love thy county if the very thing America was found on, in regards to life and liberty for all, does not apply to decision making for the taxpaying citizens? After reading this article I truly believe in what Westheimer was saying, because whenever you force a way of thinking or believing, it becomes less effective. We as Americans will no longer love our country because we really love our country, instead we will love our country because we have no other choice or else we will be punished. I also believe that the government was very conniving in terms of introducing this authoritarian patriotism right after 9/11 when everyone was hurt and vulnerable. I cannot help but think that they purposely waited until something tragic happened to inflict this way of thinking onto to children because they know as time progresses the more people began to question authority, and by instilling this mentality while they are young, you do not have to worry about them while they are older and have a developed a mature conscience. While reading, I also instantly related the authoritarian patriotism to old Great Britain in which if anyone opposed the king, he or she will be punished for treason therefore forcing everyone to comply or be punished. The irony in it all is, is this or is this not the very thing they we wanted freedom from? Did we or did we not fight for liberation of this unjust mindset? I guess it is clear to say history has a way of repeating itself.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Themes of American Culture
Themes of American Culture John Pollina Today I will be a guest speaker at an elemtary school in China to discuss some themes of American culture. I will examine a particular American film, television show, and lastly a genre of music that depicts the aspects of American culture. The movie Rocky, the television series The Sopranos, and rap music all represent various ideas of American culture that children of China has benefit from a great deal. The film that shows an important theme of American culture is the movie Rocky. Rocky was introduced in 1976 starring Sylvester Stallone. This American classic shows the true underdog story of what the American dream of open mobility is all about. Rocky starts off in the film as a young street thug earning money through illegal work and straying down a bad path. After meeting local boxing coach Mickey Golmill, Rocky begins to train under his guidance and become one of the most successful boxers. After winning some local fights Rocky works his way up and makes a name for himself. An agent reaches out and offers Rocky a once in a lifetime opportunity to fight against the heavyweight champion of the world named Apollo Creed. The idea behind this fight was to give an average Joe fighter a shot at the American dream by getting the opportunity to fight the best combatant. Moreover, the second half of this film focuses on Rocky training and working for the biggest opportunity of his life. What follows is a brilliant montage of Rocky training through the tough streets of Philadelphia and ends with Rocky on a run by the middle being followed by a few to an entire crowd at his back finishing up the museum steps raising his fists in victory. The film continues by building up to the anticipated fight for the heavyweight title of the world between the amateur Rocky Balboa and defending champion Apollo Creed. What was looked at to be a quick fight that would most likely end with Rocky being knocked out in the first round, turned out to be a shot for shot war of sorts in the ring. Rocky loses by decision in the first film but by the second gets a rematch and claims the belt. Overall, the film Rocky is all about American values and achieving the American dream. Rocky went from rags to riches showing that people in different social classes can move up in the world. Anyone who has the motivation to succeed, the determination and hard work to make it will indeed make it. Rocky first fought in the slums of Philidephia and worked hard to becomet he heavyweight champion. He truly represents the average American in this country that has built a name for itself as the land of opportunity. America is the place where big dreams and hard work could lead to countless oppurtunities to be successful. Apollo Creed in this film represents the golden road to success that every American opportunist strives for. With that road comes great struggle for what you wish to achieve, which is why this film is such a beautiful portrayal of what it means to dream big and accomplish that dream. Secondly, a great American television show that shows a strong portyal of American culture is the series called The Sopranos. This series features actor James Gandolfini who plays lead role and crime boss of North Jersey, Tony Soprano. Tony lives a very complex life juggling the difficult tasks of being boss of a mafia crime family life at home with his wife and children . he also faces a number of internal issues such as anxiety and panic attacks. One of the many ways The Sopranos portrays American culture and its ideals is through the form of greed. Greed is a constant theme on the show as well as in the history through current events of American culture. Although there is many ways to be successful in this country like earning an honest living, that is not always the case in our culture. The other way of being successful is through illegal revenue. This path pursues money through stealing and taking what you want through any means. Although an honest days living is clearly always the way to go, The Sopranos shows that our culture also appreciates a great storyline through crime that most certainly always ends up with drama. Another American culture aspect that we see during The Sopranos is money,sex, guns and violence. This culture sees these acts as a part of being successful accomplishing those aspects and being the dominant alpha of sorts. In The Sopranos we see consant competition to achieve that alpha status and to get that power every individual or even crime family combined will do whatever it takes to achieve that. Just like in American culture reguardless of it being the crime business or even the corporate business the fight to be number on never ceases to exist. You are what you make yourself in this culture that we call the land of oppurtinity. Overall, the most important theme of American culture in this televisous series is the idea of what the American dream happiness really means. Everyone believes that is is the American dream to have a big house, have nice cars, have children an help children achieve their goals will lead to a happy life. We see at the end of the seven year series that this is not what constitutes as being happy. The Sopranos had wealth, a successful business, and educated children however, they are shown not to be so happy evenr with all of this success. Disappointment is attached to such unattainable perfect standards. The characters seek so much happiness through material objects shaped by society. Through all the money and material wealth, these characters were never truly happy people. The perfect life doesn’t men you have to be rich or famous. Money makes things easier but it does not make you live a fulfilled life especially when you go through criminal means to obtain your goals. In addition, a genre of music that represents a theme of American culture is rap. Rap music has been apart of American tradition for some time featuring artists that come from a vast array of different cultures and backgrounds. Even though rap music ranges in many different tones and styles, tells us a story on the life of the artist rapping. The song and the background music is a way of self-expression for ones feelings.Rap songs in this culture are songs that people relate to for whatever situation or life path they are going through. Some songs might be about love others could be sex and the traditional style of guns and violence. The freedom of expression that we have in this country is very clear in the music that has been produced in the past and songs that will continue to be released in the future. In the American culture we do not see much of a filter of the rap songs that we listen to as opposed to other countries were it is not accepted to produce or even listen to profanity. A rapper that is well known in American culture is Marshal Mathers more known by his stage name as Eminem. Growing up through the tough streets of Detriot, Eminem faced the harsh realities that many underprivileged American children do. He dropped out of school at an early age and began working for minimum wage to support his family. The thing about American culture that Eminem clearly understood is that no matter what position you are in success can be right around the corner if you work torwards it. This culture sets the bar on how successful you are by the car you drive the amount of money you have and the home you live in. This is why most rap songs are about the underpriveliged life the rapper has gone through. They wear this on their sleeves showing that they made it out of that life to something better. When listening to Eminems music you get the sense of what kind of person he is. America can be a very tough place and people in this culture who become truly successful are never ones to look for a handout and hardly ever get one. Emeniem understood that as he was making his way up he when he was promised record deals, studio time, and oppurtunities to present his music to recording artists. Many people tried to cheat him and steal his hard work. However, after so much disappointment and failure trying to make his dreams become a reality, he knew that being a success was something he had to do on his own if he ever wanted to make it out of the poverty stricken town of Detriot he grew up in. Fast forwarding a few years and in 2030 a movie was written from a foreign prospective based on the movie Rocky. In Asian culture honor is a very important factor amongst the community. Therefore, the character who portrays Rocky treats others, especially elders, with more respect. This is different from the American viersion of Rocky since the American boxer has a more defiant attitude towards people especially torwards his future trainer Mickey who was much older in age. Another difference is the fighting style that the boxers take on. The American boxer has a different style compared to Asian fighting. Chinese fighting preparations are much different than in the U.S culture including training routines and the fighters diet that needs to be maintained. In the American Rocky a classic scene in all the movies is Rocky cracking raw eggs in a glass and drinking it for protein. However, in the Asian version we might see the Asian boxer eating a fish of some sort for protein since that i sa more traditional dish amongst that culture. Moreover, the sceneary of the film will be much different. In the American Rocky, he is training through the streets of Philidalphia passing historical American monuments that we in this culture would recognize. However, in the Chinese version we would see the fighter possibly training through the streets of China and finishing his training run up the great wall of China which would more appropriate in this version being that its something the Chinese viewers would know and understand. The music soundtrack from the Chinese version would be much different then the original soundtrack from the American Rocky. Chinese music is much different in terms of the tones and instruments played. The lyrics that we hear in the songs and the lyrics that are sang from the artists. Chinese music is also very highly censored so the music would most likely be in a very proper manner. Chinese culture and regulations from the government only allow things to be produced that bring positive reinforcement to the greater good of China so you might find some of the plot changed up and the messages given to viewers would differ as well. Lastly, the end scene will be different when we see Rocky raise his fists in victory at the end of the fight the Chinese Rocky might bow because that is a sign of honor in China. All in all, American culture has many beautiful tings to offer in terms of the films, television series and music. This country has shown time and time again we produce things that inspire the world. Although when reproduced in other countries there are some very different variations that we see. Every place in the world has their own ideals and messages that is viewed and perceived as a norm, but America has and will continue to produce things that inspire. There are many reasons as to why these specific medias are important and should be shared with the Chinese culture. China has so many censorships on all types of media. They refuse to display anything to their people that contain obscene and vulgar substances, murder, violence and even bloodiness for some examples. The Sorpanos and rap music by Eminem contain most of these contents that are prohibited by the Chinese government. However, they should be more open-minded about the messages that are being sent through such content. This is because even with violence and bloog and vulgar language, there is a lesson that is trying to be portayed and those messages are very important. The Sopranos continually showed that money does not make happiness and the theme of the movie Rocky and Eminimen’s music shows that those at the very bottom can make it in life with hard work and perserverence. Chinese culture respects hard work and education but they don’t see that what they dee m negative content can show the same ideals but in a different way. References
Friday, September 20, 2019
Andy Warhol Essay -- Biography Biographies
Andy Warhol It is rare for an artist to become a celebrity, but Andy Warhol experienced much more than his â€Å"fifteen minutes of fame†, and became an icon of his generation. Warhol was involved in many artistic fields such as painting, filmmaking and photography, but nevertheless was a businessman, social connoisseur and self-promoter. He was a major contributor to the Pop art movement, a period when mainstream objects, such as comic strips, advertisements and celebrity photos, were incorporated into many works. Warhol’s Campbell Soup series and later his celebrity series are some of the most well known works of pop art, that are still referenced in print and advertising today. However, not all of his works dealt with intriguing celebrities or mainstream advertising. Few people are familiar with Warhol’s darker side, evident in his â€Å"Disaster†paintings, a period in which such tragedy as, car accidents, suicide and capital punishment captured Warhol’s in terest. These morbid works differ from his Pop Art masterpieces, and are crucial in understanding Warhol’s overall body of work. Warhol graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1949, with a degree in pictorial design. He then went to New York City to work as a commercial illustrator, and later began painting towards the late 1950’s. His work did not gain notoriety until around 1962 when his Campbell soup prints and Marilyn Monroe painting gained respect in the art world. However this period was a tumultuous ...
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Charlemagne Essay examples -- essays papers
Charlemagne The two lives of Charlemagne as told by Einhard and Notker the Stammerer are very different accounts of the life of the great Emperor. Einhard gives us a historical overview of the life of Charlemagne who lived from 742 to 814 A.D. Charlemagne was also known as Charles the Great and the King of the Franks.Charles was one of four children born to Pepin the Short, A Mayor of the Palace of the Carolingian Empire. He had one brother, Carloman and two sisters, Gisela and Pepin.Since women at the time didn’t inherit power, when Pepin the Short died, the kingship of the Carolingian Empire was divided and shared by Charlemagne and his brother, Carloman. Unfortunately, Carloman died early and unexpectedly as a young man and the entire land of the Franks was given to Charlemagne. This kingdom was vast and covers what would today include parts of the countries of Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and France. Charlemagne took very good care of his mother who lived with him at the palace and died at a ripe old age. His brother Pepin died as a child and his sister Gisela spent her entire life as a religious in a nunnery. Charlemagne had four wives and four concubines. From these relationships he had fourteen children. He insisted on educating all of his children both the boys and the girls. The boys leaned how to hunt and use arms while the girls learned womanly things like weaving. Charlemagne was a devoted father and when he wasn’t fighting a war and was at home, he insisted on eating dinner with his children and also took them with him on many of his journeys. He was so attached to his daughters that he refused to give them away in marriage with the result that two of them ended up having illegitimate... ...ut who lost heart at the last moment and succeeded only in slashing him across the eyes. The pope summoned Charlemagne to Rome and bestowed the crown of Emperor and Augustus upon him. The Pope’s attackers fled when they heard that Charlemagne was coming but they were found and punished some were imprisoned and other condemned to death. The Charlemagne of Einhard is a man of many notable characteristics and accomplishments. Einhard gives a sense of what the important events and people in Charlemagne’ s life were. Einhard gives a more detailed and colorful background to many of the events even if some of his descriptions and stories are not believable. In Einhard, we learn the facts. In Notker, we see Charlemagne’s sense of humor, and his compassion; his forgiveness; his sense of equality and fairness. In the many anecdotes Of Notker, Charlemagne comes alive. Charlemagne Essay examples -- essays papers Charlemagne The two lives of Charlemagne as told by Einhard and Notker the Stammerer are very different accounts of the life of the great Emperor. Einhard gives us a historical overview of the life of Charlemagne who lived from 742 to 814 A.D. Charlemagne was also known as Charles the Great and the King of the Franks.Charles was one of four children born to Pepin the Short, A Mayor of the Palace of the Carolingian Empire. He had one brother, Carloman and two sisters, Gisela and Pepin.Since women at the time didn’t inherit power, when Pepin the Short died, the kingship of the Carolingian Empire was divided and shared by Charlemagne and his brother, Carloman. Unfortunately, Carloman died early and unexpectedly as a young man and the entire land of the Franks was given to Charlemagne. This kingdom was vast and covers what would today include parts of the countries of Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and France. Charlemagne took very good care of his mother who lived with him at the palace and died at a ripe old age. His brother Pepin died as a child and his sister Gisela spent her entire life as a religious in a nunnery. Charlemagne had four wives and four concubines. From these relationships he had fourteen children. He insisted on educating all of his children both the boys and the girls. The boys leaned how to hunt and use arms while the girls learned womanly things like weaving. Charlemagne was a devoted father and when he wasn’t fighting a war and was at home, he insisted on eating dinner with his children and also took them with him on many of his journeys. He was so attached to his daughters that he refused to give them away in marriage with the result that two of them ended up having illegitimate... ...ut who lost heart at the last moment and succeeded only in slashing him across the eyes. The pope summoned Charlemagne to Rome and bestowed the crown of Emperor and Augustus upon him. The Pope’s attackers fled when they heard that Charlemagne was coming but they were found and punished some were imprisoned and other condemned to death. The Charlemagne of Einhard is a man of many notable characteristics and accomplishments. Einhard gives a sense of what the important events and people in Charlemagne’ s life were. Einhard gives a more detailed and colorful background to many of the events even if some of his descriptions and stories are not believable. In Einhard, we learn the facts. In Notker, we see Charlemagne’s sense of humor, and his compassion; his forgiveness; his sense of equality and fairness. In the many anecdotes Of Notker, Charlemagne comes alive.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pain, Relief, and Satisfaction in John Irvings The Water Method Man :: Water Method Man Essays
Water as the Source of Pain, Relief, and Satisfaction in John Irving's The Water Method Man People often find that they feel confined within a certain situation and lack control over their life. One result of such behavior may cause a person to get stuck in a stalemate trying to escape their daily routine without the social skills to do so. Fred Trumper in John Irving's The Water Method Man experiences different situations on a day to day basis. He is unable to understand why his life has taken the course that it has or what his purpose is in it. Irving explores Trumper's quest for identity and uses the presence of water in the novel to relate Trumper's state of mind to the reader. The Water Method Man opens with an explanation of the water method to Trumper by his urologist. Initially, Trumper uses water as a source of relief for his urinary tract disorder, but both the reader and Trumper do not know if the treatment will be successful. He consumes great amounts of water before and after sex in order to correct his crooked tract. The water method is a reflection of how Trumper treats his daily life. Like Trumper's disorderly urinary tract, Irving formats the novel so that Trumper's life appears as a non-sequential history of events that the reader must consume in great amounts, like water, in order to understand Trumper's life and character. If the reader is left to use a "water method" of his own to comprehend Trumper's life, then it can be concluded that Trumper himself does not view his life in an orderly fashion and may question its occurrences. Trumper's use of the water method not only explains the broad manner through which Trumper and the reader can understand his life, but signals the reader as to when Trumper is happy. When the water method is successful and his urinary tract is straight for some time, Trumper finds himself in a steady relationship with Biggie or Tulpen. Trumper appears the most content with Tulpen when he is in a safe routine with her, rituals like, eating yogurt, making love, and drinking coffee. At this point in his life, Trumper is able to view the water method nonchalantly, as a positive part of his life: The only variation made by the water method is minor, and falls somewhere after love and during coffee.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Molecular Modeling
MOLECULAR MODELING 1. Objectives ? Predictthe shape of identified compounds; ? Construct molecular models of identified compounds; and ? Determine the molecular structure of identified compounds. 2. Theory Building models of molecules are useful for visualizing how atoms are connected in three-dimensional space called molecular geometry, which is best predicted by Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion (VSPER) theory. The following are the sets of rules summarizing thsi theory: ? Consider molecules and ions where two or more atoms are bonded to a central atom. The electron pairs in the valence shell of the central atom are assumed to position as far apart as possible because electron pair repels one another. The shape of the molecule or ion is a result of the electron-pair repulsion. ? All the valence-shell electron pairs of the central atom are considered both the pairs that form covalent bonds (called bonding pairs) and the pairs that are unshared (called nonbonding pairs or lone pa irs). ? The nonbonding pairs help to determine the position of the atoms in the molecule or ion.Valence –Shell-Electron-Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory allows the chemist to predict 3-dimensional shape of molecules from knowledge of their Lewis Dot Structure. In VESPR theory, the position of bound atoms (ligands0 and electron pairs are described relative to a central atom. Once the ligands and lone pair electrons are positioned, the resulting geometrical shape presented by the atoms only (ignoring lone pairs) is used to describe the molecule. Electron Density and Molecular Geometry | d(Be-Cl) = 0,117 nm? = 180  °| | | Linear (B-F) = 0,130 nm ? = 120  ° Triangular Planar d(S-O) = 0,150 nm ? = 109 . 5 ° Tetrahedral | | d(P-Cleq) = 0,202 nmd(P-Clax) = 0,214 nm? (ClPCl) = 90  ° ; ? (ClPCl) = 120  °| Triangular Biplanar | | d(Xe-F) = 0,190 nm? = 90 °| Octahedral 3. Apparatus and Materials 2- Modeling Clay (diff. colors) 1 – Wire (3mm. diameter, 5ft. long) 1- Pr otractor 4. Procedure 4. 1. Determine the molecular structure of the compounds listed in the table. 4. 2 Fill the table provided for the experiment. 4. 3 Construct the molecular models for each compound. 4. 3. Use color for the central atom diff. from the attached atoms. Use one color for the attached atoms. 4. 3. 2 Make a 2-inch diameter central atom X and ? inch diameter for the attached atoms Y. 4. 3. 3 Cut the wire into 3 inches long. 4. 3. 4 Attach the central atom X to the Y atoms based on the arrangement. 5. MolecularFormula| BondAngles| MolecularStructure| No. ofBond Pairs| No. ofLone Pairs| AngularGeometry| BeCl2| 180 °| | 2| 0| Linear| BF3| 120 °| | 3| 0| TrigonalPlanar| SO4| 109. 5 °| | 4| 0| Tetrahedral| PCl5| 120 °| | 5| 0| TriangularBipyramidal|XeF6| 90 °| | 6| 0| Octahedral| 6. Questions 1. What is valence electron? Give its importance. In chemistry, valence electrons are the electrons of an atom that can participate in the formation of chemica bonds with other atoms. Valence electrons are their â€Å"own†electrons, present in the free neutral atom, that combine with valence electrons of other atoms to form chemical bonds. In a single covalent bond both atoms contribute one valence electron to form a shared pair. For main group elements, only the outermost electrons are valence electrons.In transition metals, some inner-shell electrons are also valence electrons. Valence electrons can determine the element's chemical properties and if it will bond with others or not. When two atoms approach each other and react with each other, it is their outer shells that come into contact first, and it is therefore the electrons in their outer shells that are normally involved in any chemical reaction. So it is the number of electrons in an atom’s outer shell that determines, to a large extent, how that element will react chemically.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Critical Analysis of The Business Strategies
Offensive and defensive strategies are by products or results of the corporate strategies. A corporate strategy is a comprehensive set of activities developed by top management to aid an organization achieve its corporate objectives. Involving all parts of an organization, these strategies consider both internal and external environments. As the name suggests these strategies are aimed at placing the organization in a ‘attack mode' of sorts. Organizations employing such strategies generally believe in acting before their opponent. Such strategies are usually achieved through internal growth, though some like mergers and acquisition, etc are external. Concentration on a single product or service The firm chooses to specialize in a single product, product line, or service. It plans to do one thing with great effectiveness and efficiency. This specialization allows an organization to do whatever it does extremely well, perhaps even better than other organizations. Used mostly by small organizations, it reduces the amount of resources required and as such is a low risk strategy. However, it ties up all of the firm's resources on a single product, service, or product line. The firm's success and growth is dependent entirely on that particular product with nothing to fall back on were that product to fail. Also, coupled with the facts that this strategy limits an organization's growth and opportunities, it can be considered a high-risk strategy as well. E.g. a company deciding to specialize only in the production and distribution of a particular brand of chocolate will find their chances for growth and profits tied inexorably with the market acceptance of that chocolate. Failure of the product will spell doom for the company. Despite these pitfalls, the concentration strategy has nevertheless borne fruit for organizations like Holiday Inns. Considered one of the largest hotel chains in the world with 1800inns, Holiday Inns have achieved unparalleled success by focusing on the hospitality industry. Put plainly concentric diversification is said to be when a firm originally concentrating on one specific product, service, or product line decides to add related products or services to its already existing retinue. These new products or services are added internally (i.e. it can be a management decision) or may be acquired through acquisitions. A good example is Cadbury. Though initially focusing on biscuits, the company today has an impressive line-up that includes not only biscuits, but also chocolates and ice cream as well. One of the major reasons why companies choose to follow such a strategy is the potential for faster growth, and the lure of establishing a diverse if related product line. This ensures that if one product were to fail, there would still be something to fall back on. Vertical integration occurs when one firm acquires another that is involved either in an earlier stage of the production process (backward integration) or a later stage of the production process (forward integration). The firm that is acquired usually follows the same line of business as that of the parent company. While backward integration will give the firm more control over the quality and quantity of its raw materials, forward integration will ensure that the firm's products will enjoy a good demand. This occurs when a firm decides to branch out and add products or services that are unrelated to its existing products and services. Conglomerate diversification can occur through acquisitions or it may be based on management decisions. The purpose in employing such a strategy is to increase sales and earnings, spread risks, or in the case of acquisitions simply to make an attractive investment. An example is the heavy vehicles and industrial equipment manufacturer Caterpillar, who have branched out into the production of boots and accessories. A merger involves combining the operations of two companies to form a new and unified organization. Acquisitions on the other hand is the taking over of another firm but allowing the acquired firm to function as a independent division or subsidiary of the acquiring firm. The main aim of this strategy is to achieve growth both in sales and earnings, which it does more quickly than any internal strategies. An accurate example would be the recent merger of carmakers Chrysler and Mercedes Benz. An example of acquisition would be BMW's takeover of Rolls Royce. Joint venture is when two or more firms combine resources to accomplish a task that an individual firm could not have done alone, or to do a job more efficiently. Considered as a means to implement a strategy rather than a strategy, joint ventures offer a way for organizations to undertake projects and spread any risks as well as operate more efficiently. General Motor's collaboration with Toyota is an example of a joint venture. Usually adopted by companies, who follow a wait and watch attitude, these strategies nevertheless help an organization achieve a good foothold in the market. Reducing the scope of operations or activities to improve effectiveness and efficiency is retrenchment. Organizations adopting such a strategy generally believe that making the organization more effective and efficient will give it a better chance to return to a higher level of profitability. In some cases a firm may simply cut costs, reduce personnel, etc, but will decide to maintain all its current line of business, whereas, in extreme cases a firm may decide to get rid of certain product lines or services. Divestment is when a firm spins off or sells segments of its operations. The main reasons for such a situation to arise are: a firm may have acquired another firm that either interferes or does not contribute to its current organization mission, a segment may not be functioning satisfactorily enough to justify the resources invested in it, or the segment might be earning a profit but the management decides its resources are better utilized elsewhere. Stopping the decline in a firm's performance and bringing a return to successful performance involves turnaround. It combines a defensive strategy (retrenchment or divestment) with a growth strategy. The turnaround of Chrysler Corporation in early 1980's from a failing enterprise to a successful one is a good example. Usually a last resort strategy, it involves selling or disposing of the organization assets. The entire organization or only part of it may be sold. It occurs when turnaround was a failure or may not have been viable. Undertaken mainly to provide the stockholders a return on their investment, it is one of the most unpleasant strategies. The various offensive and defensive strategies are not separate, and are used in complement with one another. Most firms employ a variation or a mixture of the various strategies. The only important factor is deciding which strategy will better suit the conditions presently being faced by the firm.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How Music Influences Memory Essay
I lay in my bed listening to the endless stream of music coming through my headphones. My iTunes is on shuffle, some songs I skip but most of them I let play without interference. Zoning out only enough to let my mind wonder, I relax and take in the sounds surrounding me. I feel restful, at piece. A brief moment of silence from the time one song ends and another begins. I hear the first five notes on a piano  instantly, I have a lump in my throat, my heart quickens, and my eyes begin to sting. â€Å"Through the Years†by Kenny Rogers has just come on. After fifteen seconds of a piano introduction, Rogers’ soothing voice starts in, â€Å"I can’t remember when you weren’t there†¦ I am reminded of my family. I am taken back to a time when all my grandparents were still alive and well. My father’s mother’s face comes into view, she has been gone twelve years but I can almost feel her presence. I think of the love my family and I have for each other. I think of my sister. My cheeks and ears begin to feel warm. The air I’m breathing suddenly becomes thick, my vision is blurred by the water filling my eyes. The chorus begins, â€Å"Through the years†¦Ã¢â‚¬ My eyes overflow and tears silently fall down my face. After the second chorus the song builds on itself, it rises and keeps on rising. The tension is broken by Rogers’ voice full of love and sincerity at the bridge. I have graduated from softly crying to full on sobbing. My face, my ears, my neck and my pillow are wet with tears. What I am crying about, I am not entirely certain of. What I am certain of, however, is that this wave of emotion that I am drowning in was induced solely by this song. Now in the fetal position, cuddling the blanket and bear that I have had since I was born, I gasp and choke a deep breath in and cough it out as I sob. â€Å"As long as it’s okay / I’ll stay with you / Through the years†The song ends, and after a short while I return to the restful state I was in prior to my breakdown, noticeably more tired. All of this because of a song. This experience and countless others like it (varying in memories and emotions) that made me wonder about the power of music. We have all been influenced by music at one point in our lives; oose bumps, shivers, hair standing on end, tears, dancing, tapping to the beat. Music is all around us, and it is there no matter where you go; it transcends borders and cultures, it is the one universal thing that does. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said it best: â€Å"Music is the universal language of mankind. †Music has the ability to elicit emotions and trigger memories of our past, transporting us to a specific moment or time in our lives. Music can help us cope, the proof of this is in the success of break-up songs. We rely on music. But, what is it about music that makes it so powerful? How is it able to influence us the way it does? Studying music from a scientific approach is relatively new practice, especially music and its effects on the brain. Thanks to advances in neuroscience such a study is made possible. Neuroscientists use fMRI and PET scans to study the brain and what music does to it. When we listen to music different parts of our brain are stimulated. What scientists have learned is that music activates more areas of the brain than anything else. Elena Mannes, author of the book The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song, identifies some of parts and functions of the brain that are used to process music: †¦the auditory cortex (first stage in the listening process, perception and analysis of tones), the motor cortex (foot tapping, playing an instrument), the prefrontal cortex (the creation of expectations triggered by musical patterns and the violation of patterns/expectations), the sensory cortex (tactile feedback, as in playing an instrument), the visual cortex (reading music), the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala (emotional reactions), the hippocampus (memory for music), the cerebellum (also movement and emotional reactions). (Mannes, 32). When we listen to music our brain is actually extracting something from the music and making sense of it. Some scientists believe that this could contribute to our brain’s ability to remember songs so well. (Kunz). An intriguing aspect of music and how we relate to it is our seemingly instinctual ability to analyze a piece of music. Daniel Levitin, a neuroscientist at McGill University, discusses in his book, This Is Your Brain On Music: The Science of a Human Obsession, how our brain perceives and understands music. When we start out we have thousands of neurons in our brains that are completely free, not tied down or associated to anything. However, as we grow and learn, these neurons are shaped by experience and make connections. Through our experiences our brains learn the rules of whatever music we are exposed to. For example, we have songs that we recognize as happy or sad, even if it is only an instrumental piece. We are able to recognize the mood or feeling of a song from its elements; in Western society we tend to associate a fast tempo with energy and spiritedness and a slow tempo with sadness. These associations, or connections, are learned from our experiences. (Levitin, 87-89). There are a variety of different factors that contribute to our physical and emotional reactions to music. Music often mirrors the natural world and picks up on cues that are prevalent in human behavior. Expectations not fulfilled, surprise, when something happens not as planned, often in life these are what elicit our strongest emotions. Composers employ structural devices that imitate these real-life occurrences and thereby prompt a reaction from the listener. An easily relatable physical reaction to music is called frisson, or more commonly referred to as goose bumps or shivers down one’s spine. These reactions can and are most commonly achieved through the use of an enharmonic change. A simple example (in simple terms, the following chords and notes do not actually exist) of an enharmonic change is when chord(x) is played and harmonizes melody note(a), (this chord is often played again at least once, if not more) then chord(y) is played and re-harmonizes melody note(a), so it is the same but different. The composer creates an expectation and then those expectations are not carried out and that elicits a reaction from the listener (Mannes, 283). A myriad of elements contribute to the influencing power music has over our emotions. Two of the main reasons people listen to music is for emotional impact and regulation (Chanda and Levitin, 180). Music can provide us with a wide range of feelings, such as happiness, sadness, excitement and tranquility Music is also known to produce feelings of euphoria, and what some even describe as a high. Scientists have discovered the reason for this so-called high: the areas in the brain that are activated by drugs or during sex are also activated by listening to music that we enjoy. Listening to pleasurable music activates the production of neurochemicals. The most recognizable chemical that is produced is dopamine, the feel-good hormone, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation. Prolactin, the comfort or satisfaction hormone, normally associated with mothers breastfeeding their infant, is also produced. The third chemical produced is oxytocin, the cuddle or trust hormone commonly associated with sex and bonding with other people. The production of these hormones explain the â€Å"euphoric†feeling people sometimes experience when listening to music. These hormones also influence our mood and perception (Chanda and Levitin180; Mannes, 35). Another factor that contributes to our emotional response to music is our emotional connection to a song. Often times, memories that we associate with a particular song that we heard in a particular time in our lives are triggered when we hear that song. Researchers have found that there is a significant difference in brain activity when we hear a song that we have emotional connections to. A potential and simple explanation for this is that we are not only processing the music but we are also recalling past events. Memories are stored as proteins in different parts of our brains, when memories are triggered, different parts of the brain are put into action to recall those memories. Both functions (processing music and remembering) use a large portion of our brain on their own, combine the two and that is a lot of brain activity (Kunz). Memories triggered by music are often times much more powerful than when triggered simply by thought. For example, a friend might say, â€Å"Do you remember when†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and we reminisce with our friend about a time or an event of past. We may laugh, or feel a sentimental twinge of longing, but usually, not more than that. When a memory is triggered by a song, however, we are somehow transported back in time and are able to experience the feelings we had at that time. There has been speculation for why our memories are much more vivid when triggered by music. Some have theorized that because our brain has already done the work of processing a particular piece of music, we recognize that we have done it before. The recognition of that precise action manifests itself through our feelings. For example, when I hear the song â€Å"Crazy†by Gnarls Barkley, I am immediately taken back to the summer of 2006. I am instantly overcome with a feeling that I can only describe as being the feeling I felt the summer I was sixteen. It’s a happy feeling; a feeling of freedom mixed with confusion and carelessness. My senses are activated; I am able to smell the salt air from the beach, I can taste the Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea that I perpetually consumed, I am almost able to feel my jean shorts around my legs, I even have a clear vision of Highway 33 from the passenger’s seat of mine and my sister’s car as we make our way to the beach, the scene before me shaded by the sunglasses I wore. When a memory is triggered by one of the senses, the other senses are triggered as well. Our senses dictate what we perceive, and therefore, influence how we feel. At that time in my life when my brain was processing that song, it was also processing all of my other senses, all of these elements combined and gave me a very specific feeling. So now when I hear that song, my brain processes it and says something like, Oh, I have done this before, this is the result. It can be likened to muscle memory (Kunz). Intrigued by the power music has, I interviewed Matthew J. Kunz, a researcher currently exploring potential methods to treat patients suffering from neurological injuries and illnesses. One medium of particular interest to him is forms of music therapy. It has been proven that music engages and even enhances motor and auditory skills. Music could potentially serve as a form of physical therapy after an injury or an illness that has impaired an individual’s motor skills. A great example of this is Parkinson’s disease. Humans are instinctively able to march or walk to a beat. By providing someone with a rhythm track their actions, e. g. walking, could be improved if accompanied by music (Kunz). Another neurological illness that is being treated by music is Alzheimer’s disease. However severe a dementia is, even if the patient has lost language, they almost never seem to lose the memory or ability to respond to music. Not only can it assist in the recalling of memories but it can also strengthen areas of the brain. Some music therapists have the patient learn and play music. Somehow, the ability to do this stays in their brain, once the song is in there (their brain) it stays. Through learning and playing music the patient exercises their brain, and as a result, functions of the brain, like motor skills, are improved. Even severely demented patients will recognize old songs and be delighted by them. Kunz confesses, â€Å"If nothing else, the patients are able to experience joy. Even if that’s the only thing it gave them, it would be worth the work that is being done now. †Kunz’s heart is in the right place regardless of the outcome of the research, however, studies have already shown the positive benefits of the diverse forms of musical therapy (Kunz). Whether we want to feel rapture and be delighted by something, or shed a few tears, if we are in need of therapy, or simply want to break the silence, music is there for us. The power music holds is so strong that we depend on it and integrate it to nearly every aspect of our lives. Ill, or injured, or completely well, music is therapeutic to us all; it can bring groups of people together or provide a sense of company when one is alone. It makes our highest highs higher and our lowest lows lower, but that is the magic and power of music. I am certain that our existence and experience as human beings would be far less than what it is if it were not for music.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Medical Office Basics: Hoarding
Do you have a problem selling, throwing away, or even recycling things? If you do it is very possible that you may have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder referred to as Hoarding. Another way to tell if you have this problem is if you shop too much. According to the International OCD Foundation, 3 out of every 4 people shop excessively. While collecting research and reading over signs and symptoms that I will cover later in this paper I realized that I may have an undiagnosed Hoarder in my immediate family. The International OCD Foundation states, â€Å"Hoarding is a complex disorder that is made up of three connected problems: 1) collecting too many items, 2) difficulty getting rid of items and 3) problems with organization. †Of the items hoarded the most common are newspapers and clothes, but also commonly includes containers, junk mail, craft items, books, trash, and in some cases animals. Even collectors can eventually fall into the category of being a Hoarder when their collection becomes so overwhelming that they are no longer able to display their possessions in a safe manner. The clutter in a persons’ dwelling must create a health and safety concern, and also significant distress, in order to truly be categorized as a disorder. It is estimated that as many as 1 in every 20 people have a substantial amount of hoarding problems. The act of Hoarding, cluttering of living spaces and keeping items of little to no value, is most commonly found in older age groups but in rare cases can also be found in adolescents and children as early as 3 years old. The reason that hoarding is found so commonly in the elderly is because the severity of the disorder increases with each decade of life. Hoarding is also found to be more dominant in men than in women. Symptoms of Hoarding are believed to begin in early childhood or adolescence and progress each year without proper therapy. Hoarding is one of only two psychiatric disorders that increase in severity and prevalence as you progress in life, the other is Dementia. There are many consequences that come along with Hoarding, one of the worst being evicted from your home or even your house being ruled as condemned. There was a study done that found 45% of Hoarders could not use their refrigerators, 42% could not use their kitchen sink, 42% could not use this bathtub, 20% cannot use their bathroom sink, and 10% could not use their toilet. In many cases finances also become an immeasurable quandary in a Hoarders life due to paying for storage units for their priceless treasures, buying items to add to their clutter and paying housing fines caused by their property appearing disheveled or having â€Å"lack of curb appeal†. There are four primary characteristics of Hoarding. The first thing you could see is depression or anxiety with a family history of hoarding. Secondly people who hoard have difficult time processing information; these problems can usually be interpreted as having Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder qualities. Third, people who hoard tend to form intense emotional attachments to a wider variety of objects than a person who doesn’t hoard. Hoarders attach human-like qualities to inanimate objects. In other words, asking a Hoarder to get rid of an item is like asking them to get rid of a loved one. The last characteristic is that Hoarders do not want to waste objects or throw away items that could be seen as a loss of opportunity represented by the object. As far as treatments for Hoarding there have not been many medical advances. The only treatments medical professionals have been able to come up with thus far are psychiatric treatments, interventions by friends and family, and prescription medications. Although there are medical professionals hoarders could talk to many times they will come up with reasons to avoid getting help such as, cost of treatment, transportation problems, negative views of mental health, low motivation, and lack of public awareness. Future psychotherapy research may focus more on behavioral (exposure treatment) rather than traditional cognitive therapy principles. If you are concerned that you may have some hoarding tendencies there are various types of tests available online to determine if you are a hoarder and how extreme your case might be. There is a test called Saving Inventory-Revised that only involves a test of 24 questions before revealing your score at the end. Another test that would be useful is called the Clutter Image Rating, this test will give you four picture examples of what hoarding looks like and you compare your house with the pictures given in order to rate at what stage of a Hoarder you are. While researching and writing about this topic I learned many things about hoarding that I had not already known. There are many things about Hoarding that you cannot learn by just watching a show on television such as the different treatments that are offered and the things required to classify someone as a Hoarder. I have now come to the conclusion after comparing pictures of a family member’s home to those on the Clutter Image Rating website and now knowing the requirements to being a Hoarder that I do in fact have an undiagnosed Hoarder in the family. References (n.d.). Retrieved from Frost, R. O. (2010). Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Paxton, M. (2011). The Secret Lives of Hoarders. New York: Penguin Group.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Ocean, Meteorology and Atmosphere Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ocean, Meteorology and Atmosphere - Assignment Example The movement of sand on a beach environment is a complex process controlled by natural processes such as winds and storms as well as human-induced factors such as destruction of dune vegetation as well as construction structures such as jetties, groins, and seawalls among others. 13. Distinguish between a flood current and an ebb current. Of flood current, ebb current, high slack water, and low slack water, when is the best time to navigate a boat in a shallow, rocky harbor? A flood current is the tidal current moving from the sea to the shore while ebb current is the tidal current receding seawards. It is best to navigate a boat in a shallow, rocky harbor during low slack tides. 14. Are estuaries associated with submerged or emergent coasts? Yes, Estuaries are associated emergent or submergent coasts with the ones along submergent coastlines being larger while the ones along emergent coasts are smaller. 4. How does the Coriolis effect modify air movement? The Coriolis effect normally modifies air movement by deflecting the air to the right of its motion in the Northen hemisphere and to the left of its motion path in the Southern hemisphere. 9.Describe the principle of the aneroid barometer. An android (no liquid) barometer is made of evacuated metal chambers that work by compressing with the increase in air pressure.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Successful Develoment and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Successful Develoment and Innovation - Essay Example The teams should learn how to learn to build up effective mechanisms of functioning together, and this should be provided by a whole community, rather than individuals. The processes that influence economies of various countries demand new strategies, for instance, cooperation, that should be correctly prepared and implemented by the leaders of organization. The last decade of the XXth century created a favourable background for housing business. With economical conditions that provided for stable progress in economy, and low mortgage rates, increasing demand for buying houses in this period created a favourable condition for housing business and mortgage companies. The other important issue was that the financing those who buy homes was changed by commercial banks and loans and savings from individual mortgaging to new level of mortgage originations that become usual at the market of housing business by the end of the XXth century. According to the data provided by the experts, "At year-end 1996, mortgage banking companies held a 56 percent market share of total industry originations, compared with only a 35 percent market share in 1990. And of the estimated $809 billion in total originations in 1996, $458 billion were secondary market transactions, compared with $276 billion of secondary market transactions in 1990." (Lereah, p. 3) The housing business and ... ngs in technological sphere and narrow margins are the key issues that characterized the atmosphere at the housing market at the end of 90s and determined further development in this industry. (Doggem) While speaking about the future of this industry the specialists usually express positive views on the situation. Current conditions and economical situation are likely to provide mortgage banking firms with efficient business and households with various mortgage alternatives. The experts now speak of housing industry as of a branch of industry that now has the most favourable conditions for successful development. However, various challenges are also to be taken into consideration, and now these obstacles are clear and evident. As the experts state, "as in most mature industries, the surviving companies will be the low-cost producers, and a heavy investment in technology may help companies accomplish this objective". (Doggem) Long-tern perspective of this industry is determined mainly by the following issues: economical decays and booms, that constitute circles in world economy demographic issues advance in technology changing background of the industry regulations that are provided by the government (Doggem) As the historical perspective demonstrates, the most important factor influencing housing industry was changeable nature of interest rates. This branch of industry experiences the same stages of development as other industries: ": downturn, trough, recovery, expansion, and peak". (Doggem) Accordingly, interest rates are also determined by the process and are influenced by the same circular way of development, and all this thus affects background of various branches of industry in general and housing industry in general. It is well-known that availability of
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Women are not treated fairly in prison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Women are not treated fairly in prison - Essay Example Through the work of Davis, she says that almost all the woman that were in prison during her time were either black or Porte Ricans (Davis 19). The very reason for her imprisonment was her political views even though the authorities claimed that she had committed he offence of conspiracy and murder. The high number of racial imbalance within the prisons may demonstrate unfairness in other processes that come before imprisonment as was in the case of Davis. Davis makes a resounding call to the reader by stating several times that there was bias within the prison and that the population dynamics in the prison did not reflect any reality with regard to the criminality of the people in. Further she states that the bias in the system was such that it did not favor people who were poor and that explain why black people and other minorities were found in jails. Davis further points that not all women were treated the same once they found themselves in the prison walls. It is pointed tha t while women were not restrained while Chicana and black women were put in handcuffs (Davis 298). A clear picture of what happens to the woman can be summarized through the story of Shakur. From the onset, she was imprisonment on an allegation that she had killed state trooper, something that was false. Based on the wrong allegation, she was subjected to inhumane treatment such as being stripped naked so that searchers were carried out. This kinds of treatments were not done to all other girls especially Chicano and black.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Role Of Women In Arabic Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Role Of Women In Arabic Society - Assignment Example Women in the Arab society are discriminated against especially in institutions such as marriage and areas such as inheritance and divorce. Women are not allowed to own property in some classes. Divorce will always almost favor the men and women end up suffering from the outcome of the divorce. Women in this society are considered a source of evil, social disorder and anarchy, and deception. This consideration is adopted by the prevailing religious ideology. Therefore, the society has created a certain standard of morality that stresses values and norm associated with traditional ideas of motherhood, wifehood, and femininity for the woman (Barakat, 1993). The woman in the society has been relieved of all financial responsibilities that the family might require. These responsibilities are the duties of the father who is seen as the provider of the family. A lot of changes have been witnessed throughout the world in regards changes in the family set up and socio-economic trends. The Arab community has also witnessed major changes especially towards how the woman is viewed in the society. Many women are being educated in the Arab community. This has allowed women to be involved in jobs in the public sectors in contrast to the traditional household women. Education Has made a lot of women to be providers of some of the families and has gained economical independence from the men. The changes in Arab society have begun to undermine traditional roles, relationships, and values within the Arab family.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Research Paper
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Research Paper Example Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2010 will go down in history as a major health care reform bill that has been signed into law. It has a comprehensive coverage that would see 31 million Americans currently uninsured getting a medical cover. If this new proposal, the government will incur approximately $848 billion over the next 10 years, consequently, there will be a gradual increase in taxes and revenue is proposed to reduce the total cost of this cover by $131 billion within the same period (Eaton 2010). The proposed reform aims at achieving a number of strategic healthcare goals. Firstly, it aims at ensuring that every US citizen can access, quality and affordable health care. In essence, this is an important component of the entire reform agenda. In light of the increasing burden of increasing burden of disease and skyrocketing prices of health care services, the government undertook this deliberate strategy to ensure that there is universal health care insurance cover age. Today, the majority of US citizens continues to battle with out-of-pocket financing, which is prohibitively expensive (Junior 2010). Secondly, it aims at improving quality and efficiency of healthcare by establishing a vibrant health care workforce that would meet the growing demand for healthcare services. In addition, there is a growing body of evidence showing an increase in the burden of chronic diseases, this proposed health care financing in its full implementation will see the middle and elderly persons receive a comprehensive cover that focuses on affordable health care services for chronic diseases. United States (2010) states that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has determined that the fully paid patient protection scheme, in the end, will ensure that more than 94% of Americans will be covered within $900 billion limits set by President Obama.Â
Customer Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Customer Service - Assignment Example Customer service policy explains the code of conduct for employees; that is what they can do for customers and what they cannot do. The main purpose of evaluating the performance of customer service policy is to identify the ways through which customer satisfaction can be increased. Customer service policy is designed to assist employees by providing them guidelines on how to deal with customers and satisfy their needs. Customer service policy evaluation provides information to the management about the lacking in customer service policy and ways to make constructive changes in policy design and execution (Kim, Haung, & Young-Gul 3). The information collected through the customer service policy evaluation helps organization to understand the difference between actual employees’ performance and the predetermined standards. Customer service policy evaluation supports an organization in planning staff training and development programs. It provides accurate information about the job description of customer service employees and their training requirements. Effective evaluations provides information about the areas in which employees need training and management, design future training programs on the basis of collected information (Lawler et. Al 21). Effective and responsive customer service provision helps organization to exceed customer satisfaction and creates superior customer relationship (Lakos, and Phipps 5). Customer perception is influenced by providing better services to them. Post purchase services plays vital role in increasing customer satisfaction. Organizations that assure post purchase services are considered good where as those organizations who fail to deliver post purchase services lose its customers and market share. Setting customer service standards and evaluating them helps organizations to ensure that its customer relationship employees are working according to the requirements and policies. Companies whose customer care
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The appeal of Islam for politics in South East Asia during the 12th Essay
The appeal of Islam for politics in South East Asia during the 12th 17th centuries - Essay Example Southeast Asia covered the vast peninsula of Indochina and the widespread East Indies. In this location lie the countries of Burma, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Islam manifested a significant appeal for the Southeast Asia in the 12th throughout the 17th century. Over two-fifths of the region practice Islam as a religion. Most of the population involved in Muslim practices live in Malay Peninsula, the Archipelago, and on the Mindanao Island in Philippine Indonesia is distinct in the world as the single largest Muslim country, with a populace of about 212 million persons. Two-thirds of Malaysia is 23 million individuals and are Muslims. Evidently, Islam given that it was and it is still is a popular religion in south East Asia, it must have a greater influence as far as politics and policies of the day are concerned. Arguable, in the period 12th -17th centaury Islam appealed for polities in the South East Asi a with a view to maintain dominance. As of mid 14th century, the Hindu-Javanese kingdom of Majapahit conducted an influence over an island kingdom and applied substantial pressure on the mainland. But it was by now experiencing two pressures to its commercial and cultural fame. . In Malaya it was disputed by the upcoming power of Siam; and in the islands its power was being destabilized by the coming of Islam. The islands had contacted with Islam, via Arab merchants, for long though their traditional cultural beliefs on India barred Islam from being acceptable to them until Islam was firmly recognized via Moslem rulers in the northern India, at during the end of the 12th century. Then, in the 13th century, Indian merchants from Gujerat transformed to Islam particular ports of northern part of Sumatra and from there Islam spread to Malay and through to the Philippines. The rise of Islam in Malaya was connected to the establishment and consequent significance of the resolution of Mala cca on the western coast. Islam was founded in the onset of the 15th century, customarily by a Sumatran prince, Parameswara. The prince was changed to Islam, which in his power and the succeeding rulers extended all through the peninsula. Malacca became the major trading port in the Eastern region due to its favourable position on the trade routes connecting India, South East Asia and China. Malacca upheld its sovereignty, cosseted in its early times from Siamese antagonism by the diplomatic acts of the Chinese Ming rulers for a whole century. Consequentially, Malacca became the South East Asia Islam headquarters. In the meantime in Indonesia, the Majapahit Empire divided into smaller and scrawny Moslem nations and the Philippines The Philippines, was inhabited by a combination of Malays and Indonesians, organised in tribal groups referred to as â€Å"barangays". The units possessed definite culture, and did business widely with Arab, Indian and Chinese merchants; but isolated them selves from the different imperial resistance of South East Asia. Most of barangays were converted to Islam between 13th to 15th centuries, though remained excluded in external affairs till the arrival of Europeans during the 16th century. Islam also made insignificant effect on the South East Asia’s mainland which maintained devastatingly Buddhist. China sent many naval teams and diplomatic missions to all their neighbours proximate to Indian Ocean and the South China Seas between 1405 and 1433. The main intention of the chinece for their missions was to seek trade and military esteem. As the missions ended, the Europeans found permission for entry into the Far East Asia. The Arrival of the Europeans : The Portuguese, the Spaniards, and the Dutch. The Portuguese The Portuguese started massive voyages by the end of the 15th century to seek exploration and determination of trade routes towards the east especially India and China spice
Saturday, September 7, 2019
1984 the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
1984 the movie - Essay Example The movie highlights totalitarianism through government’s ability to administer round-the-clock surveillance, limiting the subjects’ expenses, luxuries as well as their actions. Even though the movie was titled 1984, its main objective was to project the effects of totalitarianism in the future governments if not properly checked. Winston Smith, the starring, represents Government officials even though the type of life he leads is not different from other citizens. At home, he is not free, since the giant television screen he watches, also watches him. When he walks in the streets of London to work, he passes through big billboards that resemble the beloved leader of Oceania, the Big Brother, who constantly watches them in the streets. The government he works for constantly alters history in order to suit their current policies, through the introduction of Newspeak vocabulary of Oceania. Similarly, when one is thrown out of the government, Winston has to go through the daily newspapers as well as the official records until he ensures that the person’s name is erased. This clearly depicts the totalitarianism state of the government, since it strives t o take control of its citizens. The movie highlights in a detailed manner, how governments and political parties wield intensive control over their followers. According to the movie, such a vice must be done away with and the citizens should be allowed to enjoy their
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Sound of the Sea Essay Example for Free
The Sound of the Sea Essay â€Å"The Sound of the Sea†is a sonnet by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, describing the sounds of the sea and relating it to human inspiration. Through only auditory images of the sea and other powerful natural forces, Longfellow effectively alludes to the nature of human inspiration. Through detailed and sensory imagery, Longfellow communicates the subtle details of the human soul and how inspiration functions. The Sound of the Sea†consists of fourteen lines and a particular rhyme scheme (abba abba cde cde). The first eight lines of the poem consist of one drawn out sentence, which is the description of the sound of the sea and other natural forces, which then in the final sestet, which also consists of only one sentence, are used by Longfellow as a metaphor to allude to the inspirations of the human soul. The change in the rhyme scheme of the sonnet and the two concrete sentences, serve to aid this transition from description of the sea to meditation on the source of inspiration. Longfellow uses this depiction of the sea to communicate the nature of human inspiration, which he claims comes to us from an unvisited and solitary space in our soul and though we credit it to ourselves, it is in fact something beyond our control or understanding, something of a divine nature. With the starting line, Longfellow effectively conveys this concept that inspiration comes from an â€Å"inaccessible†space within us by describing the sea as having â€Å"awoken†at â€Å"midnight†, as midnight is associated with the center of the night, the dark and the unknown, this suggesting that inspiration is aroused within dark dimensions of ourselves, somewhere our conscious mind has not strayed. This also suggests that the sea, whose many vast dark depths remain unexplored, represents this unknown space within our soul, and this imagery is furthered by the description of the wave of the tide rushing onto the â€Å"the pebbly beaches far and wide†. Beaches are the extremities of the sea, where land, a terrain very well known to us, begins and sea ends, and this imagery suggests that these beaches are the edge of our consciousness. Furthermore the labial sounds of the letters â€Å"p†and â€Å"b†in â€Å"pebbly beaches†give an uneven pronunciation to the words, which are contrasted with the smooth drawn out â€Å"ar†, â€Å"ide†sounds in the words far, wide and tide. This contrast serves to communicate the scattered nature of our consciousness with the unity, elegance and fluidity of our subconscious. Furthermore, these drawn out sounds serve to also further the imagery of the tide’s â€Å"uninterrupted sweep†which is particularly effective in conveying the image of the wave rushing to envelope the shore, the word â€Å"uninterrupted†conveying this sense that the wave of inspiration is all smooth and relentless. This imagery is furthered by the 3 line-long segment, uninterrupted by punctuation. Yet, the central point made in these four lines is when the speaker states that â€Å"(he) heard†the waves. The description of the sea gives you a mental image, but Longfellow stresses upon the fact that the speaker only hears the tide, as this can be seen reflected in the title of the poem â€Å"The Sound of the Sea†. Hearing is an auditory action that allows one to be aware of the presence of the object through the sound, but not visually or physically grasp it. This suggests that inspiration is similar, in the sense that one can be aware of it but cannot consciously grasp, control or dominate it. In the fourth line, Longfellow states that it’s â€Å"A voice†from the â€Å"silence of the deep†. Here, the reader once again encounters this concept of being limited to only the auditory senses, yet in this instance, a â€Å"voice†is something distinctly human. The concept of a voice you can listen to and follow, but not see the source, is usually associated with a divine presence. This concept is solidified by the description in the following line, describing it as a sound â€Å"mysteriously multiplied†, as the word mysterious suggests that its provenance is not known and the word multiplied insinuates this multiplication of the strength of the voice, communicating a sense of power. This sense of power is furthered by the natural descriptions in the two consecutive lines, where the voice is compared to a â€Å"cataract from the mountain’s side†and a â€Å"roar of winds upon a wooded steep†. Both these descriptions are natural phenomenons of immense power, and who’s sources one can’t see, the wind being invisible and the cataract having its source deep within the mountain. These four lines can be related to the last four lines of the poem, where it claims that these inspirations aren’t our own, but some â€Å"divine foreshadowing and foreseeing of things beyond our reason or control†. This insinuates that this inspiration is in fact some sort of divine glimmer, a voice shedding light, and that these divine influences are like the tide, beyond our human understanding or control. There is a cyclical pattern in the poem, where the content of the first four lines with rhyme scheme abab, are tied with the content of the first three lines with the rhyme scheme cde and conversely between the second and fourth part of the poem. The first and third part of the poem insinuate that inspiration comes from within an unknown part of your soul, conveyed through imagery of the sea, and the second and fourth part convey the sense that these inspirations are actually due to a divine presence, communicated through imagery of powerful natural occurrences. These two concepts are intrinsically interlinked, and Longfellow uses this poem structure to further this concept, which is that inspiration comes from within you because God is within you, and he uses natural imagery to communicate God within nature. In conclusion, â€Å"The Sound of the Sea†effectively creates a parallel between the metaphor of the sound of the sea with the divine nature of inspiration. Longfellow does so effectively through finely detailed imagery that gives rather precise insight into the human soul.
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